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Fear may have run its course.....

 It might be time for the Fear The Walking Dead AMC franchise to just die & not come back. The original was amazing back in the day. 2010 it was pretty ground breaking stuff. The fact was it had great source material and it was good! There were some slow seasons and some great ones. It was limping by until Negan showed up and saved it. I don't know if it is click bait but I see a ton of stuff people saying they quit watching after he came. Literally for me had he not come I would have been done. Even that got old and really it is probably good we are on the "last" season as it is slowly dying. (I "" last season because I think we all know it is building to joining titles and maybe movies into one SUPER walking dead thingy) The sad thing is I had so much hope for Fear and honestly it has never lived up.....

I feel some of this is recycled from old blogs but lets talk Fear TWD. The original trailers had Nick running from zombies as a junkie. It looked amazing, at least to me. TWD at the time was showing the world after society fell. I really thought Fear would spend a LONG time showing the fall. Hell you could 24 style it and do a season per day type thing. We don't really see the world disintegrate in TWD. Rick wakes up and things have gone to shit. Fear could have filled that blank. Hell they didn't even need to center it on a single family like the Clarks, it could have been sprawling. Since it wasn't though lets talk about the Clarks. Well first let me just say I am sad it sped through the fall of man. I really thought that was going to be the basis but we just blow through it again. Anyways the Clarks were boring. Chris and Alicia drove me mental. I would not have mind if either died in season 1. I like the actors who play Madison and Travis but even them, I could have cared less if they died. Nick was the most interesting story by far and yes Frank Dillane is an amazing actor. The Salazar family also was fairly interesting & well Strand gave some mystery to it. 

The fact is it wasn't until the third season things got interesting. The survivalists brought in an interesting twist and the Natives were a great counter point. Sadly as soon as Travis gets interesting they killed him? What the hell was that about? Honestly they could have stretched this season into 2 seasons but oh well. Then they introduce the Proctors. IMO this was a HUGE waste. They could easily have been an ongoing issue or even a few season story but they get what 2 episodes? They were a nationwide group, that has soooo much potential. Honestly it is true, motor cycle clubs are nationwide and have their own governing bodies. That could be very interesting after the fall of man. Also what happened to Walker and Crazy Dog? The show seems to just hurry through storylines. Season 4, we see the Vultures. Again they could have been a great storyline, but meh just hammer through that. Nick dies, really? The best reason to watch the show is gone? I will always remember that episode as amazing. Nick and Morgan could have been an excellent ongoing story. They worked so well for the little time they go together..... What really gets me though is the time jump. Morgan is rushed to Fear, IMO to try and help it liked Negan did for the main story. John Dorie is introduced. He did give me some hope that the series could keep going. Season 5 was boring as hell if I am honest. I don't even know what to say about season 6. Dorie dies, so ya my hope for keeping the show great is gone. Oh but we get his dad? Virginia was a boring villain and we see a nuclear meltdown after a doomsday cult sets off nukes. Come on now, how much more cliché shit can we fit into an apocalypse television show. But let me get to the current season.

STRAND IS NOT A LEADER! Since day 1 they establish his is crafty and back stabby. HE is clever I am not saying that he isn't smart but he is not a leader. So giving him the tower and followers is dumb. Also he is the hulk now, episode 1 he one hands that guy across the roof and over the edge?? I could believe a push by the edge but dragging him, come on! He could be the puppet master. I would 100% believe him pulling someone's string who  is a leader. Maybe easily manipulated by Strand but I stand by making him the leader is dumb. Kudos to his right hand man though. That role is so well done!

Second Morgan, let's talk Morgan. Seriously WTF. In TWD we find out he is a bad mofo. In fear even last season as he is dying we see he is a bad mofo. Then this season everyone is constantly getting the drop on him. Like what happened Mo? It is like they are literally ignoring everything already established about Morgan. 

Oh and the rest of the cast..... I don't want to be a dick but does anyone care about any of them? Honestly I used to like Dwighty boy but even that is meh at best. Daddy Dorie boring, June same. Trucking bro and sis, ya same. Al was a neat concept but even her story has gotten boring and I am pretty sure that will just be the connection to the "big" series. Too much of this season has been Morgan and Strand and not any work for the rest of the cast. Oh except one episode where we got to see wrestling and zombies.  Like seriously was that entire episode so someone could tombstone a zombie?? Either way this whole series seems very played out. My final thoughts are on Alicia. I don't get it, why she is so important? I have never thought her character was well laid out. Why both "sides" seem to think she is going to be the savior is beyond me. Also Madison is somehow coming back?? Honestly guys to me all this seems stretching to keep the series going. Maybe I am being negative but I do believe this series has run its course and maybe needs to be done as well.....


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