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Showing posts from July, 2016

30 Day writing Challenge #27 What I wore today

What I wore today? Seriously? That is a pretty weak topic, but I guess it is a challenge to get one thinking. So Challenge Accepted. It is 26 degrees. I wear the same thing is summer that I have for oh the last 20 years! Board shorts and a tee (Usually a skate tee. Oh and that’s a lie, like every silly person I did wear jean cut offs in the 90’s. Thank fuck that went away.) Anyways I pretty much always wear the same thing in the summer shorts and a tee. I go have khaki shorts for nice important things but in general board shorts do me fine. Skate tees and board shorts. Today it is a white Hurley shirt, is Hurley even still around?? And hand me up Alpine Stars shorts. My “Little” brother is almost a foot taller than me, so I get hand me ups….And sandals, always sandals. Plus a quicksilver ball cap. I wish I was richer and could afford Crooks and Castles or Diamond but sadly that is for richer people or teenagers. Oh but please don’t think I am trying to recapture my youth or some

30 Day Writing Challenge #26 Things to say to an Ex

Something I would say to an ex? Huh that a fun topic, I think for most people it is supposed to be a bitter topic. A long angry rant. For me not so much. I mean ya like any person I have had bitter moments and junk but the fact is I do still talk with my exes so really I don’t have anything juicy to say but I guess here goes what will be a short entry. First would be my high school ex. Now I know most people will say doesn’t count, we all had them no big deal and so on. Well I was with her for 3 years. All of high school. In my mind that is a pretty big time in one’s life. Let’s just say it didn’t end well. I was pretty hurt and bitter, for a while. I would think most teenage boys would be. But I learned some things from it plus looking back I do have some good memories. She also had some rough times happen but got through them so now looking back I am pretty happy for her. So the only thing I would say to her is Hey you had some cute kids! Congrats hope life is good to ya! Th

30 Day writing challenge #25 4 Strange traits

Define strange traits.... Like to some people what I think is strange would just be normal and what I find normal could be very strange. I know one thing that I find strange about myself and then had to ask for what other people thought what strange.... SO the thing I know about myself that is strange is I cannot pee sitting down. Seriously.Like if I go into a bathroom just to pee and sit down to do it well it wont happen! Is that TMI? Here is a bit more I cant poop in public, if I am sitting on the crapper and you walk in I have to stop. So at work when I am "sitting in my office" if you walk in everything stop and I play on twitter some more. I am told I am too random. I often sing and random songs, right now I have been singing the Doug song from hangover and I haven't watched it in years. Also I sing kids songs a lot, I think that is from sitting with my little brothers and watching Barney over and over. On top of that I quote a ton of random shit in day to day ta

30 Day writing challenge #24 Something I miss

Something I miss?? I don't know were to being. I miss a ton of shit. I miss being care free. Like working a shitty job paying low rent and not worrying about anything. Earlier than that I miss good Saturday morning cartoons! Have you seen what passes for cartoons these days?? I miss the original Scooby Doo. I miss street hockey both when I was a kid r sitting with a case of beer and playing behind our old warehouse. I do kinda miss school, it is pretty neat to learn new things. (Only interesting things. Fuck you math) I miss sitting around a fire until the sun comes up and tells you to go to bed at 4:30. I dont miss the hangover that comes with that though........ BUT what I really miss is the OLD world. I mean before Terrorism seemed to be a way of life and everyone wasn't an overly sensitive pussy! I miss they world I grew up in, hell the world 10 years ago when I didn't have to watch every damn thing I say! Lets set it straight, I think racism is stupid. So is homophob

Taylor is Gone.

Taylor Hall is gone, deal with it! It has been about a week so I think heads have cool down and we can look at this logically. First lets just look at him as a player and stick to facts. Fact, he is a good player. With 328 points in 381 games he is a 0.86 point per game guy. To put that in perspective he isn't Alex O with a 1.15 point per game. (I think Hall thought he would be) However Jon Toews is 0.87 points per game and everyone in the world would agree he is a superstar. SO Hall is a superstar, like him or not he is a damn good player. Now more facts, the Oilers are the laughing stock of the NHL. No team in history has had as many high draft picks in a row and keeps being the bottom feeders. Another fun fact in my life time no team has won more Stanley cups, so why do we suck so bad now?? 10 years in a row now and not one playoff berth since making it to game 7 of the Cup finals!! Now lets get to the more fun part, speculation. Hall was drafted to turn the Oilers around. H