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Convoy for Freedom?

 I guess I should comment on the freedom convoy. Let me start with Elon Musks support. No one care Elon! Your the richest man on the planet, you have nothing in common with the unvaxxed wanting the right to work. I am sure you could shake out your couch and find more money than most of us have, Also please everyone stop acting like he is Tony Stark. He is smart we get that but he isn't sitting in a lab at SpaceX or Tesla building things. He bought those companies because he is a smart business man, while he may be arrogant enough to tell them to make him an Iron Man suit he isn't actually Tony.....

Anyways I am fully vaxxed and boosted. I have people in my life elderly and immuno suppressed I love and would like to see and would hate to pass it on to them. Also my job is social I see a ton of people and often go to restaurants and stuff. I wouldn't be able to do my job without the shot. I also I want to freaking travel soon! Saying that, those are the reasons I am vaxxed NOT because I believe it is right. I have heard the horror stories and in fact I do know someone currently in the ICU who didn't get vaxxed. I also know this virus has a 99.9% survival rate. Yes the worst cases make the news. In my poli sci class literally two days ago we were on media influence and "if it bleeds, it leads" is the truth. So ya every morning we are bombarded with the number of people sick. The "deaths" never the amount with underlying conditions or ages..... The horror sells, we don't see the thousands fine every day. So I guess what I am getting at is ya, I agree with what they are protesting. I don't agree with the government using this to cripple peoples lives.

Let's talk for a minute about the supply chain, the last 2 years. I am in wholesale and our vendors are from all over north America and into Asia as well. For over 2 years now things have limped along. First no one was producing for a month to "flatten the curve" which never did happen btw..... So they got behind and some how have never caught up. To this day any equipment requiring control boards is months in some cases almost a year behind! So people who desperately need a control board to keep their house furnace running in our freezing climate are sometimes screwed, thats not good btw. Thats just one explain. I am sure in other industries, that are more important things are bad too. Why would anyone who "cares" about Canada attack the supply chain?? On top of that show me the proof! Not something drafted in the last couple weeks by a think tank but a good look at where truckers have spread outbreaks worse than anyone else. Seriously. We have seen outbreaks in meat packing plants, from birthday parties, school, old age homes but I don't recall a case of a trucker making people sick. Not to say that it couldn't but show me where it has. Not just one either but a pattern please that shows a danger to society. If this exists and you can show me common sense logic, I will happily admit wrong and change my thinking.

I hate putting on my Qanon hate but here we are... Justin the clown has put us in MASSIVE debt. I get CERB was required for awhile, I also know it was abused. I am not getting into who or how but yes in my travels I have heard more than one story (Some ya I take with a grain of salt) of people who didn't need it abusing it and such. Anywho this clown puts us in debt, then wants to take another kick at industry, is the goal to cripple Canada? On top of that as the convoy nears him he goes into hiding? This man is not a leader! Why people still vote for him, I will never know. Honestly his voters are kind of like Trumps. They seem to believe this trust fund baby is just like them and has them in his mind when clearly he doesn't. I do think he could shoot someone in the street and they would justify it.......

Now to the actual convoy, I do hope it is done a bit better than before. When they did this here last time it blocked traffic including emergency vehicles. Honestly that is terrible, if the police, fire department or ambulance need to be somewhere they need to be there! Meaning a lane should be clear. Its the right the to do & blocking those services will lose the convoy support. If something happened to a loved one of mine and emergency help couldn't get there fucking right I would change my idea on the convoy. So be smart and be decent humans!! Also you have the media. Depending who you talk to this has MASSIVE support! Or it is a few radicals "Terrorists" AS Justin said "These People" (Didn't that get Don Cherry fired?) are often racist, women haters and science deniers. Which is it? What I do know is they have raised $4 million already. Local loud mouth Max Fawcett claimed it would never happen... sorry Maxi. So it clearly has some support. Just a tiny side rant on media, I hate you guys. Well not all but most. The news reported yesterday that people who have booster shots are now getting angry with people that have two but no boosters. WHERE!? I have not heard a single person mention that. So why are you trying to divide us even more, fuck! When I win the lotto I am seriously starting Spin Free Media! Back to the convoy.... The problem with any protest is it will get unwanted support. Lets start with Keenan Bexte. How is this incel the only constant media coverage on this? Right off the bat if this guy is your media outlet people are going to distrust you. Second, please look at 2020 protests. After a cop murdered a man we had protests, rightly. I am not going to get back into that and my thoughts but ya if a cop murders a man on camera your gonna have protests. Then what happened, rioting, looting, burning basically what I am saying is crime. If you think that the people doing that were actually concerned with the mission of BLM your kidding right? No a shitty element joined and ruined a good goal. The same thing will happen with this convoy. Painful as it is to say JT the clown will be right on this one. While most of the convoy will not be racist, women haters without a doubt some will join and support. He wants to paint everyone that way and it isn't true but yes this protest will pull some of that in. That doesn't mean that is the majority...... 

The point is and why I support this is people are tired. Covid Fatigue is real, mental health is going for shit. People are going broke. People just want to travel, see friends and family and be out like we used to in the old times.... 2019 remember that glorious year. People just want to work. On top of that people should have control of what goes in their body. Supposedly under our charter of rights we don't have to put anything in us we don't want to but the government is killing that underhandedly... The simple fact is if you are forcing a vaccine for one thing might as well do it for all things. Look at Ezekiel Stephan. He died when his parents refused vaccines. I understand that is an argument for mandatory vaccines, what I am getting at is why was that allowed to happen yet we are forced to get a shot for something 99.9% recoverable? If anything done in the last 2 years had been consistent or made sense MAYBE people wouldn't be protesting....I understand the fed upness and when you attack peoples livelihoods yes they push back. SO I get it and I do support the legit parts of this protest. 

FYI if you care about pricing on products down to the groceries you need to live. If you want things on the shelves to buy. If you support freedom of choice and control over your body. You probably should too. (There may have been errors in this post. I wrote it all in the half hour I drink a coffee before I shower for work in the AM. Just wanted it out while it was still relevant. Also it is scary how much our media does feed fear into our lives. The news is on as I write and I would say HALF of it is covid and it is all bad. There was even a story on people who are now cripples from covid. Not one on people who ended up perfectly fine and that most people do....)


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