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I ain't dead!

Wow it has been a longgggg time since I blogged. I didn't realize my last one really was the end of summer rant. I have 2 half started blogs which my goal is to have finished this week and up plus I have got a ton of writing on my novel done but I should take a break and get back at this hence I ain't dead!

So whats new? Well world wide ISIS is still evil as fuck. For the second time this year terror attacks rocked Paris. The West seems to want to turn a blind eye to it but the Russian Bear Putin has struck at them. There was a carbon summit in Paris after the attacks I guess worrying about the environment is more important than defeating evil. I mean yes we need to look at that but right now maybe we should stop a war before it comes to us. I will have a big blog up about that so I am not gonna dwell on that.

Closer to home Donald Trump is making a joke of the USA. Him running for Republican candidate is reminding people of Hitler. He wants to build a wall to keep out Mexicans and have Muslims wear stars. He is saying everything a lot of people think in the back of their mind but don't want to say out loud as most people know that their own prejudices are wrong and foolish. Him winning this those would prove how dumb this world has really gotten. I wont lie, he does have a few valid points but he goes so far over that he is a fucking joke!

Speaking of jokes Justin Trudeau and the Liberal party became the Canadian government. First off he is a pseudo celebrity from a famous family, it is like voting Paris Hilton in. But I will give him the benefit of the doubt, maybe he will have smart advisers. So far all he has proven is he is a coward and wants to pull us out of the fight against ISIS. I mean while deal with a real threat when we can work towards legal weed!

The election really wasn't about politics though. It became more about out with Harper. People spent more time drumming up down with Harper than anything. I have 0 proof but I would say more voters with no knowledge came out and voted because of social media than anything. SO this is all I can say the future is in Social Media and Technology. The right wing parties like the PC need to look at the NDP win in Alberta and the Liberal win in Canada. They can no longer be stogy old men, they need a few young fresh face big in the cyber world.

Getting closer to home I want to say told you so to all he dumb fucks who voted NDP. Right now Bill 6 is driving any farmers away from ever voting NDP not that they likely did so they don't care if they lose that vote. But hoping MAYBE hipters are seeing how dumb they were. Kinda doubt it though. Oil is below 40 a barrel and they are going to borrow us way back into debt. Come January I think the oil royalty review may kill our economy some more but HOPEFULLY it will be the killing stroke for this failed experiment of a government. Flip side of that shake your heads you dumb fucks putting out death threats online. First off quit being telephone tough guys and second you just make every right wing voter look dumb driving votes back to the NDP.

Finally at home I got engaged! That's pretty big personal news. It is a pretty ring and having couple pics done today. Wonder about that as it looks cold outside! I hate cold. Also a plan to go back to Disney next year, I love that place. However I am scared one day that company may own the world.

Work is steady not busy busy which sucks. Could always use more money. The company I work for is going corporate, by that I mean new VP's, new policies and coming next year an overhaul. Should be interesting, losing the family feel and becoming more cold. Makes me wonder about my future and the carrot they have been dangling. Think I need to read some Art of War and The Prince before next year.

Doing Xmas at our house this year. Making the inlaws deep fried turkey for the first time. They are picky so HOPING they don't mind it! Done my shopping mostly, now like going to the mall just to people watch.

I have got a bunch of writing done, which is awesome. My mind wanders to other stories which is a problem. With my 11 days off at Xmas I wanna get a bunch more done. Need to get back into hockey or something growing a Buddha belly. Connor McJesus was injured really screwing up his rookie year. HOWEVER the Oilers are 1 point out of playoffs in December this might be an xmas miracle. Winter has been crazy weak, like we shoveled twice so far which is a big change in Edmonton.

I am sure there is a bunch I am missing but that's the biggest things I think I have had going on so PEACE!


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