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Showing posts from December, 2015


One day when people look back and want to know what 2015 was like. This here will be my take on it! It may or may not be "correct" but here is a small part of my understanding of the last year. Some Random Events - Greece went broke, how a whole country does that I dunno. Ireland made same sex marriage legal! Good job you drunken bastards! The US supreme court followed that up to. Baltimore had riots when yet another person died in police custody. Yes these incidents should be looked into. Police are not above the law. But if you are looting you're part of the problem. After another tragic shooting, the south was forced to take down confederate flags. Really?! Cause that will eliminate bigotry. Alberta is reactionary - Straight up my beloved province is reactionary. Lets be honest, the PC Alberta government was at worst a fat bloated over self indulgent beast. At best it was a government letting Alberta be Alberta. They needed to go and that ass Jim Prentice made sure


Tragedy has struck....yet again. For the second time this year radical nut bags have terrorized Paris. I started this a few weeks ago now (MONTHS. Have been a bit busy but with time off for holidays...) Right after the terror attacks. It seems people have calmed down a bit. The cry for blood is still there but not as crazy as before. At least here it has calmed down. I cant really speak for Paris. I wont lie. I assume their anger is still red hot. And rightly so. How much more can we as a civilized people stand. I wont back off of this ISIS NEEDS ELIMINATED. With any force and tactic we can use. This is eye for an eye biblical shit. There is no reasoning with madmen. I don't think there has ever been a more clear reason that state and church should be separate. These people don't play by the "rules" of war. They love to attack the helpless and innocent. It is called terrorism because that's what they do. They don't stand and fight but bring wars to people

A Quick Christmas Rant!

2 days away! My favorite holiday! At least until my birthday is recognized as a national holiday. But either way it is almost Christmas. Wanna know why it is my favorite holiday? Peace on Earth and good will to men. If my history books and Hollywood have taught me anything it is that even the most evil Nazis put down the guns and had a day of peace. I think even most criminals take the day off. So there we have it peace on Earth good will to men. I am gonna do a bit of bitching. This whole what to say political correctness is just fucking dumb. I say Merry Christmas. Just fucking let me say it. If you don't like it then ignore it. If you wanna be a bitch and not offend someone say happy holidays. I wont hold it against you. Say happy Jew day or whatever Muslims says. Just say it, be merry and let everyone else be merry in their own way. Presents are great, giving and getting. It is fun to watch people open things specially when you get them something they really like. Don'

I ain't dead!

Wow it has been a longgggg time since I blogged. I didn't realize my last one really was the end of summer rant. I have 2 half started blogs which my goal is to have finished this week and up plus I have got a ton of writing on my novel done but I should take a break and get back at this hence I ain't dead! So whats new? Well world wide ISIS is still evil as fuck. For the second time this year terror attacks rocked Paris. The West seems to want to turn a blind eye to it but the Russian Bear Putin has struck at them. There was a carbon summit in Paris after the attacks I guess worrying about the environment is more important than defeating evil. I mean yes we need to look at that but right now maybe we should stop a war before it comes to us. I will have a big blog up about that so I am not gonna dwell on that. Closer to home Donald Trump is making a joke of the USA. Him running for Republican candidate is reminding people of Hitler. He wants to build a wall to keep out Mexi