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T.V Review 2014.....

So 2014 is over, I guess now is as good a time as any to put out there what I liked in T.V this year. First off it was sad to see Sons leave TV. From the first season, when I bought a reaper crew hat and was almost in a fight in a bar over my "gang" hat to Jax driving Johns bike into a semi it was a helluva show. I do think it changed in season 4. It does become much darker and violent but i do think that was Mr. Sutters vision. It is one of the only shows I can say never had a dull season. There was more than enough prison rape though... Also first show i hate Donal in.Hoping Kurt Sutter has as much luck with his next show....

Boardwalk Empire! How did it become the final season and how did I not know it was on until the finale!! Nucky was the guy I loved to hate. Cosmic justice Jimmys kid took him out. I did also like that most of it wrapped up nice and it did stick to reality. I thought it coulda went on more but either way it was great.

True blood, about frickin time. How is sat through that shit is beyond me! But I did so i guess that does say something for the draw that show had. Thank god that mess is over!!!

New shows to watch, True detective, wow. Amazing, if they can keep up like that season this show has a future! Pretty Matthew played a great burn out. Woody was epic too. I will say it was slow at first but it did draw you in and by the end it was a nail biter.

Gang related, why was this show take off the air? The writing was great, the actors were awesome and it was set so that the next season wouldn't be so predictable. I dunno it had alot of potential and maybe shoulda been on FX...

I know it will be on season 3 this year and isn't new but VIKINGS. One word, awesome. For those who the fat king supposedly killed Ragnar (yes it is loosely based on reality) but lets hope that is many season away! Second show I hate Donal in.

Gotham! Even though I keep waiting for the Dark Knight to smash something it hasn't let me down. Gordon is awesome, although I keep seeing Ryan al a O.C days. Donal Logue is wicked!! And it is a show I don't hate him in. Fish is kind of a weak character but i assume she has something coming. Also i have always hated the Penguin and thought I would here but no, the actor is amazing!

The only other new show I watched was Chicago P.D. Take it or leave it. It is like Shield lite. Yes I likely will get caught up on it but it is far down the totem pole.

Big fails...Agents of Shield. Maybe it got better but it sure didn't catch my eye. Dracula, wtf the bad man was an environmentalist. Even though i love the actor that was kinda crap....

Quick list of shows I started but fell behind on and I did think had potential. Sleepy Hollow, Blacklist. Short list I guess.

Bones, I do love you but i think you might have had your run. Need a new villain or something. I will admit Sweets death shocked the shit outta me!

Once Upon a Time, Frozen?? Really?? Are we getting that desperate? Not that it hasn't been a good season but WTF and 3 bad witches Cruella, Ursala and Maleficent?? Are we going down the lost road to making no sense?? I think it is up to Hook and Gold to keep this show alive!!

5.0 always gonna be just fun cop show, not a big plot but once and awhile that is nice.

The Walking Dead. Kick ass! The Governor was a let down but this new season has been good. My only bitch is that the most popular person isn't even in the graphics!!

I am so far behind on Breaking bad and Shameless it is sad.....

Anyways i see i watch way to much TV! And that's all folks!


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