Ever kick a bee hive, I kicked a proverbial one on social media a couple days ago with a single post. Something about having an unelected Prime Minister in Canada. I wish at the point I did have the coffee mug that said Liberal Tears. People with names like Mr Woke or Mr Left started snapping. Honestly I am picturing the memes of some purple haired they/them yelling at a screen, anyways Let's dive in.....
Start with a simple question, which riding is Mark Carney sitting in? I mean he was voted into government in a free and fair election right?
"You don't understand how the Westminster system works!" Yes clowns I do. I am going to say on social media there probably aren't many people that are going to teach me how the government is set up. Maybe about different departments or laws sure. In fact it was fairly recently I learned about Gladue Papers, that was actually interesting. How the government works though, no thats pretty basic and straight forward. I know the leader of the governing party will be the PM. All Canadians should know that. So I guess thank you for explaining to me grade school social studies and proving you understand it.
It was funny when I read it so I have to write it. Whats the difference between Carney and a toilet. A toilet has a seat!
Now lets do critical thinking! We all love democracy, but it has its flaws. First past the post voting being a big one. Letting an unelected person become PM is another. No it does not happen often, but here we are. This system of democracy is a few hundred years old, guess what people, as we see flaws we should fix them! Hell every opposition party says they are fixing first past the post, until they win and it helps them.... This issue should be the same. An "unelected" person should NEVER become the leader of the nation. Seriously that flies in the face of democracy. I get it, these online idiots tried to explain to me. "Oh well you didn't vote for PP as Conservative leader. We don't vote for PM." Again thanks for the grade school reminder, no we don't. HOWEVER that leader should at least hold a seat in the house! This isn't hard to understand. The only people who voted for Mark would be members of the liberal party. So our PM isn't really who the nation picked but who a select few people in the nation picked. I was told roughly 130,000 people. Out of 40 Million. So less than 1% of the country. It would be one thing for the NDP or the Cons currently to have a change in leadership, they are not the PM. They aren't the face of Canada and supposedly the leader of the nation. For the slow kids in the back, Carney is now the leader of and elected government and he has never even run in a riding to get a fair vote of Canadians. No again we dont vote for the PM however the PM does affect the vote. Back in 2015 a big reason the Libs got so many votes was the face of Castreau. Fresh and a change! Boy was that a mistake but to say the PM doesn't influence the vote or a person doesn't take who the party leader is into consideration while voting is just a lie. Its fine if it defends your position to say we don't vote for the PM keep saying it. Technically it is true and you are right but.... To close out the paragraph once again. I know how the system works, that's not the issue. The issue is the system is broken, or has a kink. An unelected person with no seat in government should never be head of it. Can you imagine if the Cons win the next election and PP decides to step aside and let Harper lead the party again. Liberals heads would explode! Literally explode, they were calling him Hitler and Castreau still blames him for issues. At that point I don't think liberals would be so okay with "how the system works"
I won't attack the person of Mark Carney, thats been done enough and when you see these attacks online it is hard to know which are real and which are made up. However Carney does have dual citizenship, which is another problem that should be fixed. No person who is the leader of our nation should have citizenship anywhere else. I don't feel I should have to explain that and since I am trying to do this in 20 minutes I am not going to. I just feel that is a second issue Carney brings up.
So I get it, I understand how Carney is the PM. Please don't try and explain that to me. You're not super clever and teaching me anything. I do ask again, what seat does he hold? So again the unelected PM. A flaw in the system.
That was my 20 minute blog, not very edited sorry. I was about to post and then I saw Carney cancelled the Carbon Tax. Must be desperate. I am not complaining, it didn't do what it was supposed to anyways. I hope Carney does the right thing and calls an election. However I feel he will cancel the tax, play up this trade war as best he can and hope the liberals go up in the polls. Castreau knew his days were numbered and he was sinking the ship, Mark will try his best to hold onto power.....
Oh and the last thing, don't bring up Dani Smith and the UCP to me. I know she did the same thing and it wasn't right then either. Any change in leadership in a governing party should trigger an election. 2015, 10 years ago I said she was power hungry and that hasn't changed. Her taking over should have triggered an election as well. So I know you had that gotcha moment, but calm down. That should have been the same...
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