Another quick entry, a break from my other writing for a current issue. Well, it is an issue that will continue for four more years. donnie trump is president again, why for fuck sakes?! We had him and Joe B, then Kamala snuck in, and this is the best USA had to offer for president? I saw a meme saying this is great; it is like watching the Fall of Rome but with Wifi, and god damn if that doesn't feel correct.
First, to 93% of trump supporters, you have nothing in common with him. While he sure paints himself as though he has you in mind, he doesn't. He is a grifter and jumped on the angry middle-American demographic. A LOT of people felt unheard. As we can see, every minority group gets special "days," "weeks," or even "months," and it isn't hard to understand where the frustration came from. I am not about to dive too deep into it; that's a blog or two on its own, but I can say as an average white, middle-aged, middle-class male, I understand it. In general, I don't give a shit about things like pronouns, who you fuck, what your religion or skin color is. In general, if you are decent to me, I will be decent to you. Stop cramming your shit down my throat. Will this come off as racist or something? I don't know, BUT it was these disenfranchised people who built this nation. Now, they are being told they are bad. They owe for the horrible things that their ancestors did. Let's be honest. There are awful things our ancestors have done in the past. Personally, I never owned a slave. They are told basically their time is over, and now they must jump on the bandwagon of accepting everything and everyone, or they are bad. That is not true. Why should they have to accept everything? Do no harm; it should be enough. There is 0 reason hardcore Christians should have to expect homosexuality. Should they be allowed to discriminate based on that? Also, no. Everyone should be able to live happy and free as long as it doesn't hurt others, and middle America now feels they are left out of that. These MAGAt fucks saw that and jumped all over it. It isn't hard to manipulate someone's annoyance or feeling left out or unimportant to anger. The fact is, I know a lot of people who think chump is good based on the fact that he says he will represent them. Smart people who don't feel heard now feel they have a voice. This is literally the EXACT same as minority groups; they find someone with a loud voice and back it up. That's all trump did, tapping into something that did exist (Right or wrong). Of course, then, the FAR right is going to support it. So he gets this mass support, not because he actually is what people want or need. He says what people want to hear. Supporting the military makes me vomit; the guy is a draft dodger. The commander in chief is a draft dodger?? cheeto will be tough on immigration; remind me where his wife is from? chump is a shrewd businessman! How many of his ventures failed or were bailed out? This guy would be flipping burgers if it wasn't for generational wealth. He can't be bought and sold!... Maybe, but he sure tries to buy people; I mean, we had that whole hush money issue. He will be tough on crime! Dudes a felon... Shit, look at "The Gulf of America" No one, except Americans, care. He sure plays into it, though, and for some reason, mush-brained people lap it up..... As I said, though, it isn't just mush. Intelligent people have started to lap it up because he is giving them a voice and not telling them they are bad if they don't agree with everything crammed down their throats. He has got a cult... Throughout history, we have seen leaders like this; it is called populism. Framing things as us against them, a couple of the more famous leaders like this were named Hitler and Lenin. I mean, neither one of them was a terrible choice, right??
Social media has helped make this cult. chump will tweet something, and it is lapped up. He now has his own social media site; I tried it for a day and couldn't stand it. The more I think about the issue, the more I realize social media is the more significant issue. Yes, cheeto is the current issue. He needs to be dealt with; his stupidity contained, but the real problem is populism and social media. Politics at one time could be respectful. You didn't have to like the guy on the other side of the "table," but you could respect his thoughts or at least understand them. If you look at the last 20 years, that has eroded away. trump is the best example of this. Has he said anything clever? No, everything he says is ad hominem. The man is pure populism, and social media has made it that way. It was once that political parties had to work and reach out to people. Yes, there were always attack ads, but now we drown in it. It is because we live on social media now. How often do you look at your phone? I looked at it while I was writing this. How many social media apps do you have? If you say Facebook, Instagram, and now TikTok are the big three, and you have them, chances are you have seen someone's post about politics on it. On top of that, "fact checks?" Who hasn't seen a post that is a lie, or not a lie, but spun so hard away from the actual facts that it might as well be a lie? Goebbels would be in heaven. The cult is also no longer about politics or the party; it is about trump. Watch his supporters, the flags, the hats, the shirts. It is all about him. Not the republican party. He is the man for the job, not the party. There is alreadys a third term project, trying to get him a 3rd term. Fuck no! Populism is dangerous because it pushes the power to a single man and away from the system. Most democratic nations have checks and balances, and a populist leader like chump will say those things that have kept a nation running for centuries shouldn't apply to him. The world must watch for this, not just laugh at the orange man. When they try to subvert the system or have an "emergency" that gives power to chump and chump alone, that is when the world is in danger. Hopefully, there is enough disdain for him that this is never allowed to happen. Either way, there will never be a better case study of the negative effects of social media and populism on politics.
In some ways, though, what he is saying is good even if he doesn't actually mean it. The flow of drugs into the States from Canada and Mexico is significant. A trade war will not solve that. When they have major ports like L.A., NY, and Miami, this shit is going to get in. Is he going to declare war on the ocean? Without a doubt, we here in Canada need to do something better. The NY mafia has known for DECADES, yes trumptards DECADES that smuggling drugs in through Canada is the best way to do it. In fact, unless Mr. Bone Spurs had his head in the sand, he should have known this from his time as prez before or from knowing NY so "well". He is lying to you. It has 0 to do with drugs, but it has the Fox News crowd cheering him on. It will hurt the Canadian economy badly. Sure, Castreau is retaliating, but it will not have the same impact. In trade, we do rely on the states a lot more than they depend on us. The ONLY thing this will do is drive more Canadian businesses into the dirt or make us trade with the states enemies more. We can get what we need from other nations, yes it will cost more because it isn't right next door, but it can be done. All it will do, though, is strengthen foreign economies. That's right, chump, drive more money into China... On top of this, deporting illegals. In reality, there is nothing wrong with America for Americans. However, that can't happen now. Way too much of the states has started to rely on immigration. Is Barron Trump going to make his own Starbucks? Or mow the lawn at Mara Lago? Over the years,, the stateshave become dependentnt on people willing to dlow-wagege jobs, aey have put immigrants in those roles. It has worked well for the "upper" class,, but we can'tcan't expect trump to think about long or far-reachingfar-reaching consequences, can we? Or banning trans athletes in female sports, I don't think that's a bad thing. Is it really a concern for him? No. The guy isn't an athlete. It keeps the cult going, though, with us vs. them. Renaming the Gulf of Mexico? Again is absolutely useless. Literally, no one in the world cares except the cult. This one actually has no benefit except that it pumps the cult up. Most of the world is ignoring this. Look at some of his appointments as well. Linda McMahon in charge of education. WWE in charge of education? I am not getting into it with wrestling fans, but I have to say some of them aren't that bright, that I can agree with. I had a coworker who legit thought the Undertaker would intimidate al Qaeda. Sure, armed and trained terrorists will be scared of an actor. Also, Vince McMahon, who happens to be a family friend to the chumps, has all his charges dropped once donnie is in power wtf. Then we have RFK Jr as the health secretary? An actual anti-vaxxer and conspiracy theorist is in charge of health. First, do you think his father and uncle roll over in their graves at how fucking stupid he is? Straight up, guys America saw as shining hopes for the future have this in their family. I get some anti-vax feelings. I really do. When something is rushed out, it rightfully makes people nervous. I don't want shit in me that may have long-term effects. Would I prefer that to be dead, though? Ya. An anti-vaxxer in charge of health, what a world we live in. Also, I am not 100% sure, but I am seeing online people involved in the January 7th riots being pardoned? This is just dangerous. These people are criminals. They invaded the capital, and that's all there is to it. Should the people who burnt down cities during the BLM riots have gotten the same treatment and been tossed in jail? Ya. This is the most dangerous thing chump has done. Releasing criminals because they agree with you crosses a line. It is saying as long as you do it for the chump cult, it is okay to break the law. So I get it; some of his ideas are not terrible for the states. Probably awful for the world in general, but at the end of the day, he is supposed to look after the states. On the other hand, some shit is mind-blowing bad. It is done to keep his devoted followers frothing at the mouth. We will see how the next 4 years go. Honestly, it's probably the same as last time. A bunch of nonsense, but the world carries on. It will be the last year to really watch. Do we have another riot? Or do we see moves to give Cceeto powers he should not have, extend terms, or remove term limits? That's when the world needs to get worried.
Fun fact to end this entry. Just because you don't agree with something doesn't mean that the person is a Nazi or it is fascist. Yes, there is no doubt that that chump is dancing along that line. Everyone with half a brain can see that. He would love nothing more than to be a dictator. Can you imagine the history books if he did? Years later, we look back on a silver spoon draft dodger who failed at business but got bailed out by his father. He then used populism and social media to take over a superpower. That led to a civil war and the fall of America? That would be insane! However, it hasn't happened. He has been kept in check by the laws that govern the nation. Is he doing things that worry people? Yes, but it's still legal. Is it wrong to deport illegal immigrants, possibly? Morally, and it will have a massive impact on the nation, but is it illegal? No. I am not saying the world doesn't need to keep a super close eye on this. I am not saying in 2 or 3 years, chump won't try and bend some rules, but as of this writing, he isn't a Nazi; you are not under fascism, and if you are concerned, get out and do something!!
I have to mention one thing unrelated to chump but also terrifying: Mark Carney as a liberal leader. Not because I am worried he will win, no, although it may help the liberals not get totally ruined. The worry is he could end up an unelected prime minister of Canada. This was wrong when Dani Smith became premier of Alberta, and it is even worse as the leader of our nation. Technically, it doesn't change the power of a government. They still only have a majority or a minority, and all the same rules apply. HOWEVER, in a government like ours, a majority can do almost anything it wants. So, a party could win a majority and then "elect" a new leader. That person becomes Canada's default PM. Parties keep saying they will fix the first-past-the-post system we have here; fixing this loophole is just as important. Now, I don't see that actually becoming an issue, someone slipping in an unelected dictator, BUT that would be as close as Canada could. With chump in the South trying his hardest to become one, this may be something in Canada we should look at.
That's it; I just had to get it off my chest. The man is a moron, and in the last few weeks, I have had to start deleting or unfollowing things on social media. People, pages, whatever I used to consider clever have often become unhinged. I have made some snarky comments, and I don't like that. I will stop and go hard on pop culture and my travels. I am annoyed that I took a break from writing, which I was enjoying. I thought maybe writing this would get shit off my chest. I hope so. I am sad and shocked at the world. We created social media for fun, and like most things mankind creates, it went down a dark road. Elevating a half-wit to one of the most powerful positions on the planet and that it made such a divide in society. We didn't hate and fight 20 years ago as we do now because we weren't constantly fed shit online.
Okay, for a real final thought, but hating someone because they voted differently than you is a shit show. I see people in Edmonton calling to change things named after Gretzky because he is a trumptard. Ya, I don't agree with voting for trump, but that has 0 to do with his play as an Oiler. Hell, some people who want this probably only exist cause Mommy and Daddy watched an Oiler game; the great one lit it up. Daddy had an extra whiskey or two with Mommy. They woke up with a hangover and a bun in the oven... That is not the point, though. The point of democracy is for everyone to vote for their needs. I have friends who don't vote the way I do. If anything, we don't talk politics. They may have different values or beliefs or be in various stages of life, so why would I argue with them? That is another drawback of social media; we are told we need to hate those we don't agree with. That is not true; in fact, respecting others' opinions or at least hearing them might go a long way; as I said, we stopped doing that. People are more than who they vote for and may have a reason for voting that way. The exception is if they voted that way for the wrong reason and are proud of it. If someone promised to do something terrible, actually terrible, not just something you disagree with, and someone votes for them for that, then yes, hate on them. However, disagreeing, leading to hate, is dumb. Gretzky was great for Edmonton, even if you don't like his politics. Stopping reading someone's books if you enjoy them because you don't like their politics is dumb and on and on. Basically, keep hate and stupidity out of your voting and daily life.
Sorry if there is not the greatest editing, I tried and I was rushing because I do want to get back to writing I enjoy. Anyways now I can get back at it....
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