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Random September Thoughts

 The Olympics started. I remember when it was a big deal, grandpa recording it, like all of it on a massive VHS set. I still pay a bit of attention to the winter games but summer. Not so much. I am just going to go into the opening ceremonies for a second. I am not even religious, but man mocking Christians is the thing to do these days?? Look back over the last 20 years of opening ceremonies and you have some awesome shows. This was a shit show. Drag queens enacting The Last Supper. Then online I see clowns saying "Oh its not the last supper, its the feast of Dionysus and it is about the Greeks starting the games" No its not. Put those two paintings side by side with the ceremony and it is clearly the Last Supper. I can guarantee you wouldn't see them mocking Islam in an Islamic nation putting on the games. It has become a fucking joke. I did read someone try and say it was representing French art and culture. I could almost believe that, except it was painted by and Italian and it is in Italy. Not the Louvre. If they wanted that they could have done Liberty Leading the People, which is THE French painting about the French. Its gross and that is all I have to say about that.

Too many books on the go! I started Watership Down a bit ago and while I do enjoy it, it has been hard to get into. I know its supposed to be a classic and some quotes I have read from it are really amazing but again hard to get into it. My wife got me the new Pendergast novel Angel of Vengeance. My wife got it on audio book, which I was leery of but I really like it. The reader changes his voice slightly, nothing too much or comical. It actually really helps paint a picture, maybe more than just normal reading. MAYBE having Watership read to me could get me more into it. Two books isn't bad but also started the history of Rome. Really interesting, some names are hard to manage and remember who is who (think Game of Thrones, but harder) I am into it as well and don't want to stop!! So my first world problem is IDK which to stick with. Likely Rome and Pendergast. The more I ponder it, the more likely I will buy Watership on audio....

Anthony Bourdain was awesome. I don't remember him at all to be honest but I have never been into celebrity cooks, to me they are all fake. I'm not sure why but Facebook started showing me some of his quotes, so I started looking into him. My wife bought Kitchen Confidential which is the most real thing I have ever heard about cooking. He describes kitchen life perfectly. Not that I ever was in a high end kitchen but it seems universal. We have watched most of The Layover where he gives a quick glance at some major cities. I love it. I don't always agree, I mean I like a dive bar here. I don't know about other countries and I think you gotta see the tourist shit too. The fact he offed himself is sad. His attitude on seeing things and trying things was amazing. Part of my job I often sit for a coffee or a meal with people. Quite often people I normally wouldn't talk to, but you do get to know them. That people in general are all the same and maybe aren't that bad. He is right food is universal and it can united people.

Got a new tattoo, Cheshire cat. 5 ish hours and to be honest at one point I almost called it and said lets do it in another session but kind of glad I didn't. I have to wait 2 weeks now before I can play hockey and I really want to start playing again!! If I broke it up would have to wait 2 weeks to finish and that makes hockey a month away. Other than a small phrase I want on my chest I think I am done now for a bit. If I get something else I want it to be meaningful. Wife says no Briar Rabbit, I bet most people would have no idea who it was, if I got him.

Television has died off for a few weeks at least. House of the Dragon wrapped up. Really it just set up hopefully an amazing next season. Watched the 3rd part of that 90s show. They do a decent job of the 90s, I have already said all this but if you want the truth I didn't like the last episode. They made Kitty kind of a bitch, letting the kids sneak out just to spite Donna. Rings of Power just started, I know some people hate it but I don't mind it at all. I know it isn't exactly how he wrote it but whatever. If it is a good story, why not just enjoy it?? Same as the Acolyte. I didn't watch it, probably wont but the hate was insane. Lucas made a massive universe, there are going to be lesbian witches, deal with it. Yes if the writer did actually set out to "make white middle class men" uncomfortable, like I have seen it said she did. I guess she got what she deserved, if you go out to make something for people to hate it wont last long in the House of Mouse. I am on the final season of Supernatural, finally. When it is done that's 228 hours and 20 minutes of my life. Roughly 9 and a half days of TV. Honestly I am happy its wrapping up. IT really strays from monsters to angels and god and blah. It had a great run, great characters and a Scooby crossover but it is time to end it. I was inspired by Anthony Bourdain, I am going to approach CBC to produce a travel show for me. I am going to travel through rural Canada, seeing sights and trying places to eat. I already can do season 1 in Northern Alberta and go from there! Think they will do it for me? People call to cancel the CBC but Ill keep them if they do this.

Jasper burned. First off, this is fucking tragic. That town was awesome. Sure it was small and there was an annoying amount of nick knacky shops with the same shit. If you had been there once you could have seen it all, but it was still always awesome to go and if you left town there was tons to do. So we have a wildfire get there and things have gone up in flames. Probably by the time this is posted there will be better info on what is gone BUT what I heard from people in town was it was about 30% mostly on the west side of the town and possibly a bunch of places out side the town. That even though it is horrible, people from the town did say it isn't as bad as social media is say. Either way, it is fucking awful and even rebuilding it will be sad to loose that history. What pissed me off was the politics. Within hours I see finger pointing all over the web. Lets be very clear here, the ball was dropped all over... Federally they have been warned for years this could happen with the brittle dry wood that has just been left. Provincially we should have done something. I see people saying, Parks Canada it is federal and even croc tears Dani saying how tragic this is. Then fucking move on it. No one in Canada or Alberta would have an issue with fighting fires in Jasper even if it wasn't cleared federally. You want a sure fire way to get votes. Save fucking Jasper! I just had to get that off my chest!!! Every tragedy has to become politics and that is horse shit!! 

Hockey starts next week. I am missing first couple games, as I said new tattoo. It cost a few bucks and getting it wrecked I would lose my mind. I want a good season, ended last really strong. They knocked us down a div again because we were so bad. Its almost like they need an inbetween div. Last time we didn't lose a single game in this div and got bumped up, so I guess see how it goes. Personally I do better in higher divs for some reason. When we blow people out I never get a point which is annoying lol. Either way I hope we do better this season, one more ring for winning a div and I will be happy. 

So the sentences came down for the Coutts boys. Let me be honest, I don't care. They are "freedom fighters"? Maybe, they did take a stand, Ill give them that. Did they actually help get the STUPID (Yes I said it and it is true, they were stupid) restrictions lifted? Possibly. However the sentiment was so wide across Canada, I thin kit would have been lifted either way. The 100% truth of it all though is, they committed crimes. You commit a crime and you will have to do the time. Is that not what all these people were protesting for? The rule of law, protesting because the lockdowns were unjust? You can't have it both ways, sorry. My issue is with the hypocrisy. Khadr, remember him? He was an actual terrorist and we paid him out $10 mill. I see a person involved in killing a police officer in Calgary was sentenced to 5 years. So protesters can be given 6 and a half years, when they didn't actually do anything but you can kill a cop and only get 5 years? Please explain that to me, I am struggling to understand. On top of that we have these people that destroy monuments to historical Canadians. We have protesters about foreign wars, tying up roads and campus across Canada and nothing is done. Why is that? Make it make sense.... 

I have a beef with podcasting. I love true crime podcasts, in general I mean. However I do have issues with a few things. 1) Some are just gore porn but done with audio. I get sometimes the crime needs explained but I have heard a couple where I am pretty sure the podcaster starts breathing heavy thinking about it, fucking creepy. 2) Trigger warnings. Okay maybe the gore porn ones should have a trigger warning but I am so tired of "This episode about a serial killer" might be graphic. No shit numb nuts, if you are listening to a true crime podcast that's likely what will be there. If you need a warning you probably shouldn't be there. 3) Speculation. I get we all want to be arm chair detectives. I get sometimes some things seem so straight forward and logical that has to be the answer! I was recently listening to one where the police made a statement but the podcaster disagreed and so did some of the general public. No the police are not always right. HOWEVER sometimes especially in ongoing investigations they don't say all they know. Chances are they do know more than the podcaster, who has gotten there knowledge from news media and online shit. I think sometimes making assumptions can be down right dangerous and get people off the right track. So stop, stick to verifiable facts. Also just because some one you talked to says something, does not make it true. Don't report that as gospel. 4) The police are not always wrong and the justice system fails. Sadly more often than we want it to. Again I get it, cops fail sometimes. Robert Pickton big example of that! However sometimes they are doing their best and even from the outside it might not look like it, they are. Shit you have probably looked at a coworker and wondered WTF do they do all day? Yet they are run off their asses. It is super easy to be critical when you are just looking in, not doing the actual investigation. Also here in Canada we have a very WEAK justice system. We have seen it multiple times now, people released that reoffend right away. Criminals out after short sentences from ugly crimes. That's not the police, that's our justice system. Keep in mind the difference.

Not everyone would dig my musical choices. Some people don't like country, others for sure don't like rap. My fav 90s music some people would call whiny or angry. I am going to put it out there, some of my friends like NOFX. I do not, can't get into that kind of music. Now what I am getting at is like what you like, however stop thinking your 17 still. They had a concert or festival here recently and we had the pleasure of being downtown and driving right by it. I noticed some "interesting" people coming and going. I will just be honest, at 40 or 50 it is still fine to love music and go to concerts. Stop trying to be 17 though. You are just embarrassing yourself. The way your dressed is now a Halloween costume you can buy at spirit. At 40 its not a statement anymore, unless that statement is "Hey look at me! I am still with it! I am still hip!" Your not. Aging punks are just sad.....

Reddit is as toxic as any place on the web sadly. I had at one point thought MAYBE just maybe it would be a place to exchange ideas and have decent communication. I was yet again wrong. Whatever the mods are or believe it what you have to believe or you just get banned. Every time I get faith in the web, that maybe something is good I am let down. Now don't get me wrong for pop culture it is great, might have too many spoilers but any thoughts.... nah keep them of Reddit.

Tell me you don't understand the Joker with a Reddit comment... "Heaths nihilistic portrayal of the Joker is only appealing if you are under 25" I guess of course it depends on the writer but it seems to me the most common Joker is nihilistic. He isn't the Riddler needing to prove he is smarter than everyone. He isn't bent on world domination. He isn't a big heist guy, he is just chaos with little belief in anything. Nihilistic. 

Charles Adler, a man who tweeted what a joke the Canadian senate is, was appointed to the Canadian senate. He hasn't been relevant in years and likes to hang out on other washed up media personalities like Ryan Jespersens podcast. What a joke and a hypocrite. First he has been all over Crier media for months maybe years against conservatives. This is the same as putting Ezra Levant in the senate and we all know that would be a shit show. Also this guy flat out said the senate is a joke, so is it the pay cheque he is after?? 

Comics are alright. I have been grabbing the new X-titles. Well Xmen, Uncanny, NYX. I am liking them, nothing is super hooking me but it seems like they are laying down groundwork which is good. Except having Mojo as the villain in NYX. He is literally one of the worst X villains, why can't he just die and stay dead. Absolute Power and Batman has been great, I am surprised at how much I am enjoying it. Detective has gotten much better. This whole boring and long Orgham story finally seems to be wrapping up BUT it is still dragging. Like fuck just end it, it has been sooooo boring. 

Well I won't name him but I had the WORST prof I have ever had at MacEwan. Absolute dog shit. Summer course, so it is intense, I know that and I get that. I have been doing spring and summer for the last few years. Also it is online. So typically read an assigned chapter or two, do the online stuff and discussions weekly. Now every other prof I have done summer or spring term with. Records a weekly video. Talks about the readings, nah this guy didn't do that. We did get slide shows but they were clearly teaching resources he slapped together. On them it still said things like, at this point discuss with class..... You are so fucking lazy you couldn't even edit that out and not look like a clown? It really feels to me like this is just a cheque for him. Which in reality is fine but personally if you are putting in minimal effort as a prof, you should be on your marking as well. Clearly this is because I didn't like my grades.... I got 84% on midterm and 82% on final worth 20% and 30% but I will finish below 80% for the first time since I restarted school. The hardest marker is putting in the least effort? Fuck off. You can do a prof evaluation that they get "after" your final grade has been issued. So they know who says what and if you have more classes, like I do I prefer to keep it to myself. So a shitty prof gets to keep on going. At this moment I wish I had filled it out, I didn't, like a chickenshit. It should be anonymous. Don't tell me profs don't remember, just like normal people if you slight them. 

While I did rant earlier about podcasts I do have to say I found one more I really enjoy. Disturbing the Peace. It is a Peace region podcast. I listened to a short pod on a murder mystery from Grande Prairie from my teens and then it recommended DtP. I listened to a couple episodes and they are great. They are short but she does a great job on research which is nice. I like it because it has some things that I actually remember. Also I always knew the Peace had some roughness to it but damn! A lot of crazy shit goes on and WTF is up with Dawson Creek?

Why didn't I invent OnlyFans. I don't even mean for the content. If whoever owns it get a TINY percent of what the performers make, they have to be rich AF. I cant turn on social media now without some chick popping up on whatever trying to tease a person into their OF. I followed The Chive on most things. I think this is why OnlyFans people keep popping up. The Chive always had shots of women but they used to always have jokes and interesting shit too. Are they even around anymore? The way I see it, Chive killed printed things like Maxim. I miss Maxim. Back in the early 2000s they had great pics plus awesome articles. For real, lol. Chive killed it.

Have nothing new for gaming. Redid Resident Evil Village and then the Shadows of Rose. Restarted Biohazard. Probably play that true again, finish the Witcher 3 again. All I have left is Blood and Wine. Started the Quarry again as well but it is pretty hard to get into, or the first few chapters are. I mean later on it is great but such a snoozefest to start. Then maybe try and actually get into Cyberpunk again. It never did get its hooks into me that much. It is fun but it doesn't match up to Witcher by any means. I did see Mafia 4 is in production. The Old Country. I loved 3 so I really hope this one measures up. I am assuming it will be set earlier on.... But I guess I shouldn't assume that. 

This might be the last blog for a bit, or at least blog like this. I may continue on the series I was doing earlier about society but maybe not. Its been the summer of thinking. I blog and it takes away from what I really wanted to do and that is fiction stories. I realized Social Media is a sham for anything but keeping up with friends. Any angry post I do isn't about to change the world. Any blog I post a couple hundred people might see but it wont change anything. Now me writing a book wont do that either but I actually wrote because it made me happy. I like telling stories and even if I am never Stephen King or Neil Gaiman I like it. I read a few self published fantasy books that I really enjoyed, maybe down the road I could look into that. I know I am never going to make a living writing but I have a decent living and writing can just be a fun hobby. So this is probably my last blog for a bit. Also thats why the editing and such was kind of shit on this one. I didn't put in as much effort. I am going to do some writing I really want to do, that I enjoy. Of course if something crazy happens I will blog about it. I am sure in a month or so as the states election really heats up I will have something to say, yes I know it won't change anything but I do like to vent.


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