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Random July Pop Culture and Thoughts

SO school has been insane. I dont really have time to blog but I do need a break now and then, so this is a quick one on lunches and coffees when I am not doing school shit. It is a mix of a few things that have been on my mind and a bit of pop culture. Sorry if it is edited for shit and hard to read....

Who are you? Who do you wanna be? Do you ever think about that shit? Events in my life made me think about it. Strangely enough I am taking marketing right now and since a lot of psychology (kind of scary that marketers want in your head) is in it, my school brought up the same question. For example it can broken down into 3 parts. What do you want in life, what are your goals and dreams. Second what are you values and morals and last what is your lifestyle? I NEVER really thought about that kind of stuff and I wonder how many people actually do. I have always just lived and done things somewhat impulsive. Bit of back story, roughly 18 years ago my dad was a sales rep for an oil company in Grande Prairie. To me this was great. He made good money, mom didn't have to work and my two teen brothers didn't want for anything. The family had a nice home, lake lot with nice toys, went on trips. It was a good life. Plus he got to do things like golf, fish, travel and it was "work". Everyone seemed to know him, it looked like a great life. So drunkenly at a Christmas party when I was a purchasing agent I told the sales rep from my work that one day, his territory, Grande Prairie and most of northern Alberta would one day be mine. I wasn't even in sales but I wanted it. Long story short 5 years and 1 month ago that came true. The north is mine. I felt I had hit my goal. I love my job, it makes me decent money. I get to get out and meet people, see new things. Honestly I probably would never have gone to Yellowknife or Whitehorse if I didn't do this but I am happy I have. I really like those places. But that is only half of it, like a person can't live to work. It was recently I realized I really want to travel. I want to see the world. I also wanna do some good in this life. Every month I donate to a couple charities but in reality it doesn't do that much. I realized if a non profit or charity could give me a similar life to what I have I would be willing to give it a try. I complain all the time about the money I make for someone else, I say I should start my own thing to make $$ for myself. Honestly it is like paying rent. You pay rent and pay someone elses mortgage, so why make someone else money?? I realized I likely won't ever do that, start my own thing I mean and this isn't being cocky but I am fairly good at what I do so why wouldn't I do that but for some good in the world? I look around at old sales people and some of them are sad. Old drunks or people who believe their own stories. I don't want to end up like that and I realized it, I would rather do good in the world. Also I wanna write, to an audience. My blogs get a few hundred reads at most and I like that but I wanna do more. So reflection told me while I have hit a "goal" there is more I want. To travel, to do something good, to write..... So that's part one of self, goals. Further down I will do lifestyle and values. 

Eminem is back! I will admit as of this writing I haven't sat and listened to the Death of Slim Shady all the way thru multiple times, which I like to do before I say something is good BUT from what I have heard it is good. Is it great? No. Will he ever match his first 3 major labels albums, no. He however went back to what he does best and that is mocking society. Took a day to get the rightwing all pissy, when he insulted Candace Owens. The funny thing is it is 100% true. As I said manosphere clowns like taterhead attacked it hoping for clicks. Apparently Gen Z is as soft as I thought and want to cancel him. They are lucky they didn't hear early 2000s shit when all you heard on the radio for years was the Slim Shady LP, then MMLP and then Eminem show. He called himself the king of controversy, from what I have heard this album lives up to the title. Sadly War Story by Yelawolf is almost the opposite. I love Yela and Love Story is one of my all time fav albums. War Story, meh at best. It has a couple "bangers" but overall not great. After he left Shady records he has been all over for musical style and kudos to him. He has grown the Slumerican brand into music, tattoos, booze. He seems to actually live the lifestyle he sings about and good for him but that also means some of his music will not have nearly the mass appeal. Either way I am rambling but sadly War Story is not the excellent album I thought it would be.

Trump got shot at! This is legit how sad the world is now. Was it real?? I could 100% see it being a false flag, hoping to get him support. First off, he is a draft dodger and not a brave man. So when someone takes a shot at him and he jumps right back up. I find that fucking hard to believe. On top of that look at ANY other assassination attempts. After the shot, the secret service dog piles whoever and are willing to take a bullet for them. The secret service just lets him stand up?? I am assuming that is against all training they have ever had. The photos are epic though, he looks like a hero. So was it all done to make him look good? The flipside, I have zero doubt many people would take a shot at him. His own party, many see him as a cancer and would love to be rid of him. Put on my tinfoil hat and how many people that were enemies to Killary Clinton have ended up dead? He is such a dick I could see either side taking a shot at him. The shooter is IDed as a young republican.... There is so much going on here and the crazy thing is, in this fucked up world today and with so much bullshit on social media I still don't know if it was false flag or real...

We did not even make playoffs this season in ball hockey. The fact is that in kind of embarrassing. We went almost undefeated in the first half to only 2 wins in second half and dropping to bottom of div. Yes we did div up but it shouldn't have been that bad. I will say in our defense 3 loses were forfeits due to being on Oiler game nights during the playoffs. On top of that 4 of our loses were 1 goal games. Its not like we couldn't / shouldn't have won, just feels like the cards were not in our favor. I don't know why it is but when the team does shitty I do good. I had my best season in over a decade. According to the league records the last time I had this good a season was 2011. 13 years ago, when I was 29. Early September we start again and I will likely miss the first couple games while a new tattoo heals BUT I hope teams fortunes improve and I can keep up a semi decent pace. Just before I went to publish this I saw who won our div and it made me sad. A team we ALMOST beat when we only had 8 guys. I wish our team would all show all season. We have an awful habit of having 15 guys show up for the first half and then 8 - 10 at best for second half. Then we drop off. I guess I really wanna win one more div title. We won a few when I was in my 20s. Back then it was a hand shake and move on. One time it qualified us for provincials and that was cool but in general it wasn't a big deal. NOW you win, you get a big fancy (ugly) ring. They take pics, you get a trophy... Lol it is corny but cool. We did win this once and I did get a ring but I wasn't actually there for that game. I missed it and I would like to at least win once like that before I have to stop playing hockey!

In my thoughts on the world I started thinking about friends. Who is a friend, in reality what is a friend. When I moved to Edmonton, I moved with my bestest friend in the world. We had been friends since grade 7, inseparable actually. Like almost every weekend together, a couple nights a week hanging out and the fact was it carried on, we lived together. He moved away for a while and came back. After that we weren't as close. Years go by, I would say we have been friends 31 years now but are we still friends? We used to sit up all night playing games, or talking about the world. That hasn't happened in over 15 years. We even work together now but don't see each other outside of work. I thought I would be "uncle" to his kids and honestly I don't even know their names without thinking about it. We still can have these great talks but that spark or whatever it was that made us so tight for so long died a long time ago. When I moved here 25 years ago I met a ton of people through working in a kitchen. Some of them I got very close with and thought we would be friends for life as well. Within 3 years I lost touch. There are a couple I am sad I lost touch with but in general, not missing much. Then I moved onto what I guess we could call my final friends group. People I met a few years after moving here that I still talk to. Even though we have drifted apart a bit, this is still the group when I see people I still see. A few of them I still actually have decent conversations with. Not just the small talk that eats up most of the world. A few have flat out said if you ever need to talk, reach out. I really haven't and maybe should sometimes, but I guess that is friendship. Not just the younger version that you "hit the clubs" with. Not the ones on your hockey team you might have a beer with and shoot the shit. Not even everyone who shows up to help you move but the actual ones who care about your life, not just talk about it. Earlier I said I value friends and that is true but the real ones are so important. The ones you might not see all the time but you can simply be yourself and plop into a conversation after a year of not seeing them but it feels like yesterday. 

I am not putting anything for gaming, I have a small gaming blog started. Not sure when I will have it up as it turns out I have a lot of school work and real work, oh and life to live. Either way I haven't played anything new. I did see a thing Mafia 4 was in development. That would be sweet, 3 had such an amazing story. Also heard Witcher 4 was in development, but heard that a million times. That you play as Ciri, that your a new character. IDK, I hope they make one but I will wait for a real trailer. Since I don't have games to rant on I will say next month or so I am getting Hedwig, the Cheshire Cat, a broken Oz sign (Possibly) on my tattoo and Dolce Far Niente on maybe my chest. If you don't know Dolce google it, it is a good part of life.

SO my wife bought me some sweet ass birthday gifts. A quill, an awesome journal I am going to use for travel I think. What I am gonna get at here though is the 2 books she bought me. The history of Rome. I am sure some of you have heard that Rome was founded by twins Romulus and Remus, that they were raised by a she wolf before they founded the Empire. The History of Rome does explain that. In slightly more real ideas. These books are awesome and I am only a couple chapters in. Supposedly the Romans were survivors of Troy. They set up a king and there was a few of them until we get to the Game of Thrones part. Hold on here... SO there is this king Numitor, he has a little brother Amulius and a sister Rhea. Amulius gets jealous and overthrows Numitor. Killing his son and driving him out. Then he has Rhea become a priestess so she can't have kids. Depending on where you look Numitor and Amulius are either brothers or father and son, just an FYI. Of course the god Mars either raped or seduced her and she had Romulus and Remus. Amulius orders them murdered, but the killers get lazy and instead of drowning them they just leave them by the Tiber river. Their crying does call a she wolf to them and they do suckle from it. HOWEVER a shepherd also hears and takes them from the she wolf. NOW I guess he was married to a nasty piece of work that everyone called a she wolf and that is why we claim they were raised by a wolf. SO the boys grow up strong and noble and the Shepard Faustulus suspected who they were. Numitor and Amulius keep struggling for power and Remus gets caught, At this point the boys true parentage is shown, battle, battle, battle and Amulius is dead. The twins found Rome. However they can't agree who should be king as they don't know which is the first twin and Romulus kills Remus becoming the first king of Rome. That's just the founding of the Empire and a tiny part of a couple massive books. I have some reading ahead of myself. Also the newest Pendergast novel comes out next month. I need school to wrap up so I can lose myself in some reading!!!

I have done this before but I am going to do it again. By the time I put this up I am sure it will be done and I won't have won the $65 million on lotto max but if I did or do, here is how I am spending it! First things first. I am getting the truck I want, getting the Harley I want and if my wife wants an upgrade she can have one to. She seems to really like her SUV but who knows. I am building a dream home, well my wife will probably design most of it but it has to have a beautiful deck with a nice outdoor kitchen. Smoker, bbq, fridge all the good stuff and a damn hot tub! A beautiful office inside, I am sure she will want a gym. By no means does it have to be massive just done with nice, top end stuff. Lets say all that costs me $2mill. After that I am booking a 28 day tour through Europe. Possibly more, maybe do the small Ireland and Britain one first then do the big one and spend a few more days in Rome. Basically say bye bye to me for a couple months. Also in winter I will be hitting Mexico and probably Disney at the Grand Californian annually. I have some friends and family I want to help out. SO between the things I mentioned and helping other people out lets say I spend $10 mill. Then $20 mill is going into the bank. The interest on that alone is $600,000 so I hope I can live of that... I still have $35 mill. Wanna know the truth. I will ear mark $20 mill to make the world a better place. But we will get back to that. $15 mill is money to make money. Investments, businesses, whatever. I hate to say it but money makes money and that's what I want the $15 mill to do. I mean yes I would love a couple pubs, maybe a comic store but I know those industries are hard. So I would find someone skilled in investing and work with successful partners to build myself a good company. Sure I want to be involved in that, I don't like when the top people in a company don't know what is really going on and it would be interesting to learn but work is not what I want to do, not for $$$ at least if I had that much money. $20 mill to make the world a better place. I want to spend my life using that money to help the world out. I want to help animals and I want to help those with nothing. People battling addiction, people struggling at the bottom. I don't want to just toss $$ at something but to actually work at the roots and make things better. I also want to support students, with scholarships and such. I want to help out the first nations and MMIWG. I want to help charities like Ronald McDonald House and drive forward medicine. That's what I really wanna do, yes I want my comfy life!!! I want my travels for sure but I want to actually do something worth while and with that kind of money I could. Oh and I also am spending some weekends down in Victoria at the Oak Bay in. Also yes even if it never turns a profit I am opening an neighborhood pub!!!

For a moment I thought Twitter had become cancer free! For like a week I didn't see any dumb posts from shit stains like taterhead! Then  I realized I was only looking at Following and not For You. That's the toxicity right there. For a week I went on social media and saw comics, movies, music and actually didn't mind. Then I switched back to For You and it was hot garbage..... It literally posts things to start shit and make the world a worse place. The more I look at social media the more I wanna delete it all....

Television has been very hit and miss. For example The Boys season was a let down. The shock value of gore and random shit was great for a season, okay for season 2, getting boring for season 3. 4 seasons in maybe work on writing a good story rather than just gross out shit. The politics honestly just got stupid. They bang on, nail the rightwing nut jobs but completely ignore the other end. Trey Parker once said South Park mocks both sides because they are the same people, The Boys ignores that fact. JDM played such a small role, he didn't save it like I thought. Legit the best thing was the last 10 seconds of the season when we saw Jensen back.... Right now I have watched 2 of the first 5 Cobra Kai! They were exactly what I wanted, same classic formula for action and comedy. SO FAR I dig what has happened. It is pretty cool to see them all come together. Introducing all new villains for a single and final season I am not sure about but I hope it pans out. This series has been great and I hope the final season ends well. Okay the Miguel goes to Mexico story was hot dogshit but other than that this has been a great series.  So many great series have awful endings. House of the Dragon has been great. It is so well done, I feel bad for everyone and hate everyone at the same time. Well except for Daemon, I love him and Rhaenyra. I mean she should be the true queen so I don't hate her either. What sucks is how many spoilers are out. Also I do laugh a bit, the series is about the death of dragons and house the Targaryen family falls, so ya there is gonna be a ton of death! I just can't wait to see Cole get killed!! Interview with the Vampire wrapped up. I would need to reread but I don't think exact same as the books. Doesn't matter, they have done an amazing job with the series. I can forgive Armand not looking right, I can forgive Louis race swap. The actor that plays Lestat is freaking amazing! He is exactly how I picture Lestat when I read the books. I have made it to season 13 of Supernatural. It is good... I say that hesitantly. It is still good but I am glad there isn't much left. It is getting way too kooky. It needs to wrap up before it become a hot mess. I think they did since it ends at 15 but ya now it is getting kinda bad....

The wife an I for sure are DINKS. So in general if we want or need something we can just go get it. I am not really into keeping up with the Jones. I wanted a Harley this year and a friend got one. I thought my truck was paid off but not until next spring. So next spring when it is affordable I will do it. Sure at this minute I would love to be ripping around on one but I am not about to give up a comfortable lifestyle for it. I should have a more active lifestyle, play hockey weekly but should do more and I know it. I also feel like I should get out and see people more. 10 years ago maybe 15 there wasnt a week I didnt see people. Now people have children and have grown apart. Damn crotch goblins... but for real I think people need that connection. Also as I stated travel. I want to be the cool uncle who has seen the world, so that is something I have to work at and save for. We have our dogs and I love walking them, I love when they cuddle. In general I think animals are better than humans. They make me happy. While school does stress me out, it gives me a goal. I have time to read, write or game clearly. Meaning I have leisure time. I do want to golf and fish more. I do want to put more time into my writing but at the end of the day, I have a pretty decent life. At the end of the day if I was to describe my lifestyle it would be comfortable!

So podcasts are crazy. I admit I listen to them  a lot and I do listen to a lot of Canadian crime. I have a friend, his cousin went missing roughly 8 months ago. There is already podcasts on it. Part of me is horrified that ongoing cases are already out there that quick and part of me is happy. Getting the word out like that, maybe someone will come forward with something useful while it is still kind of fresh. I have audible now, or I am using my wifes but I am about to listen to Kitchen Confidential. I am not sure why but Facebook started showing me stuff about Anthony Bourdain and the more I learned the more I really liked this guy.  We have been watching his series the Layover and listening to him, he is cook. Just like I remember cooks. They have all these shows now like Bar Rescue or Gordon Ramsay shit show where these guys are screaming and carrying on like retards. Every place I worked if someone acted like that they would get punched. Bourdain on the other hand reminds me of a cook. Way off of podcasts here though. Oh total side note, I did listen to a few episodes by various pods (Some good some bad) on the possibility of an Edmonton serial killer and on Amber Tuccaro. The same "name" keeps coming up. Or should I say person. No one will say the name (I assume to not get sued.) but a quick google search will tell you who it is. It is crazy, someone can be so well known and suspect in such awful shit but still lives a fine life....

Last is values and sadly this was were I struggled, a lot. Saying that is kind of weird. I value family and friends. I value loyalty. In my life many times friends or family has bailed me out. I know I am lucky that doesn't always happen for people, so I value the family and good friends I have. I value loyalty. Now when I say that I don't mean the guys with that tattooed on themselves but the people who always have your back and stick up for you. Even when your wrong. I mean sure after maybe they give you a tongue lashing for being dumb but to others they have your back. I value the freedom to say what you want but also to know when it isn't your time to say shit. I rant a lot but I also hold my tongue a lot. What other people do isn't my concern. So ya I can rant but that doesn't mean I should run my mouth. I think the entire world would be better place without so many people trying to force their ideas on others. So I guess I value freedom of speech just not pushing your ideas on others. I value kindness and I like seeing it in people. I have a hard time with it, if I am honest. I like helping people, I also get mad when I see people not trying to help themselves. I value knowledge and adventure. Getting out and seeing the world and meeting new people is an amazing life.  I said I have a comfy life and I really value that. I have been pretty broke, evicted and pawning CDs for $2 ea. I can tell you being comfortable is a much better life. I don't know if these are values or things I am grateful for. I guess that's what I mean with I struggled to think this part up.

I don't know what to say for comics. X men has been relaunched. I only have the first one as of right now. Again while it had some corny parts, I will miss Krakoa. Heir of Apocalypse has been okay, I just read the issue where the mutants aren't dying though and it feels like a giant cope out fail. Out of all of them really only Sinister makes a decent heir. Detective comics really needs to move past Orgham story, it is so long and boring. After a few amazing years of stories this is making me go insane!! Now Absolute Power is awesome so far!! I will be honest, free comic day I hated the freebie. However reading the first issue I was hooked. I asked my shop to give me all the main story line. Get Fury is amazing. I didn't know Ennis was coming out with this but when you let him write the Punisher and Nick Fury you are going to get some crazy ass shit! Ennis seems to know and love Nam.... I am not going to get into movies cause to be honest I haven't really seen anything new or amazing BUT next weekend we see Deadpool and I can't wait. I believe the MCU said yes this is the start of mutants in the MCU (And they need it) plus even though 2 wasn't amazing I think with Wolvie this is the best Deadpool. 

I have to end with another comment on American politics. So Joe Biden threw in the towel. Honestly it is the best thing they could do. He may have been alright when he won 4 years ago but anyone watching has seen a quick demise, even with the white house doing there best to hide it. I honestly have no beef with Joe Biden. I think I would take him over Trump, I mean both are like the two old men on Family Guy that fight over Chris, but Biden was the lesser of two evils. I don't know American politics well enough to comment, some say this is treason and should have been announced earlier. I feel that is a bit extreme but I can say this is going to be an insane election season now.... Also Idiocracy went from a parody to a documentary. So we have Kid Rock preforming at the RNC, okay they just like shitty music. Then we see Hulk Hogan doing his famous shirt tear. Is that not exactly what president Camacho does in Idiocracy?? Was it not a spoof of Hogan and now we actually see it happen? Politics is no longer a serious thing. No wonder Europe spends its time laughing. I assume Washington and Lincoln are rolling in their graves....

At the end here I am putting in something I really like. It is actually hard to live by but if you can life is better.....

So that is my quick lunch time blogs. Sorry if it isn't really edited and hard to read. I kind of just did it for fun and cause I was thinking. Needed a break from work and school.


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