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June Pop Culture!

 So a quick pop culture blog, it has been a bit. I wanted to keep up to date. I mean soon part two of my trip will be up, just cant believe how long editing takes. Anyways here we go

Ball hockey has been interesting. After an AWFUL last season they bumped us down a div. I played game 1, we won 7-2 and then I was gone on holidays. While I was gone we won all our games and got bumped back up. Since then we are 1-4. One of those is a forfeit since we had an Oiler game and no one showed. Maybe I am just bad luck... Actually I am having my best games ever. Most points per game I have ever had but we aren't winning. Here is the thing, a couple of our loses have been dramatic. Both times we were down 6-4. Both times we pulled our goalie and scored, then dominated for last 30 seconds. 30 seconds more and we would have tied the games. So I feel we are in the right div, just need to play harder. Would be nice to win a div again. Sadly still to low to get to provincials. I think I need to give up on that dream....

So I am not going to get too much into games as I have a half a blog done on them. All I can say is I have been being a dork and playing Witcher 3 again. I want to get to Blood and Wine and go to France / Italy again if only in a videogame! Plus been having small games on NHL2024. I am fairly terrible at it, if I don't get enough games in. Also restarted Resident Evil Village, I still love the way they mix up the story and it isn't all about Umbrella. 

I looked at a Harley last fall, I want one. I wanted to do the bike training course this year and buy it this summer. My truck isn't paid off like I thought it was!!! SO that may go on the back burner until next spring. I did buy a new fishing rod and got our licenses though, I am making it happen this summer! Also same as every year I say I am golfing more and DAMN IT, I am!

I am almost caught up on comics. They sure built up while I was gone! So the Fall of X was an awesome arc. Probably the best part of the Krakoa era. I am kind of sad Krakoa is over, I think they should have kept it around. Just not so over powered. I get you cant have mutant land that the whole world kneels to in comics, so don't make them so powerful! Make Orchis balance them out or something. There is a million more stories they could tell and maybe don't bring all of them on the island! Either way, the fall was awesome. I will say the whole Dominion thing was stupid and of course the Phoenix shows up to say them again. We have to stop this over and over... Now I did like how they said "first" Krakoan age. So is another one coming or was that a nugget for 20 years from now when they need stories?? Also glad we get to keep Rasputin, she is cool. I hope we see more of Mother Righteous, Yes I saw that panel, hope she wasn't finished off and I hope they retcon and make Sinister the actual Essex again. I am sort of excited for the future but also worried it will get milked now, getting ready for mutants in the MCU. Batman has been decent, the Warden as a villain is so boring though. Bruce for what a year now has been "off", but feeling right and beating Failsafe with his batfam was awesome. Detective is FINALLY readable again. Honestly this Orgham shit has went way too long and boring. Glad it SEEMS like it is wrapping up. I am slowly getting caught up on other titles, I have to comment on Beneath the Trees. So it is up for an Eisener award. IMO it doesn't deserve it. It is Dexter, just with cutsey animals. I have commented I did enjoy it AND I did but to give it an award, nah. From the first panel to the final kill it reads like a season of Dexter, so while I liked it I don't think it is award winning. 

So as of this moment the Oilers are down 0-1 in the Stanley Cup Finals. I am going to say this, I know I am 42 this year. Last time they made it this far '06, I was a band wagon jumper and I think my liver hurt. I will watch these games, but much more sober!! I do hope they win. I am laughing my ass of how butthurt BC is. Most of Canada cheering the Oilers and hoping the cup finally comes to Canada but since we defeated them they will cheer for Florida. Here, let me get you a crying towel. McDavid and the Oilers need a cup but these playoffs have really shown what else the Oilers need. Good D and maybe an Allstar goalie. Game 1 of the finals they got goalied! If they can't get a goalie who is stellar 95% of the time they will struggle. Any team that wins the cup (Usually) has a goalie that steps up. Last cup run Rolly was the reason they made it that far..... If they lose, hell if they win, the back end needs fixed! As of this AM down 3-1 but blew out the Panthers last night. Hope they didn't spend all their goals in 1 game. I am still not about to say they are gonna win 3 more straight but they definitely gained some momentum.

So I have been getting caught up on Podcasts. I have to travel a bunch for work now and have a lot of time. Listening to them I have to say Behind the Bastards is one, if not my fav. It is so well done, entertaining and informative you have to love it. However I have to take breaks. The whining that is also there drives me mental. Why do people have issues with people that are more successful than themselves? Why if someone left leaning disagrees with someone do the resort to calling them a Nazi? I have tried to mix it up. Canadian True Crime though hasn't put out anything that hooked me recently. I tried Those Conspiracy Guys and they are ok but make episodes much shorter! No one is sitting thru 5 hours guys. The Rabbit Hole is okay but again production isn't the best and something are wrong. Jumped on a few comic ones but nothing has hooked me at all. Anything to do with Edmonton is usually so far left leaning it makes my ears bleed..... I still think of doing a podcast but not even sure who I could do one with or what to do it on. SO many ideas, it would probably end up a mess like this blog...

I am excited for movies this year, or at least to watch some that may already be out. We are going to Deadpool opening weekend. This one I am worried about. Deadpool 1 was great, 2 was average, this one is either going to be great or sub par. If it is bringing mutants to MCU I really hope the do it well and manage to keep the feel of Deadpool 1. I finally watched Dune part 1 a few weeks ago, so many people told me to and I didnt..... It blew my fricking mind! Freely admit first half hour I was not seeing the hype. By the end of the movie I was wanting to watch part 2. That is top of my list. I also want to see the new Ghostbusters. Part of me feels it is milking them BUT to hell with it. I love them and hope its fun. I do want to see the new Road House and ya the Fall Guy looks pretty good. Admit it, Ryan Gosling makes good movies. Was kind of a nerd and watched the Dan Brown movies again, paying more attention to the background and Europe. 

So we watched Tulsa King and it was awesome, but I mean when you get the people who wrote Sopranos together with the people doing Yellowstone of course you are going to get a great mix of western and mafia. My suggestion is watch it if you liked either of those shows, or Sons of Anarchy or Justified. Stallone does a great job! The ending is awesome, setting up a great season 2 but I don't know if it is happening. Blue Bloods is wrapping up and that is sad, I truly enjoy the show. I love the family dinners and most the plots are valid. You wanna call it copaganda. Sure, I can't argue but it is a wholesome enjoyable show. Now I admit it is a bit hokey, this last season just wrapping up stories from all the prior seasons but oh well, still good. We finished season 1 of that 90s show. I realized that Leia the main character is supposed to be almost the same age as me and 1) it made me feel real old! 2) some of it I can relate to. It isn't as good as that 70s show but it is still enjoyable. It isn't quite as real to the 90s as Stranger things is to the 80s but honestly if your a 90s kid, teen give it a watch. Still plowing through Supernatural. MAYBE by the end of 2024 I will finish it.... I haven't started the Acolyte yet, another Star Wars story. Online I keep seeing hate from the right wing and on reviews I keep seeing its good. I don't even honestly know what it is about and will probably get to it one day but it isn't high on the list. Interview with the Vampire has returned. I am really enjoying this season. I can ignore Louis and Claudia get race swapped for some reason. Hell I can ignore Armand doesn't look like a teen boy, he never does... because the series has been great. Also I really enjoy Lestat!! Invincible was a great, if short season. Seth Rogen is still a loser but he does play a great Allen the Alien. The rest of the year has so much more to watch to. The Boys.... I mean it has gone downhill, lost some of its shock value but JDM will bring it back I am sure. House of the Dragon, cannot wait, if it is half as good as season one we are in for a treat. Oh plus the final season of Cobra Kai starts. Sadly no Stranger Things until next year....

Eminem came out with a new single. First listen I thought it was alright, a couple listens and I liked it. It is catchy and it will get stuck in your head. Add the video and it is awesome. Will we hear it a lot this summer, likely. Will it be as big as Without Me was the summer it came out? No, of course not. The first 3 major albums he put out will always be his highest popularity but this sure has millennials and some of Gen X loving it. There are all these younger generation reaction videos that are so offended by this song..... Really? Are people really that sensitive or are they doing it for views? The world is doomed if people are actually offended by it and they better never listen to the full Slim Shady LP. Yelawolf also released War Story, I WAS pumped for this. Love Story is by far his best album and I hoped for a return to that. I was let down. A couple listens and at this point, it really isn't very good. Maybe a good song, a couple decent songs and a ton of filler......

So ya that's it. I just wanted to get some quick pop culture thoughts out of my head before they are way to dated. By the end of the week, early next maybe I want the second half of my trip up. I have a video game one I want up and then school starts again. I do want to get back on my society ones BUT that may not be until fall depending on work and school...


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