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Showing posts from June, 2024

Part 2 Greece and a little more Paris

We learned about the good kind of nothing. See when you are on holidays, you need to plan even if it is plan to do nothing. You can see the culture, hit museums and sites like that. You can shop! You can just wander, take in a new city, take pics and enjoy yourself OR you can do the good kind of nothing. Go to a coffee shop and watch the world go by, then maybe head to another stop for a glass of wine and people watch some more. That's the good kind of nothing. Doing nothing but relaxing. However if you don't plan for one of these things you will end up doing the bad kind of nothing. Where you can't make up your mind what you are doing and end up doing nothing but wasting a day. I will be honest, we didn't do the good kind of nothing. We didn't really have time to, if I get back...when I get back I want to spend a day or two doing that. The lesson though is don't do the bad kind of nothing or you will hate it! You will be filled with regret or annoyance that you

June Pop Culture!

 So a quick pop culture blog, it has been a bit. I wanted to keep up to date. I mean soon part two of my trip will be up, just cant believe how long editing takes. Anyways here we go Ball hockey has been interesting. After an AWFUL last season they bumped us down a div. I played game 1, we won 7-2 and then I was gone on holidays. While I was gone we won all our games and got bumped back up. Since then we are 1-4. One of those is a forfeit since we had an Oiler game and no one showed. Maybe I am just bad luck... Actually I am having my best games ever. Most points per game I have ever had but we aren't winning. Here is the thing, a couple of our loses have been dramatic. Both times we were down 6-4. Both times we pulled our goalie and scored, then dominated for last 30 seconds. 30 seconds more and we would have tied the games. So I feel we are in the right div, just need to play harder. Would be nice to win a div again. Sadly still to low to get to provincials. I think I need to giv

Paris, Italy Greece Pt 1

So I just went on a fantastic trip. Paris, Rome, Florence, Venice, Verona, Athens, Kalambaka and Delfi. While it wasn't a life-changing trip, it was eye-opening. It is a vast world out there, and there is much more to it than we have here in North America. So I don't know how long this will be, maybe two entries. I have a bit of memories and thoughts about my trip. We in North America are not nearly as big a deal as we think. Over in Europe, unless the states are starting a war, they don't think about North America. Mostly, they are just laughing at Trump and his trial. Canada doesn't even come up. Most of us know about Rome, Paris, and Athens. All those places might know in Canada would be Toronto or Vancity. Barely anyone had even heard of Edmonton or Alberta. I didn't expect them to know much, but not even knowing of Edmonton blew my mind. So we flew to Paris. Charles De Gaulle Airport is a shit show. First, the people are rude and rush you through. As a North Am