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Feb Randos!

Hiram Lodge killed Riverdale! We did a rewatch of the first season and have started the second season. I remembered how much we liked season 1 and season 2 should have been good but pretty much the second Hiram shows up the shows goes down hill. I don't think we got past the third season and I doubt on the rewatch I am sure we won't but I do think pretty much soon as he shows up it goes downhill. Yes parts of season 1 were pretty far fetched but man this show goes to shit after so much potential SO fast! Echo was alright. I already wrote MCU hasn't gone downhill per say but just too much of it. Echo is a prime example of that. It isn't top tier shit but it isn't bad, it is just too much. I mean Loki season 2 seems like it just ended. I don't remember if I commented on that, it was alright. Loki has been developed such a deep character and Thor has just been made into a bone head.... Anyways, moving on. The Marvels just came out and now Echo? SLOW down, that's why people are losing interest. I did read they were claiming Echo had a better release than Hawkeye, Daredevil or Punisher on Disney + and that is pretty shitty advertising! It may have had a better release than Daredevil or Punisher on Disney BUT those series had been out for years before they were on Disney so yes their debut there really won't be anything. True Detective is back with a 4th season that even has a working title. Night Country. I gotta say I will give it a chance. At writing of this only 3 episodes have played. They started alright.... I dig the acting, I really dig the Easter egg about the Tuttles from season 1, is this world building?? I do not dig the supernatural aspects but I will see how it goes. Also I just saw previews for another He-man series and Griselda. I will be watching both. I am not sure which season of Supernatural I am on. Over the past year I have been plowing thru it. I like it and I will finish it but it is starting to hit the long running series blues where a lot of stuff seems to be repeating. We also started Rick and Morty, gotta say the first season and for sure first few episodes are not amazing. His constant burping is so fucking annoying. As the series goes on it does get better. Episodes that make me laugh I laugh a lot. Some episodes though are just boring. Intergalactic TV or whatever it is episodes are shit....

What in the ass are these "Trad" people? They pop up on my social media, claiming they are leaving society to raise a family in a traditional way. OMFG really? I am guessing 80% of them can't live more than 2 weeks playing Little House on the Prairie. I mean maybe longer IF they get a fully furnished and modern cabin, with all the social media and tech they currently have. The irony of going on social media that they "hate" so much to tell the world they are leaving society is laughable. Also I recently saw a meme saying the nerds are now watching She Hulk twerk, while jocks are out being trads and reading ancient philosophers. The nerds have always watched She Hulk twerk and while I don't know a bunch of "jocks" I will tell you this. The people I do know who could live a trad life. Who could farm, hunt, fish and actually live like that, welp they aint reading philosophy. They are out hunting, or fishing or something along those lines. I watched a documentary or two where people actually thought they were Aryan supermen. None of them were 6ft and all of them were as round as they were tall. That's what I picture for these "trad" people. I won't lie some trad ideas I can get behind, I am sure a lot of conservatives can but like I said if you have to say it on social media your probably better off playing RDR2 than taking a real crack at it. 

So GTA6 finally dropped a "trailer" Honestly it is a let down. It is IMO just a bunch of rando cuts scenes, that barely give any of the story. What we do get is, yes it looks like the main character is a woman, which we all heard rumors before. Thats kinda neat, different for GTA series. Will be interesting to see how they handle that after being a very male dominated "macho" main character series. I am sure a lot of incel fanboys had a meltdown seeing that. My bet her boyfriend or whatever he is gets killed early on. Other than it looks like she is a jail bird just released it is pretty hard to tell any plot. Yes Vice city looks awesome I however WISH they would change it up. We have seen LA, NY and Miami somewhere like New Orleans would have been awesome. One of my favorite things about Mafia 3 was the setting!! Also I stick by it, I think Rockstar should make the games but have the writer of Mafia 3 do the story. Either way yes I will play the shit out of this game when we finally see it in 2025 but I do hope it is a step up from GTAV. IMO V wasn't as good as 4. Yes graphics and game play was better but overall 4 wins, so I hope this one steps it up. Personally I have been playing RDR2 a lot again. I have been doing the hunting and fishing a lot. I want to make the best satchel and get more completion. The thing that makes me mental about this game I was looking at it online and there are hundred of chance encounters I have yet to see or hidden places to find. Witcher 3 has stuff like this BUT you are gently nudged to find them, Rockstar needs to make note of this and if they do RDR3 do that. Spending hours in the woods finding nothing gets boring. Still haven't finished Final Fantasy 3 that I was so excited for, maybe someday soon.

Why couldn't we have a federal election right now? Justin Trudeau and the Liberal party is taking an ass whooping right now. So the single use plastic ban was over ruled. Unreasonable and unconstitutional. Then the War Measures errr sorry Emergency Act during the freedom convoy was unjustified and unreasonable. They are plummeting in the polls, can these clowns do anything right?? I just want to point that out to the Edmonton city council that was so happy to jump on the single use ban like it was amazing, dumbasses. Maybe Federal NDP supporters should look at this and get rid of Jagmeet as well. This guy is supporting the Liberal party, I don't think that is what you all voted for. Castreau must be able to see what is happening but he refuses to step down. This is exposing a arrogant little shit he is, taking his party down and yet some people still cling to him, why??? How can you people stand him??  Also have to comment on Ratchet stepping down as leader of the Alberta NDP. MANY, MANY years ago when I met her in my apartment building when she was campaigning I kind of liked her. It was easy to see the 40 year Cons in power was a bad idea. They too were getting arrogant, so she was a breath of fresh air. Their time in power did not destroy Alberta like so many said it would and their social ideas are still good ones but after they were voted out, it got hard to stand her and the party. Maybe she should take a crack at the federal leadership and maybe remember when she started out and wasn't a screeching weasel. The only person currently in the Alberta NDP I could probably stand as leader is Marie Renaud and I don't think she is looking for that.... Lastly I love watching peoples heads explode over Danni Smith meeting with Tucker Carlson. I will start with the statement he is clown but he isn't always wrong. Like every social media personality he takes a decent idea and then goes way too far OR says stupid things just for clickbait. Her meeting with him and watching heads explode is amazing. Ya'll need to get a life

We are struggling! I have spent months now blogging how good my ball hockey team was doing and how we rose 5 divs in 2 seasons. How we were hot for roughly 30 games. Right now we are 3-5. The frustrating thing is each of those 5 games has felt very winnable. It never felt like "Oh wow we don't belong playing these guys" it felt like wtf are we doing wrong! For Xmas I got a new stick that I absolutely love and finally went out and bought good runners. I say good because my entire life I have bought whatever runners I kind of liked but were on sale. This time I actually spent money and I also love them. Now I know equipment doesn't make the player but I just have to say wow it is insane how different that stuff can feel. We have 1 game left before the re-div and they are all teams we have beaten before BUT I think even with 2 wins we will be sent down a div either way.....

I don't want to give this dipshit more air space than he already takes up but fuck Andrew Tate. I had no idea who this clown was until a few months ago when one of his tweets popped up on my feed. I can't honestly remember what it was but it was fucking dumb and I commented and that was my mistake. Now it shows me his shit daily. Turns out Behind the Bastards did a 4 parter on him. WOW this guy is human garbage. A rapist, a pedo and a human trafficker that thousands possibly millions flock to. What I can say is he is super social media savvy. He presents himself as this amazing business man when in reality it is all these incels that send him money monthly. Like any grifter he poses to share secrets that will make you rich. The few things he does say are basic business nuggets and not legit running a business just common grift shit that is immoral and border line illegal. I won't waste anymore time on this but if you think ANYTHING that has come from his mouth is worth while, your just as dumb.

I have nothing for music, I keep thinking I might delete my favs list on spotify and start again. It annoys me I have added like 700 songs over however many years and on random it still seems to play the same 25 - 40 songs. I scrolled down to some of the first ones I added and forgot they were there because haven't been played in years. I get it 700 songs, it will take awhile to scroll through but I forget how many thousands of hours I listened to last year, it was a lot and I should have heard more variety! The fun thing for music is last weekend Ben Shapiro and Tom MacDonald released a rap song together. You read that right, Ben Shapiro! The man who tweeted rap isnt music, released a rap song. So Tommy has spent an entire career sounding like an angry, white, middle class 8th grade knock off of Kid Rock. Rap music, which has its roots in the blues and even further gets into the oppression felt by oppressed people is not anything tommy or benny know fuck all about. Now I know it has gotten a long way from that, rappers rap about everything now BUT clown shoes tommy and benny trying to rap like OGs that actually had issues is terrible. Tom literally is Stan, its like Eminem saw his coming 20 some years ago....

CBC podcasts are funny as fuck! I have listened to a couple that were awesome, Finding Cleo, Slumtown....  The last one I listened to though wow. So the podcaster thinks he is a detective? I get the RCMP are far from perfect BUT I am going to go ahead and say they are probably better investigators than a podcaster. 0 balance, well thats not 100% correct, once and awhile a comment to try and balance it out... The reality is though it sounds more like a crime novel than an actual look at a true, tragic crime. Also tried LISK Long Island Serial Killer. Done the first season, the fun thing with this one is the early seasons the killer wasn't caught, it looks like he is now. This is the same, MAYBE (I haven't gotten too many seasons in) they end up naming the right guy but so far it is like a bad crime novel. None of the people they even hint at are the killer but it is all framed like they are. I get pods have to have entertainment value but this just bugs me. Not only are they pointing at people that are innocent and trying to make them look bad but they are presenting false hope. Oh the cops did a terrible job but I a rando podcaster will solve it! Fuck off, go write a novel.

I have to say thank you to Dani Smith. She is going to be looked back on as either one of the best premiers this province has ever seen or the worst depending on which way the winds blow. If common sense prevails the rules they put in place for gender issues for minors yesterday she will be remembered as a great leader who stood against a tide of stupidity. If the woke crowd wins she will be hated and to be honest I will be happy I am gone and have no children to live in that world. So children who can't vote, drink, drive, gamble or many other potential life altering things now can't just decide as a teenager they want to be another gender. WOW that makes a lot of sense. There is a reason we don't let children do things like that! Fuck at 18 even I was not ready for the world, hell until my 30s almost I still made bad choices and had to live with them. This pronoun BS I have mixed feelings. If a kid wants different pronouns, let them have it I guess. As long as they can be respectful of others, others should respect them. We have no really long term studies on what this might do to children, I am assuming being referred to by a different gender than what they scientifically are will have some effects but we won't know for another decade or two. However in my opinion IF a kid wants to be called something else, let them. That might be overkill by the government. Also males can't play in female leagues anymore?! Heavens no!! Thats not fair to boys who want to win! Seriously wtf is wrong with people, this should have been done a long time ago!! Where are the feminists on this one? Where are the parents! Boys shouldn't be competing against girls, at least in higher levels. Sure some elementary games are for fun and thats all good but why let boys dominate girls sports? If you are a girl parent why would you not be happy about this? 

This is an asshole thing for me to say but I wish I had more comic stuff. My comic store had issues and I haven't been able to pick up in a while. So at a time when they are having real issues I am whining.... So I feel bad saying that. Anyways I really hope they are back on there feet soon! So all I will say is I hope Fall of X is still going good and Detective has gotten better....

So why is Taylor Swift so special. I guess there are some AI fakes of her that are pretty hardcore.... This isn't new, in fact I was listening to a podcast on it recently and did some reading. I guess AI can undress anyone now, fake nudes whatever and it has been going on for a bit. First off this is terrible, I already said guys today are getting weird not going out to strip clubs just sitting in basements watching onlyfans and now this is possible? These guys are going to making all kinds of fakes... SO my question is why did the US government not care until Taylor Swift became a victim? I don't even think she is hot but wtf it took her getting upset for the government to care? Fun side note on Swifty, it is funny how butthurt she has made grown ass men. "I am not watching superbowl!" Really guys, your not watching because the media shows her? If your missing a sport because of a fan in the crowd, chances are you weren't really a fan to begin with. 

So not sure if your from Edmonton or know who / what yegwave is. They post news and things from around Edmonton and Alberta. They are on most social media and seem to be pretty up to the minute on whats going on in our fair city.... So they posted a video of this middle aged man all over a teenager, more than a drill sergeant in a movie. I am saying if it was one of my nephews or a friends kids we would be in the paper as two middle aged men fighting in a library. Ya it was a library where he was all over the kid. So then also post the "victims" side, see below                                                                        â€œyesterday i was at the edmonton public library by tc with two friends and we were fucking around in there, swearing, fooling around before sitting down n talking while on our phones. at some point some dude comes up n asks if we can stop swearing cause his child was nearby and we apologized so he walks away and we go back to our thing and eventually he comes back cause we started cussing again and this time he’s maddd angry. he gets up all in our faces and tells us to quit the swearing or he’s tossing us outside the library so we apologize again n as he walks away i made a fart noise which drove him to come back and start choking tf outta me n threatening me saying he’s gon use my head to open the door next to us. he was tossing me n shit but i only have a small bit of the video and a small video of the mf after" So what do you think? Reading this was fucking painful! First is that a comment on public education or what?? Second the kid deserved it. Numerous times the kid was asked to stop being an asshole and just ignored it. Someone should have slapped some fucking respect into this kid at home. No one in this situation is right. Really the root of it all those is a failure as parents.

I don't have much to say for movies. We haven't been watching many. I did however watch the Wolf of Wall Street. I did not realize how old it actually is. Either way it isn't that great! Maybe my friends over hyped it back in the day but I expected to have my mind blown, it wasn't. Now the cast is awesome, the acting is great but I don't get all the hype. Was it fun to see people rich AF acting like frat boys, sure. Honestly who wouldn't wanna try that for a bit. You look at movies like The Dirt or whatever it is fun to see the craziness but in the end this movie is almost like to long a music video? I guess that's what I would say, frat boy shenanigans.... The fact it is based on a true story is cool but that's almost glazed over to show money and partying. Also watched The Marvels.... It is not as bad as reviews said, it also isn't great! Nick Fury as a character has gone way downhill. The whole recruiting young Avengers makes me scared for the MCU. There are some really corny parts, same cheese that made the newest Thor seem awful but there are some good parts to. Kamala fan girling Carol is awesome, a lot of the interactions between the 3 main characters are good but sadly they wasted another good villain. The cameo teaser in the credits may be the best part of it all. 6.5/10 I guess....

King Chuck has cancer. All those long years waiting for the throne and now this. Often he is given a shitty personality in media, greedy like waiting for the throne. Is that true? IDK. He may or may not be a shitty person but the posts I see people happy he has cancer are gross. If Karma is a real thing its going to bite you in the ass. If you are still mad that Britain built an empire and colonized a big chunk of the world, time to move on. First don't be jealous they were just better at the game of life than your ancestors. SECOND probably thank them you aren't speaking German right now. There was this whole World War 2 thing. German almost to the British island and that would have made winning the war a whole lot harder. Had they surrendered the Allies would have had no place to launch D day from and the whole of the Nazi machine would have been aimed at Russia. At least Europe would have been fully taken and chances are world history is way different. What I am saying is I get it, I am not a huge fan of the monarchy but wishing death on someone isn't a good look and hating someone cause there ancestors were better than yours is embarrassing

That's it for rando's. Back to my ongoing blogs, probably a new one in a week or so. Keep debating on what way to go. A purely pop culture blog after that. Maybe just an Edmonton blog. I have found focused blogs get more reads. Mixed blogs also fall behind real fast, half this stuff is already old news. Or maybe blogs just don't do it anymore, maybe need a podcast....


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