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August Pop Culture & More

I am going to start out with how winning Edmonton is! Them Elks sure are doing good! Still no wins so far this season. Overall they are 7 - 33 since changing their name. I don't believe the universe works like this but it sure does seem go woke go broke.... They had more wins in their final season as the Esk than they have the entire time they have been the Elks. Also watching vids from K-days this year. What the hell Edmonton? While I have been writing a few entries to try and make this city and well the world in general a better place, then I watch videos from K days and think fuck it, its a damn cesspool just let it sink. Look out for number one and let idiots ruin everything for everyone. Like literally we can't even have a carnival without numerous fights and bear fucking spray. God damn we are embarrassing. Then I try and put it all aside and remember I have been to Kdays with friends when we were much younger and a fight broke out. Maybe these people that look like ass clowns aren't ass clowns? Oh also Russia can't come to Heritage Days?? Really? Russian Edmontonians started the war and are over there fighting?? Right here is one of the stupid things. We are all Canadian, no matter where our heritage is. Or we are supposed to be and shit like this won't help. Won't unify us, but cool keep making shit worse! 

Div Champs! We finally won it. 22-1-1 this season in the end. I played some of my best hockey in the last few games 4 goals in 6 games is a personal best. Now though no more hockey until September. Which sounds like awhile but in reality it is only a bit over a month. I mean in a month I am sure any cardio and puck luck I developed will be gone and I am sure they will move us up a div or 2 so it will be much harder but winning was nice. Since I got nothing else for hockey, I guess a quick history? So we played ESSC for a long time, you can read old blogs on it. Its where I met my wife even. However 4 of us guys started with BHE. This was at least 15 years ago. A much more intense league. We joined this team and for a few seasons things went well We were down in the bottom (like we are now) but started to win and move up Divs. I dunno who decided what but the team split. They were keeping the "good guys" is what I was told. Whether that was true or not IDK. So the four of us left. Well they asked one guy to stay but he said no. We went to another team for a couple seasons and it was awful. We didn't get along with the new team, they didn't like us so we moved yet again.... The team we joined was rather good. We moved up a few more divs and even went to provincials. Same thing happened again. They moved up to the top couple divs and all of us but 1 got politely cut. Now to be fair I agree with them at this point. They went to nationals and well I am barely Provincial guys let alone nationals.... Back to ESSC for awhile. A note here, if you are playing super intense in ESSC move up to BHE or JHL. Don't play in a Sport and Social league if you think it is the NHL. Legit I understand playing to win but if you are really that intense move up. It would be fun to see if a lot of these people that trash talk and play dirty would do the same in a much rougher league were people would have 0 problem hitting them back. That's my two cents.... Anyways randomly one of the guys who originally left ESSC with me call and said, Hey that first team is looking for people again. At first I was stand offish. I mean I was still a bit bitter but I went and played. It was still fun even though we lost bad. The team had changed a lot. Maybe half still from the first time. Instead of us all being mid twenties we were 40. The new guys were all early 30s. So we have played together the last couple years so 4 - 5 seasons and really turned things around from being 5-15-2 to our Div title. So ya here we are, still waiting to see if Playon does a tourny this year. Thats always fun! Update, no or at least according to their website none for 2023. They had asked for some government funding but the government of Canada denied them. I am not going to get started on that but they should have claimed some virtue signalling charity and I am sure the Libs would fund it.

So this will be old news for sure by the time I put this up but Danni Smith and PP were at Calgary Stampede this weekend and got pics taken with a green shirted man whose shirt said straight pride. Lawdy you would think they had sacrificed a baby or something from the social media blow up. Let me talk about that for a minute. 1) The people most offended by the shirt are the same people who said trust the science. The shirt said thank straight person for your existence. Scientifically it isn't wrong... I mean we can get to the nitty gritty, yes a gay male or female can do it with the opposite gender and still have a kid but I am not getting into that just the fact without straight sex, well we ALL wouldn't be here. 2) She should know better! Welp again she is the leader of Alberta and got a pic with an Albertan (assuming) So why would she not. Everyone is equal right? That was the whole pride thing, making people equal?? So even if his views don't match yours he is an Albertan an well she leads Alberta. 3) The color was awful! Ya okay the green was a bit much..... I bet queer eye for the straight guy could fix it. The best is ass fucks like Dean Blundell coming out against it. Dude more than once your homophobia was called out or did you forget that? Anyways what I am getting at is this is all so stupid. Flat out, ya I am glad mom and dad had some straight lovin and made me. It has let me be around for 42 years. It has let me make gay friends and support them in some pretty rough times. I think it was Morgan Freeman who said just because you support one thing doesn't mean you hate another. I can have straight pride and still support LGBTQ stuff. This again is people making something out of nothing. Yes both Danni and PP said they regret it BUT do they?? Or is that just them bowing to opinion? I do have to say how annoying this has shown Dr Kristopher Wells to be. It sure has his panties in a bunch... Can I say that or is it some how homophobic? I am just saying if you have to put pronouns and treaty 6 in your bio on anything, you need help. It doesn't make you a better person. To me it is ALMOST insecurity.....

Ironically from above paragraph I just watched the Imitation Game. It is a great movie, the acting, the cast all so good. The facts behind it to, how much the war was affected by his "machine" The morality of picking some people who ended up living and others who died is insane when you think about it. The weight that must have put on someone shoulders is enormous. The sad thing was how being gay killed him. Possibly one of the greatest minds of the last century died because he was gay. How stupid is that? We venerate Steve Jobs for his work in computers but it all comes from the work Alan Turing did which was sadly unknown to the public and he died because of who / what he loved. Also watched Scream 6, I have very mixed feelings. I mean I liked the movie and for a slasher franchise they are still doing good. Meaning the other big slasher franchises were way downhill by part 6. What I love, they parody horror and do a decent job of it. Also they have moved on. Creed is a great series that sprung from Rocky. Its almost like Scream has evolved from Sidney to Sam, which is cool. What I don't dig, spoilers here.... No one seems to die!! Like no main characters. It used to be "final girl" and ya they are making fun of that troupe so maybe thats why, but really when everyone survives??? On top of that they are stretching for killers. Oh hey now it is the killers family that all turned serial killer. Other than that I still dig the series, it is a fun watch. Also love Billy Loomis cameos, I think they could do a lot with her still seeing him.

Another week, a new tee shirt. #Leaveourkidsalone Here is what is amazing to me, people are outraged again over a tee shirt that says leave our kids alone. Let me be clear, I agree. Sure sex ed should start at 10? I dunno I am not a parent but about the age where people start to question things. However you have legit FREAKS like Eric Geron writing books like Bye Bye Binary. A fucking infant is not concerned with its gender or sexuality. They are concerned with getting fed, naps and shitting themselves. WHY would book aimed at 0-2 ever have anything to do with sexuality? That just continues as a child they should just be concerned with being a kid, not have freaks asking them are you sure your a boy? Are you a girl? We have had Tom boys and feminine boys for as long as we have had humans. Stop trying to indoctrinate kids. Saying all that, yes I am okay with GSAs in schools. When a child becoming a teen has questions, they should feel safe to ask them. They should have support and honestly they should be educated, there is nothing wrong with that. However before that they don't need all this other bullshit. Also JK Rowlings of course was in the news again saying under 14 is too young to be picking their gender. Fuck ya she's right! We don't let kids drink, drive, vote and a million other things because they aren't ready. Same goes for "choosing" their gender. I woulda chose to be a ninja turtle! Beyond all that if the Muslim community isn't comfortable with LGBTQ issues, they don't have to be. I though that was the whole thing, accepting people for who they are. If they are not promoting hate, then I guess suck it up. The aren't promoting violence or spreading hate speech, they are asking that their beliefs be respect. We are all equal aren't we. Their religious beliefs are as valid as your sexuality. Also again what the fuck is wrong with a freak who writes for infants on gender and sexuality....

Everything on TV seems to be wrapping up for the season. I did a whole thing on Mayans last week so I won't say much on it. Just as annoying as it was I did watch it every week so it wasn't the worst thing out there. I started rewatching the Shield and damn is it good. Since they all; Sons, Shield and Mayans are the same universe love to see that cross over but all of them ended killing that idea! Justified gets another season I cant wait for!! Secret Invasion was meh. I mean it starts out really strong, very Cpt America 2 Winter Solider vibes then goes off the rails into super skrulls. If you are going with them, it should be a movie. On that note Disney needs to slow down the MCU. This constant pouring out of mediocre product SURE it makes them some money but come on guys do better!! TWD Dead City was for the most part VERY good. Negan and Maggie are a hell of a story, leave the freakin zombies out and you have all kinds of morality you can talk about. Negans knock knock joke and opening up to her about it all being a show to protect his people was great. It is true from his view, they were the villains. It ends setting up a second season though?? I would rather just a few more episodes and wrap it up. The New Babylon was also a great addition to help the story and morality. Fear TWD first half was fucking awful, like literally the worst TWD I have seen. I am not super pumped for Daryl or Rick series but we shall see. The Witcher honestly was kind of a let down.... The first half started strong, then we only get 3 episodes. One of Ciri just wandering. Yes I know that is in the books but it was boring. Also this recent statement Ciri is the protagonist, really? They lost Henry and now want to shift it. YES Ciri is the main plat point but it is about Geralt. Its the Witcher series FFS. Not the Witchers daughter or the Lady of Time and Space. Yes I will freely admit Ciri is super important and for sure the second character in it but give me a break. Its Geralt. Now I don't want to see the change of Geralt but I am willing to give it a go. I am just worried it is about to get the Disney treatment, milked too much. So far we have 2? other spin offs. Now they are making the "Rats" I have 0 interest. I will give it a try but a Bloody Falka spin off would be way better, at least IMO. 

Got my first tattoo a week ago. A line art wolf. I have always wanted some but have always been afraid of needles. I bit the bullet and did it, for anyone thinking about it. DO IT! Sure there is a bit of a sting and of course where you get it will affect the level but literally the arm was pretty damn easy. I will be getting at least 2 more when I can but they are a bit of work.... Afterwards you need to keep them very clean and moisturized for weeks. It is summer and I want to get to the lake and golf BUT I can't have it in direct sun for 3 - 4 weeks. So long sleeved golf and can't hop in the lake even though I want to. Also if hockey was going on I would have to miss a couple weeks cause sure as shit would not want rough contact on it!! However I am super happy with it and like I said will be getting more. If it is a worry about pain or something holding you back, do it it is no problem....

So I have been listening to a group called Snotty Nosed Rez Kids. The 90s called, they want their rap back guys..... I mean that as a compliment. Rez Kids do sound like late 80s - early 2000s rap and that is when rap was actually good and we had talented artists. Think good Tupac (Before it was all gangster shit) maybe a bit of NWA and toss in some Rage Against the Machine. Now instead of it being solely Black put it as Native. It seems to be a very honest (mixed with a lot of sarcasm) look at that part of society in Canada. Do I 100% agree with everything they say?? No of course not. I really like what JWR says to, but that doesn't mean she is always right. This goes with probably any protest music including the groups I named earlier, love all of them don't agree with everything they say. 

What the fuck is an Andrew Tate? Other than a guy missing a chin. So on twitter I see this pic of a group of guys who look like they are about to play, who's in my mouth and the text says something like "Spend a month all expenses paid, travelling the world staying in the finest hotels, eating at the finest restaurants OR train with the Warriors something or other" Easy question, see the amazing sites of the world all expenses paid! Why do I wanna learn how to win at who's in my mouth? Then for some reason after this he keeps showing up on my feed. With brilliant ideas like convert all of Britain to Muslim. So again, who is this, why is he so dumb and why is he on my timeline???

So I have found the Lights Out podcast, I dig it. The fact is the episodes are actually a little long but they are full of info. I like the fact that it is loosely themed. Mostly about dark and scary shit but not just supernatural but also real people, real horror. I mean I was liking Parcast stuff like Cults and Serial Killers BUT I get annoyed how much speculation there is. "Well possibly this is what he felt or thought", that really isn't my cup of tea. I can just spout what I think people though and did all day, hardly makes it true. Also as I am travelling a lot over the summer, thought of getting more into audio books but they are hard. Like I did the Prince and The Art of War last summer but when it is that dry, ya it makes a drive even longer. 

Crier media should honestly just change its name to dog shit media. Legit, like is it washed up hacks like Dean Blundel and Charles Adler to go whine when no one else wants them around anymore? I have tried my best, even stated on Twitter rather than comment on every dumb thing I see posted I will let it go. I am learning that social media in general really isn't a good thing. It has been dividing people and seems to have moved from a fun place for friends to hang and become an advertising giant where people go to argue or shit post..... Commenting on there really won't change anything or make anything better so I will do my best to stop BUT these clowns from Crier media make it so hard. 

HOLY BALLS, I started The Last of Us 2. Did the opening "training" missions and just watched Joel get killed! First off, will that make it to the TV series?? Like it is HBO and they did cut Ned Starks head off, true to material so will Joel get it? My wife and I are thinking they will switch it to Tommy to keep Pedro (Lets be honest the biggest draw for the show) BUT it is HBO so he could be gone. Either way damn, thats how you start a game. Like now I literally just want to sit and play and get very murder-y! 

Finished my writing course with 87%. Honestly kinda sad, I started way stronger than that BUT last couple assignments didn't get the full time and attention they needed plus I do know my weaknesses like grammar and shit and it brought the marks down. Doing psychology now, it is interesting and since beginner course kind of hard. Learned all about the brain and its parts and such. That was long, dry reading but some things like learning and thought afterwards have been very neat. Sitting about 88% in the first half, I do like courses that let you know where you are as they go. What sucks is I want to work ahead but this prof doesn't let you. It goes week by week, which is okay if you don't work fulltime and travel for work but oh well.... Sadly this is the last "option" I can take now it is pure business courses, some have been interesting but I put off the boring looking ones and maybe I am going to regret that. 

The liberal party of Canada is such a joke. Today I speak of Steven Guilbeault. Eco-terrorist and now "honorable" environment minister. Let me be clear, I think minister should know and be part of the field they are ministering. A doctor for health, maybe a lawyer for law and on and on. An eco terrorist though for Environment minister? Maybe we can get El Chapo to be minister of mental health and addictions. He is just as qualified as lil Stevie is for environment. Just gotta say that carbon tax sure has helped the environment! 

So I am not happy Ms Marvel is a mutant in the comics now. To me it feels like Marvel is getting ready to milk the MCU and comics together and I hate that shit. HOWEVER OMFG was the Hellfire Gala a crazy read!! First the entire story was well thought out from beginning to end, right down to how to kill everyone. I will be honest I kinda knew the plot before I read it and thought "Really we are doing this again" but no I was wrong, reading it was amazing. I might go buy a second copy. I am sure some questions will be answered by the time I post this but did Charles send all the mutants to their deaths? Are the 5 still alive?? Either way I cannot wait to see what happens. I know it won't be revenge but this is the time for it. Free Sinister, get the Marauders band back together and have an Orchis massacre! While there are a lot of things I don't like about the Krakoa era I do like the general premise and I would hate for it to be over. Also we are seeing the return of the big A? He aint gonna be happy if that many mutants were slaughtered and I don't he takes it well... Also might be time to bring back Magneto, whether he likes it or not. His whole speech to Charles from the Days of Future Past movie would be perfect right now. "You were supposed to protect them Charles" I am not putting any more on comics this entry cause damn, the Hellfire Gala might be the read of the year. The first couple I couldn't really care about but this year wow..... Also I don't know where to put this, movies, TV, comics, idk so right here.... I have said I am not a huge fan of the new Mr Sinister. He is way more Sassy than Sinister these days. I saw it posted recently Tom Ellis should play him when the mutants finally make the MCU. First, don't wait get him there soon. He doesn't really need to be just a mutant villain. Second after recently rewatching the first season of Lucifer there clearly is no other pick. He is perfect. In general as Lucy he was sassy but could be very dark when he needed to and that is bang on the new Sinister. We know Disney isn't going to make him a scary totally evil person more likely the watered down new Sinister so ya Tom is perfect for it!!


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