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EA inquiry

 This is just a quick blog that was a tweet, that just got too long.

So the EA Inquiry is done. Or as you may know, it did we need the War Measure Act? Of course it was ruled as justified and liberal supporters rejoiced! They knew it was! For anyone with half a brain, it isn't surprising. The judge Rouleau is a liberal supporter, that cannot be denied. A lot of rumors flew which I am seeing as just that. It does not appear he is related to Castreau, even though that was stated. Most articles are VERY clear to say since becoming a judge he has not donated to the Liberal party. Funnily enough they refuse to say what he did before. What I am getting at is it doesn't seem like an impartial judge was appointed. That's politicking. The fact is it wouldn't matter what party was in power, they would have done the same. Also they almost have to find it was justified. What happens if it was found unjust? Do we honestly slip into riots? Do truckers jam up the streets again? Had it been ruled the other way, the blow back is huge. Government shaking big. Not that it wouldn't be great to see the Liberals gone but this ruling seems the path of least resistance. I guess what I am saying is it isn't some big win OR loss. Whichever side of the fence you are sitting on I would hope you could have seen it coming. The actual ruling changes nothing..... Now for some basic Canadian Political Lessons for ya'll

Canada is a Constitutional Monarchy. Wanna be more specific it is a Westminster Style Parliamentary Democracy. One of the biggest problems we have is we are "first past the post" Meaning an MP doesn't have to actually have the majority of the votes to become an elected MP. Many governments have not had the popular vote but have still managed to form the government. Many of them from either party have said they would change that UNTIL they gain power, then it isn't a priority as it is keeping them in power. Many other nations have moved away from this system to try and make the elections more accurate to the votes cast. ANYWAYS that's just how things work. This is background, I commented on how Trudeau never could have even used the act had Jagmeet not sold his soul and formed a coalition. Boy howdy did that get libs going. (I noticed not a lot of NDP supporters commented though) So again some basics on government. In our system once a government has a majority  they pretty much can do as they want. Supposedly with in the law. Any bill they put forward will be passed as they have the votes in the house to do it. As long as the party is kept in line. WE KNOW Castreaus government keeps people in line. If they don't we see them go bye bye, like JWR. The truth of the matter (Or I should say my opinion) A majority is good when big decisions need made. When there isn't time for petty politicking a majority is a good thing. Big downfall the fact is a majority has almost unlimited power. They can cram through almost anything. Now a minority is also both good and bad. It makes parties work together to pass anything, which in theory should actually cover more Canadians. If the minority government tries to pass something and fails a confidence vote is called as that supposedly means the government no longer has the support of the people.  Minorities are slow and lead to way more politicking and actual governing takes a back seat to staying in power. Even more than in a majority, where yes this also happens. Are ya still with me libs?? This seemed to be where I lost ya before......

So Castreau has a minority. Big scary truckers showed up in Ottawa with bouncy castles and BBQs . They wanted to meet with our nations so called leader but he refused. An absolute FAILURE in leadership. It is one thing to maybe not meet with a few people sitting on the lawns of parliament protesting something but when supposedly the capital city is "shut down" "occupied" "Under siege" you would really think maybe it would be time to talk to Canadians??? Instead ole Castreau wanted to use the War Measures Act. He had a minority so the fact was he couldn't. The fact was he did not have the support and trying to use something like this and failing would kill his government. So he had to ask Jagmeet for help. I get it from Jagmeets side, I honestly do. The NDP are never going to be a government. Here Jagmeet had a chance to push thru a couple policies he has been trying for. He could deliver on some of his promises to his voters. All he had to do was sell his soul. I can only imagine how hard it must have actually been to chose cause at this point he could help or topple a government. He could actually deliver what he promised but at a very steep price. IMO as the saying goes "He chose poorly" He propped up a shitty government when he promised to support the war measures act. For those of you who didn't catch it THEY FORMED A COALITION. So many comments saying, no they didn't. Or no JT didn't need a coalition ffs yes they did. See below a quote direct from the Canadian encyclopedia

Coalition governments are created when different political parties co-operate by forming a temporary alliance large enough to enjoy the confidence of Parliament, allowing them to form a government

Anyways I pretty well done with this rant. My point was yes there was a coalition whether you people want to admit it or not. Also had it actually been justified there would have been no need, it would have had the support it wouldn't have been an issue. The findings are a joke, anyone with half a brain knew what they would find. You let ANY political party investigate themselves, they are goona find they are A Okay! What I find funny and ironic is a lot of these people saying the ruling wasn't biased are the same people saying the police shouldn't investigate the police. I can agree with that statement but your fine with the highest power in the land investigating itself? Lastly its the slimy liberals! No way they find themselves wrong. Hell Chinese interference in our election isn't even an issue for them.....

Also this thought I will probably post a few places but the future scares me. Not just because we normalized using the war measures act on protesters but how text books will play this out. In 20 years will this be written in Canadian history as the heroic (that hurt to write) Justin did what was needed against the evil truckers? YES 100% there were bad people there and the media loved showing the Nazi flags. My cousins that were there sent us a totally different side, the bouncy castle and bbq side. Will that be written away? Instead of Jagmeet selling out his party and voters will he be seen as a hero as well? Peoples memories are short, hell they forget things in the 4 years between elections let alone decades. They won't remember what 2020 was like, what the following years were like or why any of this happened. Will it be very slanted? History is written by the winners and sadly here the winner is JT. I am taking university courses currently and in almost everyone of the even at this level I can see the slant. Sound like an old man here but I remember school when it was supposed to be unbiased more about learning how to think rather than being told what to think & I feel like this is going to be painted very differently in a few year & it will be lapped up by the future as a good thing. Putting my own beliefs aside this is a moment in time where critical thinking should be taught, it is an almost perfect time for it but I don't feel it will be....


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