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Decriminalization of hard drugs

 See kids drugs are bad, if you don't believe me ask your dad.....

This is another quick blog that was a tweet that grew too long. Also starting it saying I know I am a hypocrite.  Everyone has vices. I really like whiskey, that amber fluid is tasty. I don't drink it anymore cause I know I can be a dick when I do. I like throwing $20 into a slot machine if I have the chance and I can afford it. What I am getting at is I am not letting vice take over my life. I am just saying I know I have them so judging others vices maybe I shouldn't but this is my damn blog and Ill judge all I want!!

First booze is bad, maybe as bad as a lot of drugs. There is a reason we have police at night clubs. If booze was gone probably less drunken brawls and crimes. Probably domestic violence goes down and well drunk driving isn't an issue anymore. I am getting at booze really is a drug, it can be an addiction and yes in a completely fair world it should be outlawed to as it is dangerous as hard drugs. We are past that though. We opened that Pandora's box and the fact is you can't close it now. We tried, what it did was make the Mafia a billion dollar corporation. That funded the rise of organized crime. It has been around for too long to get rid of it. There is now too much of a market for it so we do our best to control it & this is the road we are going down decriminalizing hard drugs.

I am not arguing that there isn't benefits to safe injection sites and decriminalizing small amounts.  Many studies have been done and it is safer. That's a bandaid solution though and we just keep doing bandaids for all our problems rather than actually solve them. First off safe injection sites are not wanted in most neighborhoods and the simple fact is they are not good for most neighborhoods. Sure they are good for the people who need them but for society in general would it not be better to help these people than rather just give them a place to feed an addiction? I am not even going into that this time though, that's a whole different blog post. Anyways as I stated earlier the economics is bad for decriminalization. You make small amounts okay, what do you think dealers will be selling? Small, safe amounts and like anything, a smaller amount costs more. Which puts more money in dealers pockets. What do you think that money does?  You think the extra profits will go to the Hope mission? No, its going to grow the enterprise. Just like the mob grew with bootleg profits, dealers, criminal organization will grow with more profits. So you are literally funding crime.......

Even after that, look at these drugs. Look at a person on meth and then look at them 10 years later. I thought opioids were a pandemic themselves with deaths sky rocketing but we are letting people have them? I am gonna sidebar here and say legalizing weed was a great idea.  Its true you don't see a guy stoned on weed fighting, robbing, killing. Mostly they are chilling, it honestly causes less problems than beer so why not legalize it and make it safe? That was a good idea. I remember smoking weed one night and then being sick. Sweating, heart racing, freaking out overall. Later I found out it wasn't weed. It was a "coco puff" high grade weed with additives.... This doesn't happen with legal weed, you know what your buying. It is safer, it is less harmful than booze and it can be taxed. Thats why I supported it becoming legal. Harder drugs won't have this. Its not like we will have pure and "safe" meth now. No we just are allowed to carry some. So people will still be making posion. It is doing nothing for the problem. All it will do is make addictions easier and that is not a good thing. 

We need to treat the issue. First more action against organized crime and dealers. Instead of going after legal gun owners, put that effort into illegal weapons. They are tied to drugs & fuck just go harder on dealers! WAY MORE $$$$ into social programs. We shouldn't be saying hey come here and get high. It should be hey come here and get clean. We have a tax increase coming on booze, we have taxes on weed. We have taxes on cigarettes and worst of all we have a virtue signal tax that is doing nothing to save the climate. Put that fucking money into social programs. I am not a defund the police guy, so I am not saying take from there but maybe give them more tools. Maybe put some social workers on staff. Build treatment facilities, programs to help people get off drugs rather than letting them get high easier. How many hundreds of millions does Canada give away to other nations every year? I am not saying stop that. It is a building block of capitalism. The original idea was people would make lots of money and give some away to make the world better. Same can be applied to nations, we have a lot so we can give some but we should also be putting more into our nation rather than just bandaid it. (Remember when the really rich build hospitals, libraries and shit rather than play space cowboy? good times!) Yes what I am saying does require a lot of time and a lot of money and we need to roll up our sleeves to do it but that's what we should be doing rather than just saying meh fuck it get high....

I had more thoughts in my head when I dreamt this up this AM and maybe if they come to me I will edit it but for now that's all. I can't support carrying small amounts of hard drugs. The addictions need dealt with. The social issues that cause them need dealt with. The people feeding this junk to society need dealt with. Simply saying a bit is okay is not a solution. Honestly very few people have the will power to do hard drugs and then just say no. Usually hard drugs become hard to quit. I get the thought behind decriminalization but I am flat out saying it won't work. No more bandaid solutions 


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