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So this entry is pop culture! It is the television I have been watching recently. I hate the fact that certain times of the year there is so much on I can't watch it all and others nothing to watch but re-runs... 

Mayans sadly has been garbage this season. I think it is because they are just throwing a bunch of stories out hoping something will stick and trying to make us care about some of the background characters. Creeper did nothing until this season and now of course he brings in an undercover fed. Gilly was just a big who looked tough until we found out more about his ranger past. These are cool to know but it feels like we should have known this before. On the flip side did Hank to Taza have a story at all? Hank meets Alvarez one night and you think that would have been something, nah. Does any body even really care about Galindo or Emily. Emily has just been bouncing city to city on the greyhound and Galindo has been hiding, both brought nothing to the show. These PIs find Emily and that leads to nothing, then Galindo finds and kills her sister but he just say meh we are cool lets be a family again! Maybe I am still pissed they killed off Coco, so lets talk about that. Last season was brutal for him and he just gets off'd early on?? Isaac should have just killed him on Meth Mountain. Losing the most likable character on a show usually doesn't help it. Lets just "think" about the Sons, Mayan war..... First why would they ever keep a Sons corpse? Or even the Kut? So some Justin Beiber looking girl sees butterflies and finds it? Death attracts butterflies. Then they take it to "Johnny Sins" and Chibs okays a war with the Mayans?? So Jax created an alliance between the two clubs, Alvarez seems to miss Jax and want to be friends with SOA. The last few seasons we have had the SOA and Mayans always working together but for some reason Chibs okays a war without any chat to Alvarez or the Mayans?? Montez was from the Charming chapter, you would think Chibs would have some questions before starting a war... On top of that were are the police? They go into a hospital and shoot the place up. I will almost suspend reality that they get away with that. However they shoot a guard to death and kidnap and murder a nurse? Still no cops? Angels story has been pointless. So he is with Nails, that fails. He fucks Letty his dead brothers daughter and then Adelita shows back up. Really until she brings the kid home none of this actually has a point. Except to prove women love Angel.... I do like even though he is the dumbest character on the show he is the only one with a good heart and you can tell it will end Angel Vs EZ. While we are on Adelita WTF?? In the beginning she was one of the most interesting characters. Her story was awesome, she was smart and dangerous. Now she is a shell of that. I get she is a mother but you would think she would be more Gemma than an motional wreck. Also she some how shows up in Mexico and kills the boss in the finale? I assume Potters doing but even that hardly makes sense.... Lets talk EZ for a bit. So he started off as "boy scout" and now is just a boring one dimensional killer? Who somehow is the Mayan president? The story isn't terrible. Seeing him go down a dark road, Felipe said he is all the dark things he had ever done and Angel is the mothers love, which is cool I guess it is how sharp the 180 is that is annoying. Like maybe they should have started it in season 1 rather than this dramatic turn...... Alsothe other thing that made SOA so much more enjoyable is while bad shit is constantly going on good shit happened to. 

Watching Under the banner of Heaven right now. Love it! Now not 100% how accurate it is but it is very well done. The cast is great, as is the story. The sets are also done well for a period piece. I always love more gritty detective shows and this one is one of them. The religious part of shows like this always draw me in and with what has been going on with the religious right and such it is a perfect time for this to be out. Also it is making me distrust religion more and more. If you liked True Detective this would be up your alley. It isn't as grim but it is going down that road. On that note season 4 of TD was announced. That should be awesome.

Now Peaky Blinders is the opposite of Mayans. This final season was so well written! The prior season I felt it was going downhill but damn did this one bring it back. Polly dying was tragic, I wonder if that was written before Helen McRory past or if it was changed for that. NOT celebrating a persons passing but killing Polly really was a good idea. It kind of clears a path for Tommy and Mike to try and kill each other! Hearing there will be a movie and possibly a spin off is cool. Introducing Duke was a twist, I assume he will be the future of the Peaky Fucking Blinders and Charles will be the future of the Shelby company. Now Jack Nelson, who the hell is he supposed to be. Part of me though old Joe Kennedy but part thought George Lincoln Rockwell or maybe a combo of both. Rubys death was sad but I love the twist Tommys enemies used that for a fake sickness. That is original writing BUT of course in true Peaky fashion something crazy happens and Rubys ghost?? points it all out to Tommy. I really, really wanted him to shoot that doctor!! Also the end was super satisfying BUT left a lot of questions. So how did they know who the mole was?? He sold out Arthur but somehow they knew?? Loved seeing Arthur kill her!! Swing had it coming for killing Polly. Also Finn is traitor, how? Why? I assume he is still alive to be a problem for Duke later on. Johnny Doggs blowing up the Boston crew was awesome but again how did he know?? I mean I know Tommy knew Michael was going to try and kill him but how did Johnny Doggs figure out the bomb and move it? Selling the heroin to the Jews I saw coming from the start and screwing Nelson. God I hope we get to see how he reacts to being outsmarted and Ginas face too. Since Mosley is a real person I assume he will not get the fate he deserves since he didn't in reality but oh well. Honestly when I saw it was only 6 episodes I was bummed but turns out it was awesome! Didn't need more, didn't drag shit out just an awesome end!

Just a note I need to get a lot of Star Wars animation done! About half done maybe a bit more of the Clone Wars also want to watch Rebels and Bad Batch but I feel like I need to watch them in order....

Am I a bad person if I don't like Ms Marvel so far? Half of the online world seems to think so. Let me be honest, I don't like it. Or at least I am not into it and no its not because I a racist or whatever else people want to hurl at me. I have 0 in common with a teenage Muslim girl. I dunno shes what 16 I am 41. It shocked me a couple years ago to see my 20 year highschool reunion happened. So what would I have in common? Also I will just say it I am not Muslim, I am not any religion and if  Disney wants to get on pushing that (Very targeted MCU shows), that's fine but it will not be for me. I am sure there is a target audience and I am sure they dig it. I am not saying the show is bad just not my cup of tea. Disney LOVES to make that money and if they want to do MCU niche shows thats fine. Disney plus is a great place for it. I personally just hope I don't miss anything that is going to tie into the larger MCU. Saying it isnt for me I will be honest I will likely finish it, just be on my phone a lot while I do it. Also I do think yes it will hit decently with the target audience. I think it is geared to be a coming of age thing so I could see that demographic liking it. Things like the text appearing on screen or the random shit just isn't for me.....

Herogasm! Okay that was over the top! When the Boys has a disclaimer you know the episode is gonna be crazy. Let me just started with Herogasm was a great episode for Homelander. To me he has always been a one dimensional bully that has been boring. Yes he has had some good episodes but overall, nah. This one actually looked into him a bit deeper and it was nice to see. Overall the season has been good. I mean I have no idea how close it is to the comics anymore, I have never read them but might after the show wraps up. It is nice to not have read it so everything is new. Like the Soldier Boy daddy twist. I love Garth Ennis and you can tell this is from his mind. They butchered Preacher but the Boys has been constantly entertaining. I have to say right down to the casting everything has been done so well. I think I am happy I never read the comics, it is nice to watch this series and not get mad even if they are way off the comics. Also flat out love that they skewer everyone. A lot of pop culture these days leans left but the Boys hits everyone equal and I love it. Could watch it for years!

I am a sucker for "crime" dramas. Action filled ones down to procedurals. Currently I am not seeing anything new that is keeping me watching this kind of stuff. On Netflix I was big into Blacklist for awhile. Cool concept but like so much other television it got repetitive to me. I mean the writing is great, I still want to know what Lizzy and Reds real relationship is but it is getting so drawn out I lost attention.... Also we are on Blue Bloods. So far I think we are about half way through season 2 and I am enjoying it. The cast and stories are good. The fact that they bring somewhat relevant stuff. Seen from the eyes of the police I like. Hear so much dumb shit from the defund crowd it is nice to see another side to it. From the stories I feel like a cop or the family of a cop has done some of the writing.

Locke and Key is actually pretty cool! The concept is neat, another one maybe someday I should read the comics. I dig the story but would love to find out a lot more about the past (Maybe you do I just finished season 1) I will have to get back to this one, I mean I want to but I have so many shows on the go. Season 1 was great but it really gave me a lot of questions I hope are answered later on.... The casting was done very well. I dunno overall I just really like the spookiness of it. It is comicy but not to superhero-y more almost horror and I think it is just a fresh idea!

Stranger Things.... I finished season 1 a couple years ago and dropped it. It seemed like everyone liked it for a bit. I think everyone my age was nostalgic about it then vanished. HOWEVER I keep hearing people say it is still great. Rewatched episode 1 last night may get caught up.....

So we open Ozark with a van crash that really didn't fucking matter. I dunno honestly how to feel about the final season of Ozark. This show was so good, it had its highs and its lows and sadly I will say the ending season is one of the lows. Ruth blows Javi away, cool he had it coming. I hated the fact he killed Darlene. Ya I wanted that bitch dead but at least by someone likeable! Javi was really stupid enough to go to a meeting alone? Worst cartel leader ever. I guess it depends how you look at it, the ending is kind of realistic. The sad truth in this world bad people often get away with things and live a good life. The Byrdes kind of prove that. This whole show is full of just bad people & the only half decent people like Ruth and Wyatt pay for it. In the end it actually seems like they will get all the money and power they wanted but even Jonah is implied to cross the line between good and bad to get it. Camilla taking control of the cartel seems a bit kookie. I mean I guess I dont know how cartels actually work but you would think Omar would have had enough pull to survive. Camilla is another prime example of a really bad person getting a happy ending. So to be honest I dunno what to say, like I truly think it could be a legit ending bad people get ahead and the average people like the Langmores, well they all get killed off. Saying that though the casting and acting was awesome. Every person conveyed exactly what I think the writers and directors wanted done.   

Expedition Unknown is back on and that is awesome. I want Josh Gates job, I dunno how you get it but sign me up!! If you havent seen it, he travels to places and looks into old mysteries all around the world. Basically it is a real life Indiana Jones. Some of them are amazing things that are in the world people don't really know about. The secret Nazi tunnels under Poland for example and the real work of the Monuments men was a great episode. I admit it I am so jealous of Josh.

Is there any really funny sitcoms anymore?? I think friends was one of the funniest shows ever. In my opinion at least it was very relatable. Not so much when it aired but later on when I rewatched it in my 20s and saw my "friends" going through all the same struggles. Big bang made me laugh my ass off as well. Simpson up until say 15th-ish season were classic. I honestly cant think of a more quoted show, ever. Somethings have come and gone. Like Always Sunny or Shameless but honestly nothing has really hooked me in for a comedy. Saying that I wish something would but I just haven't found it yet.... I did enjoy last man standing BUT like a lot of comedies it just became the same thing over and over. So seriously if you know a good comedy let me know!

Obi Wan was honestly for the nerds... Lets face it, somehow a guy who mentors Luke in the first ever Star Wars, has the lamest laser sword fight ever & dies goes on to be one of the biggest icons in a massive franchise!! Lets be honest the fairly awful prequel series really made Obi awesome. Then the clone wars cartoons added so much to his character that yes he became one of the biggest stars of the series. I honestly am not sure if there is extended universe things like comics that say what Obi was up to from order 66 until a new hope if not this was much needed!! Ewan did an amazing job portraying a broken down Obi to a Jedi who yet again bests Vader (Seriously dude twice you could have killed him but walked away WTF) Honestly the casting was great. Haja should get his own show in my opinion! I did not think it would be so Leia centric but I guess it makes sense. Reva really adds a lot to the show, going from a great villain to someone I hope we see more of. The tomb of Jedis was awesome! Like the whole series was well done and totally made for Star Wars nerds.  I keep seeing people debate on a second season. I am not sure that is really needed. This seemed like a nice ending to Obis story. I will say a few things though. It doesn't help the scene in A New Hope where Leia begs for his help but doesn't seem to know him just says she knows he helped her father in the clone wars. After all that you would think she was close with him. I did love the line from Vader that he killed Anakin, not Obi Wans failing. That line super nicely ties into a New Hope where Obi tells Luke his father was murdered by Vader. This show is an 8/10 at least. Also still never getting over the Empire wasn't smart enough to find Obi Wan Kenobi simply by him changing his name to Ben Kenobi.....

Finally Fear the Walking Dead.... As I have always stated this show had such potential but went down hill. Really hoped it would spend a lot more time in the fall of society but instead we are caught up with the main show. I will be honest I don't know how far behind I am at least 4 episodes still. That is literally because it is not hooking me. First there are 2 many stories going on. Second while I know it isnt a documentary how fake can we get??? Like a zombie apocalypse wasn't enough it has to be a nuclear wasteland as well? Third, Strand as the villain? Really?? They spent how many seasons building his up as a conniver. A sneak, not a leader and strong man but all of a sudden he is? He would be the perfect Howard to a strong leader... I am not sure maybe it is losing strong character likes John Dorie and Nick but this show is really hard to get invested in. However I can't just toss it aside like I did world beyond because I have invested so much time into it!


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