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Democracy dead?

 If you follow my twitter you may have already seen a smaller version of this statement earlier, this won't really be a blog post per say just a statement on history, the War Measures and and how I see it.

First I am utterly disgusted with Jagmeet and the NDP. You had a chance to do the right thing for Canada and you caved. Every chance you get you claim it was a failure of Justins and you had a chance to show it but instead you caved. Now I understand you aren't ready for an election if a confidence vote failed. The fact is though yes you are. If an election was called and the NDP had done the right thing, you would have gained. The Liberals would have lost some support and not all that would have went to the Cons. Jagmeet you would have gained, if you were only looking at the politics. More than that though you choose wrong and I really hope the voters remember this. Saying that I hope history doesn't. I hope the act is revoked soon enough and nothing bad comes of it. If it isn't history will remember your utter fucking failure to be a man and a leader. No one was really surprised drunk ole Lizzy May supported it.

The second thing is I read a tweet of a university prof in political science that said there is NO comparison between Hitler and Justin. How as an educator who is supposed to know politics and history can someone state that. I did poli sci recently and I have to say this, it is disturbing. The text books are no doubt left leaning. Trump (I get he wasn't a good guy) is demonized as is fox news. I THOUGHT education was about giving people the tools to work in the world not forming opinions for them. I will be 100% at 18 - 25 taking that course would push me more left and that really isn't right. Sorry thats just a bad sentence. SO with all that let me get to the rant.....

Dictators, most of them for as long as we have known history have all done a lot of the same things. I will just use Hitler and Justin for this though. First a dictator needs a weak nation or at least a struggling nation to gain traction. AH had a Germany still reeling from the end of WWI. Big Trudy well he has Covid. The next thing they need is a crisis. AH had the Reichstag fire. JT has the truckers. I know your gonna say the fire was done on purpose the other wasn't JTs doing. Well no JT didn't really do it BUT he could have dealt with it. He was well aware they were coming and they sat there for weeks while he hid MAKING the situation worse. On purpose?? Making a crisis??? You tell me. Dictators need an enemy. AH picked the Jews. They were an easy target. JT well he picked anyone on the right side of politics. Truckers are racist and mysoginistic remember??? Then you ask for emergency power. I want to point out yes, it is called the Emergencies act. It was originally called the War Measures Act, it was changed like everything to not be so "scary". This is key, getting that power and this goes for any power grab. Julius Caeser even did this, with him the Roman republic died when granted extra powers. Fucking Star Wars points this out with the rise of the Empire. This is why my mind is blown. Over and over we have seen it happen, even in pop culture yet dumbasses for some reason support it. I cannot believe how much support I saw for it on line. You all get free "govern me harder daddy" t-shirts. After that is easy. Control the media. Which clearly has been done. All weekend I watched videos of BRUTAL use of force to clear protesters out and the mainstream media ignored that. There was no violence until the police showed up. (Also what happened to the "protester" that tried to burn a building down and trap people in it??? I maintain that wasn't a protester) Control of the media leads to another point, you need bully boys. THERE ARE GOOD COPS. I still back the blue but man some of that was BS. Excessive force. I will leave BLM rants out of this for now..... Then you attack livelihoods. AH again went after Jews businesses and banks. Castreau and Co have locked banks. IF you cannot see the similarities I can't help you. It is literally following in the others footsteps. Also I want to mention precedence. Canada is ruled by common law, meaning yes there is laws we must all follow BUT they are interpreted as they were in the past. Quebec actually uses case law which is the same as the States were it is by the book, so you could see different resolutions, they aren't supposed to rely on what has been done before were as we are. That wasn't a great explanation I know, the point is this is a dealy precedence. To all the lefties out there would you really want Harper pulling a stunt like this?? I mean right now it is in your favor will it always be? The thing is the rest of the world is watching and shaking their heads like WTF Canada? How did that happen? Except Joe Biden but what can you expect from him I am thinking on a map he couldn't find Canada. Lets go Brandon!

One small bit on good ole Trudy. I honestly don't think he is an "evil" man. I think he is a prime example of a spoiled rich kid that was raised to believe he was something special. Evil IMO is going into the world with a plan to do harm. I don't think Trudy has that. I think he is so used to getting his way he did not know how to deal with Covid. Shit like SNC somehow his money and position and connections made disappear. They couldn't just vanish the protest so they went to a hammer to deal with it. Also he IMO again is the perfect example of Woke, Social Justice warriors and the actual danger they present. That virtue signaling will make a difference. Just signaling not action as reserves that were promised clean water are still waiting. I think he actually believes he is above the common person. Knows better than them and truly thinks he is guiding us all to a better future when he has no idea about reality. I don't think he is evil, I think he is just dumb as a post.  

I want to point out a couple other things, we have had worse riots and violence over NHL games that the truckers did and no PM invoked the War Measures Act. Also will this be used in the GasLink attack? That was clearly domestic terrorism last week. NOW as of this writing I am still not overly worried. I still have faith in our democratic systems and I feel when it is reviewed in 30 days it will be revoked. If not sooner. I just wanted to point out how scary this all is when you look in the context of history. It is also alarming how many people support over reach & that the education system is slanted towards socialism. I get some socialist policies is what makes Canada one of the best places in the world to live. However you look at a lot of places that adopted pure socialism and people flee from it. Oh I guess something they don't have in common is speech. Adolf was a bad dude but damn could he speak. Trudy is painful to listen to most days. My anger has dissipated, its not gone. I will have to try and stay away from politics on social media for awhile until this act is lifted. I just wanted to point out how dangerous a road we are on even IF some people don't see it, believe it or aren't smart enough to understand it. I have heard it before, hell I asked it before. How did Germany support what happened or how did evil even take hold. Well now we have an example in our own nation. Also point out how scary education is becoming. Like media it is hitting a slant but more dangerous than media as it will form the next generation of leaders of our nation and our world.    

Last but not least Fuck Ed the Sock. This clown may actually be JTs cum sock. He is cheering this all on. Saying the rest of the world can kiss his ass, Justin was right. Dude your what I assume a grown man using a sock puppet to talk. Right their I worry for you. Next I literally just laid out the comparisons between Nazi Germany and us now & you still support JT? Nickelback is more a Canadian Icon & Don Cherry is for sure. STFU and I apologize to the world for the rants of a cum sock!


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