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June Rant

 3, I currently have 3 blogs half done NOT counting this one. So I aim to finish them, just been a lot going on with my head full of ideas and none flow together great. So this is a mixed bag...

Lets time travel, to the late 80s, early 90s. I am a hockey nut. I love hockey cards, collect them all. Love spending hours outside playing hockey in front of the house winter or summer. My fav team should have been the Oilers in Northern Alberta right? Wrong I went by my hockey cards and liked Detroit. They had these 2 young superstars Lidstrom and Fedorov. Plus some guy named Stevie was the captain. For a few years I was big into hockey, then about high school I stopped really caring. They were just jocks, lame. Of course this was the time the Wings were unbeatable and it would have been way better to be a loud and proud fan....I moved to Edmonton and was surrounded by Oiler fans and still didn't care. Until I started in a fantasy league. I went with my favs, many from the mid 90s on the downwards swing of their careers and did terrible. The next year I went to a strange source for my picks. My 13 year old brother. He tells me take a kid names Ovi if I can. I get 11th overall and get this kid. Guys like Daniel Alfredsson go before this guy. So I am worried, like these other guys didn't seem interested in Ovi. He goes on to score 65 goals and get me 112 pts. I win $700. I spent that season watching the Great 8 and became a fan boy. He was fun and exciting! Honestly it got me back into hockey. All this ramble to say I can't believe it has been 13 years since then and his contract is over. Where will he go?? I am 100% a fan boy but I also know the business of hockey. He may be the greatest goal scorer ever and had there not been lockouts and Covid during his career I am sure he would have broken Gretz all time record. If I am honest I am not sure he will now. The business end of it means he is not worth another $123 million contract or a long term one. What is he worth? Some of the youngest and hottest are the $10 mill range. Is he still there, MAYBE. If it is a very short contract. Also 10 is pretty high... 7 maybe again short term. My worry is where? In a dream world he comes to Edmonton and has McDavid feeding him passes until he shatters Gretz record. Or even better McDavid can feed him and Leon passes on the powerplay! EVEN better he ends as a Wing. However back to reality. I would like to see him finish his time in Washington. It is nice when icons play for just one team. It will come down to them making a deal. They can't over pay and he cant get greedy. I hope they work it out. I would hate to see him leave. Also I heard KHL could be calling. I could see that he is a proud Russian. That would be a big loss for the NHL. Either way, thanks for the memories Ovi and lets see how this off season pans out!

I have to make a comment on pride, I am confused as to what it's all about. I just read comments saying us straight folk shouldn't comment on the fetish ball is can be. I support pride. I figure we all have the right to love who we want & do whatever we want in the bedroom. Long as it is safe and legal. That doesn't mean I am supporting people in bondage gear or half naked or whatever. Maybe I am wrong but I thought it was about being "out" and being free to love whoever. So you don't love without the kinks? They have to be there? Okay cool, then I want a straight parade to show I can love as well. I want Diamonds and Showgirls to be major sponsors along with Source video. Wonder how well that will go? We all know it won't.... So my point is have pride. Have fun BUT don't try and tell me it has to have all the kinks. That's simply what you want, not an actual pride thing. Also every time I get close to publishing this something else comes up... I am seeing people upset that Trans "women" are not being allowed to compete in womens events. REALLY?! I am NOT saying you can't be trans. That there is a problem with that, no what I am saying is your still a man. You can still feel your a woman, thats fine but that by no means gives you the right to compete in a different class. I might piss feminists off here (Sorry but....) typically men are better at most psychical things. Competing in womens events is punching down. I don't mean that in day to day average Joe shit. I mean at high levels of competing. In your co-ed fun games their isn't that much of a difference. But thats not where people are complaining. The fact is there are female hockey players a zillion times better than I ever could be. I however dont think any of them can clap slapshots like Ovi. Usian Bolt is a second faster than the fastest female ever. A second, thats not bad you say. No it isn't but when the event is 9.58 second for him a single second actually is big. So my thought is I don't care if you want to identify as someone else, you compete as what science says you are.

I have no musical comments. I wish I did! I wish I could say check out so & so, they are awesome but I haven't found anything recently. Spotify has been good but I think I am messing with the algorithm. Old country, 90s rap, 80s rock. Early 2000s rap rock or whatever that was. Then went on a blues and jazz kick. Found blues is amazing. Honestly I swear any big rap hit or even pop music hit had the original beat laid down by a bluesman years ago. Jazz harder to get into. A lot of southern rock. So I think all that makes it spit out some bad options for me, which leads to this..... Last thought on this White Redneck Rap just stop please. Kid Rock tried to mix country and rap what in 99? I admit it, I had his first couple albums. New and neat concept. Then like Nickelback he just kept making the same album over and over and I lost interest. A few years back I heard Yelawolf and he was great. Thing is I even didn't mind his early just rap stuff. Love Story is one of my fav albums in years. Trial by Fire is pretty good as well but since then he has went down hill. However the dozens or hundred of knock offs PLEASE STOP! Spotify played some and I COULDN'T EVEN FINISH THE SONGS. It is pretty amazing to blend 2 styles so different well and I have yet to hear anyone do it properly in years. Just cause you are in the country and like rap doesn't mean your good at both or either really.

Tom MacDonald is becoming a less famous MGK. Clickbait articles brought it to my attention that Eminem produced a track for an independent Canadian rapper and I thought BOOM that's awesome. Dear Slim. Then I read he actually just bought a track from Eminem then rapped over it. Em had nothing to do with the actual track or at least anything Tom had to do with it. Seriously he is taking "Stan" to a whole new level... I had to listen to it of course. I wanted to hate it, I didn't I just felt bad for him by the end. I truly think he wants to "Buffalo Bill" Marshal and make a Shady suit. Your not Em, you can rap all you want that you are but it isn't true. I would need a fact checker but I think by the time Em was in his early 30s Shady records was at its height and he was the most selling artist of the decade. My point is this just stop. Your talented Tom, I actually agree with a LOT of what you rap but hoping that someday Eminem responds and makes you famous is lame. Your better than that. I stated this on social media and Toms fans jump all over me. Tom is the new Em, Em sold out and doesn't stand for anything anymore and on and on. I want to clear something up for ANYONE into music. Artists have to change. Sure you can make the same album the first few times. Then you need to change OR you have 2 fates. Your a pop artists and you can make the same album over and over OR you are ACDC or Nickelback. Sure you'll sell some records but you become so bland no one is really excited. Sure Marshal changed. The Slim Shady LP he was literally broke and had his first album "Infinite" flop. He was an angry young white boy. MMLP he saw his star sky rocket and was just learning what it was like to be famous. The Eminem Show was the fall out of that fame. Then he grew and changed and record sales DROPPED. Sure Music to be Murdered by is not the Slim Shady LP and I wouldn't want it to be. I don't want to hear a multi millionaire rap about how rough life is being poor. As for standing for something, I think you have the wrong guy. IMO I don't think he ever stood for anything. His albums have always been his feelings on the world, how he has seen it at whatever point in his life he was at. The only time he tried to "stand" for something was Revival and it failed, miserably. That's me "Stanning" Em. Long winded point of this just stop Tom. You have talent, most of what you say seems well thought out and I agree with you. This whole trying to get someone to say your name, your better than that. OR I am wrong, last night I was reading Royce do 5'9" actually mentions Tom in a new song. So there you have it holler enough and someone will notice you......

I am not getting into residential schools. I am assuming 90% of what I type could come off wrong, so I will just be blunt and brief. Erasing names from schools, bridges whatever is dumb. Taking down statues is dumb. It serves no purpose other than to make some people think they are doing good. This of course is inspired by the mass graves just found and a tweet by Edmonton Councilman Knack.  Residential schools is the biggest blight on Canadian history ever. (Even if Big Trudy wants to apologize to Italians for camps in WWII. I won't even get started on how fucking stupid he was there.) The fact is whether you are liberal or conservative, neither side has really dealt with this well at all. So here is what we do. Educate over erase. Maybe things have come a long way but when I was in school these "schools" were glossed over. NO! You address this even if it shows Canadians aren't always happy, friendly rays of sunshine. Make people aware. I would bet my last cheque that 70% of these woke twats calling for things to be taken down or changed had no idea who was actually behind them. That they attended schools named for the men who set up residential schools. Not putting a thought into who the school was named for or what they did. Until something like this then, the woke-dar goes off and these were awful people. Erase them! Our group think says they were the devil! They may have been, you had no idea or didn't give a shit until a mass grave was found. Don't take this as defending Johnny MacDonald but as a Canadian you should know there was a lot more he did for this country that just set these "schools" up. That was just my rant on social justice idiots. The fact remains this is the worst thing in Canadian history and we need to deal with it. Like I said start with education over erasing. Search every god damn site. Get it done to give people closure & so we don't have this happening every decade. I guess what I am saying is instead of hollow words and meaningless actions deal with this...... I have to add Don Iveson again annoys me. As per his normal wokeness he jumped all over this. Change the Grandin station name, take down the mural! How long has this stuff been up and how long has he been mayor?? If this actually bothered him it could have been dealt with YEARS ago. No its another grandstand with him. My fear is this...... It will become Iveson station with a mural of bike lanes.

I may have said this. It seems familiar in my brain so if I already said it sorry but if you  don't like Alberta, leave. My personal pet peeve people who live here but do nothing but bitch about it. If it is that bad, GO! You literally have nothing holding you here. A job? If everywhere else is so much better I am sure you have plenty of opportunity to get a job there. Family, well you can pack up wife, kids, children. Or come back for visit to this awful place IF you must and can stomach it. There is 0 holding you here. I hate listening to people who don't live here bad mouth the province but so much worse from people who live here. I have an uncle he has travelled and worked all over the world. Honestly pretty much everywhere except Asia. He now lives in Australia, likes to send me pics of him at his pool or sitting by the ocean. The one thing he always tells me is stay here. In Alberta, the best place on the planet. My point isn't to love the UCP, hate them. They kinda failed... You don't have to like Ratchet Notley either. They don't make this province. The people do, the good and the bad. The "Cidiots"  and the "rednecks". I am just saying I am done with the bitching, if it is so bad here fuck off. Don't kid yourself thinking the province needs you. Go away maybe you will be happier AND everyone else will be as well.

I can't remember if I said it or not but I finished my Economics course with an 87% Or an A-. Or GPA of 3.7 Which I am very proud of. The thing is I was such a terrible student my overall GPA is still less than 2.0. That's sad. If I could time travel I would beat the ever loving shit out of myself. Joking and arrogance aside without a doubt I could have done MUCH better than I did years ago. Now it is actually an embarrassment to me. But I will do better this time. Started my second class. Spring semester is 1 month. SO a three month class is squished into just over a month. It is intense but seems to be coming along okay. The real thing out of all of this is actually applying it. The truth is some of it works. Some things I thought kind of hokey or stupid actually when practiced are good. Don't get me wrong some of it doesn't work but I guess that's the point. Not every situation can be taught out of a text book but that books should give you the skills to deal with what comes up. Anyways it took me 21 years and a lot of growing up but I am actually liking school.

It is that good and bad time of the year for T.V. I mean it is partly good there isn't much on because it will make me get outside & I can get caught up on all the stuff I am behind on. First I have to say Mayans ended strong and I am glad they renewed it. I won't get to deep into it but the thing that hooked me most is Isaac has an SOA tattoo? What's up with that? I am sad Prodigal son is done. It wasn't always amazing BUT it had moments and I think it could have been a great show. Clarice is keeping me entertained. I am impressed how grime and gritty it can be for a network show. I can only imagine if it was on HBO or something. Fear TWD hasn't been amazing. I hate to say it but the whole TWD franchise really isn't great. Might be time to quit milking it. Maybe they have a plan and are building to something amazing but I dunno.... I gotta say my biggest complaint with Fear is nothing lasts. They get a great idea but within a season its over. Write more! Make something more than a season! Gangs of London has been amazing. I have to not look at it online since it already aired on the BBC before and I dont want to know how things turn out. Super pumped a second season is coming. No matter how this one ends I am sure another one will be good. Which reminds me I can't wait for Peaky Blinders!!! OR Yellowstone this month! No proof whatsoever of this but I really fear Beth is dead. So I am already calling next season Rips Revenge! Also I dont think it was just 1 "villain" that tried to wipe out the Duttons. I am saying Jamies dad, the developers a combo.... I think somehow Jamie is going to redeem himself but end up dead. Just saying that right now. Invincible was great! Right from the end of episode 1 when Omniman wipes out the Justice Pals or whatever I was mind blown! MCU has been great. WandaVision was a slow burn but I really enjoyed it. Falcon & Winter Soldier was great. More action and stuff maybe not moving the MCU forward as much (Except of course for the new Cap) but it was good. Looking forward to Loki next week. I could go on and on but I am not even sure when I ranted on TV last was. Mando was great. Like great, that ending was awesome. I keep seeing an article on why Moff Gideon was so scared by Luke and it makes sense. Luke is pretty much an urban legend that supposedly blew up 2 death stars. Killed both Vader and Palpatine. Moff thinks he has won and then all of a sudden this Jedi chops his guys into nothing. Think about how much you would shit your pants if an urban legend just showed up on your door.... Watched the Friends reunion special last night. It was alright but it did remind me of how good that show was. IMO at least it was the best sitcom of all time. It is the most relatable for me. I am not sure if everyone has a time like that but it really is like when you start out. Your friends are your family and you are learning about the world. The writers made a great point, they ended how quite often reality ends. People start having their own families and instead of seeing them at least weekly it becomes less often. I guess what I am getting at is I like it so much because it seems so accurate & my life kinda feels like the last season of friends or maybe right now would be the 11th season if it happened.

Donald Chump was terrible for America. That's not new, we all know it. But not why you think, not just cause of his overall dumbness but because of the changes he made to the nation. For years I would have said I was a democrat. I cant now, I can't believe them. Let's not be naïve, the "insurrection" at the capitol we can blame on Mr Cheeto. Honestly I can't imagine if they achieved there goals? Were they even defined, liked did they actually believe they could install him as prez for life or something?? Anyways that shit was put down in what a day? The only thing that accomplished was getting $1.9 Billion spent to "protect" the capitol. Trump literally loaded a gun and put it in the hands of the Democrats. This isn't Qanon or tinfoil hat time, my prediction is you are going to see the government clamp down on citizens in the name of national security. Chump didn't usher in freedoms what he did was set them up to be reduced. My point is Trumps stupidity is going to bring about the exact opposite of what he said. I also need to rant a bit more about Democrats. First this is for any left leaning person who hates FACTS but the Nazis were National SOCIALISTS. I believe it was some wack-a-doo UCP MLA that tweeted that or put it on facebook and it made the left explode. "Nazis weren't socialist!" Well let me correct you, they were the national socialist workers party. See Socialist right in the name... Scream away, cry, deny whatever you want but the fact is any legit history text will tell you that was the name. NOW I get your point, they rounded up socialists. They really weren't socialists, BUT they told people what they wanted to hear. Same as the Democrats are doing right now. They campaign on the fact the right is now all Nazis and you are to if you don't get on board with the Democrats! They are responsible for all our problems! Does that sound like someone else?? Well ya it sounds a lot like Ratchet Notley here BUT it also sounds like some painter named Adolf. He found a scapegoat and said EVERY issue was because of them. Is there even politics in politics anymore? Or has it become that partisan. I mean that in both the US and Alberta... My last Democrat beef is AOC. A few years back, I thought she was awesome. The bright young spark needed! That was the hype the media fed me. I didn't get the dislike for her, then I actually looked into her. "Being morally right is more important than being factually right" WOAH hold up, thats literally the worst thing I have read from a politician in a long time. Morals change with time. Things that were okay, accepted are drastically different as time goes on. Dr. Suess is dealing with changing society. He was fine, hell he was a good thing to read to your kids NOW he bad! My point is morals will change, facts don't. It was okay to dicriminate against Jews in Germany at one point. It was encouraged even, by the National SOCIALIST party. That has changed... The fact that 7 million innocent people were murdered doesn't change. No matter what your feels are, facts will always be facts. People hate bitter truths but they are extremely important and to me it seems like the Democrats are moving away from that.... The fact is they can, they have the power to do that and it was handed to them by Donald J Chump

Comics have been so so. First off I notice my Marvel stack is slowing down. I still love Hellions, Marauders and keep getting the Xmen title but that's it for mutants. I am not even sure how many titles they have going now but it is insane. I still think it is a money grab and a way to get ready for mutants in the MCU. Also still love Thor, Donny Cates is freaking amazing! DC is still the 2 Batman titles and Joker. Joker is awesome, I hope it has a LONG run. So cool to look at him through others eyes and Gordon makes for a great main story. AWA is still my favorite publisher. Garth Ennis dropped his new series. Like all his work, right from issue one I am hooked. Casual Fling was a great little series. I honestly thought it was going to end bloody but I was surprised. Some of their other titles haven't amazed me as much but Erratic was also freaking good! One I want to mention is Red Room by Fantagraphics. Not sure how I feel on this one. The story and the writing is freaking AMAZING. This could be a TV series. I wonder though if they are pushing the gore and violence too much? I have no issue with it be as gory and violent as you want. IF there is a point, if it moves the plot. Gore just for "gore porn" or whatever you want to call it bores me. I would like to keep reading as I said the writing is amazing but I may get bored quickly. Still digging Department of Truth, Stillwater, Scumbag, The Last Ronin (Just got newest issue cannot wait to read!) Shadowman and more. I realize I could do a couple blogs just on comics.....

America, you do not have a gun problem. You have a society problem. MOST nations on this planet have guns. I grew up in what was a small town. Guys had them gun racks on the back windows of trucks. Wanna know how many mass shootings there were??? Second mass shootings are in general a modern thing. I could be wrong but to me Columbine almost seems like a turning point, that it opened the flood gates. Maybe I am am wrong but I believe mass shooting have sky rocketed in the last 30 years. So was the first gun invented in 1999? We also know thats not true. Lastly get a gun, set it on your table. Don't touch it, don't let anyone else touch it but ask it to hurt someone. Ask it nicely, yell at it do whatever. Did anyone get hurt, I am guessing no. Like most things it is useless without someone operating it. To say you have a gun problem is the same as a car problem, or a knife problem or hell a hammer problem. These things can all be fatal if you want them to be. Guns on their own are not the issue. So to all you people crying guns are the issue just stop. HOWEVER all you gun nuts I am not saying your right either. For every person who can string together a coherent thought on guns you have a dozen people wearing tinfoil hats screaming you'll never get my guns! Citing the second amendment. Don't worry the House of Windsor isn't trying to take your guns. I get the reasoning behind it but that is very dated. Also if they really "wanted" your guns you wouldn't have them. Look at ruby ridge, waco and so on. So this screaming over my dead body, well ya thats what it could be. Both "sides" are fucked, why don't you guys meet in the middle and look at the real issue. Your society! You have movies, TV, music, video games all glorifying guns. You have the internet where lets face it you can find anything and peoples minds can get all twisted up. The Joker movie is a horrifying look at the world. The fact is it isn't to far from the truth. We now have multi generations who have damaged moral compasses. Who haven't been taught any self worth and think the world is cruel to them. YES in some cases it really is BUT in a lot it isn't. Or these people haven't been taught basic life skills. Hurray! You wore a pink shirt now bullying will be gone! No it won't. But you have created a world were people actually think it will. Then they don't know how to cope when things don't go right. When they aren't a delicate and beautiful snowflake but a real human that has to deal with the real world. I am not saying we shouldn't aspire to better. If you want to wear a pink shirt then do it BUT also live in the real world. I am not saying that all pop culture because it is warping young minds. I am saying YOU as a parent should be A) filtering what you kid is seeing and doing. I know they will go to little Timmys house and maybe get away with shit you wouldn't let them but at home you shouldn't be letting your 8 year old play GTA or rap along with Pac. B) Explaining the world to your kid and RAISING them. Teaching them life skills. Like oh hey someone is bullying you, well these are the steps we need to take. This got real long real fast the point is though guns aren't the issue, people have found ways to kill each other way before guns existed. The issue is society in general. So instead of going to your woke anti gun protest or you give me guns or give me death rally, stay home. Raise your kid!

I really don't have much for video games. I am not the gamer I claim to be... Signed a $16.3 Million contract on my NHL21. I literally played 3 years worth of NHL games just to see how big a contract I could get... I need help. Did buy Resident Evil VIllage. I dig it! I am 9 hours in, I THINK I am getting close to the end. I have heard it is about a 15 hour game. So I may still have a bit. I have to say I really like how the franchise has gone back to the horror and riddle solving. I remember loving the first couple, then as they just became zombie shooters I lost interest. The last couple though getting back to the roots have been great. A comment on vids in general though is they cost too much. This was $80 and I might get 15 hours out of it. It doesn't have a ton of replay value. Witcher 3 and DLC was about $40 and between all my play throughs I would say I am well over 300 hours. I think it should be the other way around and games should be priced based on how much you get out of them and IF they are worth a replay

I was listening to my favorite True Crime Podcast and they did a 3 parter on the Mayerthorpe tragedy. It was a gooder, there was a lot to unpack. A lot I did not know! Which I am kind of ashamed of I should have know more about it. It is fairly local and was BIG news. My take aways' from the episode were this. The RCMP did right. It wasn't the same political climate back then BUT imagine they left a whole squad there. People would be screaming about rights, about Waco and Ruby Ridge. Leaving on only a couple guys over night was the right call. The officers coming back the next day was sad. Unarmed and without armor is a mistake BUT I will say it is one I am not surprised about. See what people never think about is how different life is outside the city. Everything is more laid back. Its sad they didn't follow what I assume is protocol but I am not shocked. Sad but not shocked or angry with RCMP. Second guns laws would not have helped. I get so tired of listening to gun reform and how it would stop crime. It would have done nothing here. Canada has very good gun laws right now! Next, our justice system fails. Roszko should have been locked away years ago. I don't know why Canada doesn't crack down on criminals. I am not saying create a jail population like the USA but we are too limp wristed and criminals don't get reformed they get freedom. The 2 accomplices got off WAY too easy. Here is the thing a single call could have saved 4 lives. I get it they were "terrified" and did not want it blowing back on them. A) An anonymous call? Not hard to do that.... B) Two birds one stone! You make that call that an armed man is headed to police, they will respond. One thing is clear you fuck with the police they will fuck back. Roszko will be dealt with and you don't need to fear. Plus instead of having the cops hunt you for 2 years, you become a hero. You want your defense lawyer to have something to defend you with. You called it in and SAVED COPS! Plus look at each individual. First Shawn Hennessey you don't just become friends with bad men. Its an active choice. I know what friends I had and what bad shit they were up to. Whether he was actually selling weed for Roszko who knows. But he wasn't some victim. A crazed gun man doesn't just pick some random person, they go to someone they know and trust. I am not saying he wasn't scared or worried for his family. What I am saying is it wasn't a coincidence he choose Shawn. Just think about it for a minute, You know your about to do something crazy do you go to a casual acquaintance OR do you go to someone you trust? Next he lied and kept lying for what a year? Two years? You lie when you know your in the wrong. If you feel good or aren't worried you did something bad you don't lie. We see this in children ffs! I ALMOST feel bad for Dennis Cheeseman. It sounds like life shit on him some. Plus he gets introduced to this man that may have raped him. (If he did I don't know why he would go back there)  Either way this kid is looking for a dad, a male role model. Sure he has a Brother in law who I don't doubt loves him but you want the truth. That's not a role model a person a few years older still learning life themselves. The sting on him I don't mind, I get the RCMP needed to find the people behind it BUT that's a crap ton of money they spent. Plus honestly I have a hard time making my morals match up with it, even though I get why it was done. Setting up everything from a fake Xmas party to fake gun deals? To me this is going to the extent they should be doing to catch someone like Vito Rizzuto not a lost boy... I see both sides with Dennis. He wanted so badly to have something to belong to he was willing to go along with this "crime" group. The flipside of that is, he was willing to go along with a crime group. So I can't decide was he a lost boy looking for belonging OR considering he thought he was going along with big time crimes is he actually a bad dude saying Roszko forced them. Shawn ya I dont have too much pity and Dennis I am up in the air. 

I am working on a rant about the PCing of pop culture and how I don't agree with it. I might copy and paste this paragraph into it BUT I want to get it off my chest right now as well. I dig Clarice, the show. Know it? Based on Silence of the Lambs? If you have lived under a rock Silence is the sequel to Red Dragon (Books or Manhunter in movies.) Red Dragon book was made into the Manhunter movie which was a flop. Then they took a second crack and made Silence of the Lambs into a movie. It was of course a blockbuster. Winning 5 academy awards (When they were worth winning) including best pic, actor and actress. From there we see numerous sequels and prequels in movies and television. Getting off topic but it leads up to Clarice, the newest "sequel" on TV following the main character of Silence after the events of that movie. In that movie Buffalo Bill is a serial killer who kills and skins large women in an attempt to make a woman suit. Creepy right? Ted Levine nails the role. This is 1991, jump to 2021 and in the newest episode we get back to Buffalo Bill. A transgendered person approaches Clarice and tells her that Bill created fear towards the trans community. That her not speaking out about Bill made things worse for the whole community. I let it slide for a minute then started to dwell on it and came up with this. Piss off! then another scene happened that made me say maybe its okay. I mean I am sure over the next few weeks and episodes I will make a decision on how I feel, let me explain. If this whole thing is an apology for making Bill a transgendered person. Piss off. First Hannibal actually says Bill isn't trans. Second he is a villain, not because of his sexuality but because he fucking murders and skins people!! Like are we at the point no minority can be portrayed as a villain? Will all bad guys now have to be white middle or upper class males? I hope not. So I really hope that scene wasn't an apology again for something in pop culture that doesn't need apologized for. However later on the "villain" of this season hints he knows she is transgendered (The person who approached Clarice, not Bill) He seems to be using that as a possible blackmail point or something? This I can understand. That's good writing. Hell you want to bring awareness then do this. Show the shit these people have to deal with, show the fear in the daily lives. I am ALL GOOD with that. I am just saying if that scene was an apology for an amazing movie and book villain Hollywood really needs to stop. 

I have TV comics and games all done and I have NOTHING for movies. Did any movies even happen in the last year. I am sure we gave out a bunch of award, most likely to self congratulating millionaires who pushed their wokeness on us but did anything good come out? I did watch the New Justice league but I already blogged on that. It was a much better take. I am excited for the New Spiderman this fall? Supposedly there is a million cameos so who knows whats going on.... I wasn't pumped for Black Widow but yes I would have watched it. These delays though get me less and less excited. Honestly I wish I had more to say for movies....

I have to stop now. Like I think this has been 3 weeks I keep adding. I finally edited and while I keep having more to say I am stopping. I have school to do and the other 3 blogs to finish. Sorry this one goes all over the place. Seems like a lot has happened in the last few weeks. 


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Edmonton / Highway of Tears

This was going to be a small paragraph in a bigger random blog but it grew really fast and the fact is I thought it was rather interesting so it will be post of its own. I decided to add some of these womens names. I once heard a pod about Jack the Rippers victims, that humanized them. I think thats what should be done, why glorify freak shows and forget about the people who suffered because of them. Also I added a bit more as I was just going to, just quickly mention Edmonton but I think it is bigger than that. Also still cannot find a legit decent looking charity to donate to for MMIWG.... Msg me if you know one! IS there a serial killer in Edmonton? Or was there one active? On another long drive home I came across podcasts on EPS, which led to pods on what they called the Edmonton - Leduc murders. Which if you have been around Edmonton for awhile I know you have heard of. I just was unaware of the amount and length of time this had been going on. First thing though not all these mur...

Alberta Politics Pre 2019 election

Ahh that lovely time every few years when we see the worst in all people is upon us! That's right elections are coming! The brutal truth is both federally and provincially we are going to see shit get nasty. From both sides, let's not pretend anyone is innocent. This is all I am going to say on politics for awhile, at least until elections OR if something crazy happens. I really need to concentrate on actual writing. Not twitter bickering with people. So here is it my thoughts on the current federal and provincial politics. (Breaking this into 2 parts. This one is going to be just media and Alberta) First let's start with the sideliners. The media and the peanut gallery. Rebel Media OR Chicken little media. Whichever you want to call them is fine by me. It has been years now I was blocked for using common sense or not drinking the Kool-aid by Ezzie and the Rebel account. I can say I never dropped into name calling or anything like that with either, but I guess not believi...

Part 3 Addiction

So, I have stated first, we need the correct systems in place, and second, we need healthy citizens for a better society. One of the root problems in society, though, is addiction. A mental health problem that can lead to so much more. Family violence, crime, homelessness, job loss, and on and on. There is no cure for addiction. There is management, and there are many things we can do much better to help addicts and society. So, let's tackle this one next.  I like drinking! I like the taste of a good whiskey or red wine. Or the supposed "no taste" of good vodka. I like that little boost of confidence that tells me, hell ya, you can dance! Or the fact that, yes, after a long day, it does take an edge off. I have a ton of great memories of times when booze was around... The flip side of that is I'm not too fond of hangovers. I hate not knowing what happened the night before; I guess there is a term for this now: hangxiety. Some of my worst memories and things I hate abo...