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The March of the Lemmings

 We are lemmings, it finally happened. I know its Covid but it happened. We officially live in some sort of dystopian sci-fi horror movie. 

Let me tell you about my companies inventory. MANY years ago, it was a shitshow. We counted everything twice we had to hand write everything and it took all weekend Friday, Saturday and Sunday and each day was at LEAST 12 - 16 hour days. Now time went by a bit better because well sometimes people snuck booze in later on. The thing was shitty times were made better by being with people. Times changed, safety became important so somethings weren't done anymore but we still plowed through the weekends with coworkers. In fact it actually made people talk to people they usually wouldn't, it helped build us as a team even. When things were bottle necked, like waiting for your next assignment people played cards, sat and visited. The fact was a boring time was made better by human interaction. Then the next weekend was usually the Xmas party. People visited there as well. People were more open to visit with someone they might not HAD they spent some time talk and working together at inventory. I should say we are a rather large branch 70 plus, so no not everyone that works there is going to spend time together. I mean it's the real world we aren't all going to sit and braid each others hair but the fact was just spending some time with people you usually might not was a good thing. If nothing else in general it made people work together better once they got to know someone. That was the past.....

 If you follower my twitter you have probably seen angry rants about Covid. If you follow my blog you have probably seen my attitude change as time went on. When this started I was scared, like most of the world. Since then I have lost that fear. For myself at least. I KNOW this is or an be deadly for people with pre existing conditions. For the elderly and yes it has killed some people my age. I get that maybe on twitter I come of as a dick. I can be I won't deny that I will say most people who know me know that's not quite true. I don't wish anyone to be sick or to die or anything like that. I do think things have gotten way over blown. 

So anyways the rant is this, I was sitting watching every distance not talk, just stare into phones. Spread 6 ft apart at least and in one door out the other. It reminded me of an assembly line, like you see in scifi horror. Drones going in and coming out. Kept mindless by the phones. The worst was we accepted it. I mean everyone knows what I mean. The kind of scene I am describing. It has come true. With 0 fight from society really. That is what is scary. Not only that but then a week later the government added new rules. More things we can't do. We accepted it again. Literally up until almost Xmas we are happy to give up freedoms. Media and Fear are deadly weapons. Like scarier than nukes. Then I go Xmas shopping yesterday and malls are  one way walking. That's right, like cattle, one way walking. Everyone is in a mask. Its scary how quick a nation can fall not from an enemy attack but from fear. The worst is if you don't agree with it, your bad. So for the most part I keep it to myself. I don't want that label or some asshole to film me and be internet famous. I mean yes sadly if you read my blog you hear my constant whining. But in the real world I am pretty quiet on my feelings. Anyways just wanted it off my chest that last weekend sitting there watching the world go by it reminded me of a horror and then this weekend didn't ease those fears. 

Anywho to wrap it all up... The world is scary to me right now. Like a conspiracy theory, things that I cant explain or make sense of are happening. And we are becoming more divided than ever. Flip side I do think it is real and people should be careful. At least the ones who could be affected. Has the world gone over board, yes IMO at least. I honestly believe we are at a huge point in human history. Something is going to give. We may end up in a scifi horror. We may go the other way and find out the pandemic is worse and have many die. I can't honestly say but as bad as 2020 was I think 2021 is going to be the eye opener....

So a final note as it is Dec 9th, the day after the UCP government locked down our province again. I want to say I blame anti mask people or something like that BUT I don't. EVERYWHERE I went people were in masks. The shopping malls we went to get Xmas presents were dead as were restaurants. The fact is even after whiny mayor Don Iveson passed his little bylaw cases still went up BUT somehow we didn't have any cases of the flu? People can yell science! Or whatever they want, the simple FACTS are still less than 1% of the population of our province have active cases and over 99% of people recover. WHY ARE WE NOT SHOWING THAT SCIENCE on the news every morning, instead of the big scary active case numbers or the "deaths" I put that in parenthesis as I know 3 actual cases of "Covid deaths" were the families are fighting that as being the cause of death. People who were dying, one wo had been in the hospital for over a year. Covid didn't kill them, they were dying already. Quit using them to boost your fear numbers! Also you have people like that old hag Notley that want to do nothing but scream "the sky is falling!" It is a joke. Kenney did this lockdown for the masses that have been screaming for it for months. Not because he wanted to. Not because it is actually effecting a large number of the population but because the public out cry. The outcry fed by media. Let's be honest all you people that cried for a lockdown you got it, good job. Saying shop local, well you fucked that. Keep that in mind as your friends and neighbors lose their livelihood. When we can't see our loved ones over Xmas, you did this. Kenney wouldn't have done this without all the outcry. I can almost guarantee he did not want to do this.  But now from your sheeple, sky is falling attitudes people will lose their jobs. Christmas is fucked, but good for you. You possibly slowed down something barely affecting a single % of the province. I have to say this and it hurts to do it. I didn't vote for Kenney and the UCP.  I think they are clowns HOWEVER when it comes to this I absolutely support them. Nothing they have said hasn't been true, even if people like the old hag want to say it is wrong or heartless. The fact is people know if they should be avoiding public. They know if they should be wary, we shouldn't need a government to tell us.   


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