So just watched the Aaron Hernadez doc on Netflix. WOW was that kinda fucked. Lets start with imagine he wasn't crazy and played for the Pats for years. How many more championships would they have? But lets look at his life. Was he doomed from day 1? His dad did kept him on the straight and narrow BUT at what cost? Did abuse fuck him up? Then we have his closeted homosexuality. That cannot be easy, flip side there are many closeted people and they don't all go around murdering people. I gotta say his mom really fucked him up. She starts sleeping with a new man right after his dad dies and his aunties ex on top of that? That has to mess with the head. So he basically starts hanging around aunt and bad crowd? This just seems like a bad mix. The fact college covered up possible crimes is terrible as well. I get the money end but there has to be some responsibility. Finally the NFL. I think this part isn't the most shocking. By the time a person hits the bigs they have learned to hide things. But it goes to the head. He figured he was untouchable. We encourage this, to be honest. We worship them and a lost kid like he was, ya I can see it going horribly wrong. Lets start with the double homicide. I am not sure on this one. I have no problem believing he did it. Him on camera smiling but still driving and shooting two men doesn't surprise me. He learned to act and hide his feelings. The fact is he was an aggressive guy. He might have felt slighted and wanted revenge. Think of it this way, he is rubbing shoulders with gangsters, he wants to act tough. He believes himself untouchable. The topper is he might have been wasted. That liquid courage that can cause so many issues. So bang bang and it is done. It very well could have been the other guy. My issues is why hide the car with Aaron's family if it was? His aunt would do anything for HIM, not everyone else. As paranoid as that supposedly made him, I am guessing it added to his invincible feeling. Now shooting his friend? I don't understand. Well honestly I do, fear. He was worried that he would be caught. And that is legit. Did it happen as he described? IDK. You would think if he was asleep in the back Aaron could easily have killed him. Something there doesn't add up. Him surrounding himself with other wanna be gangsters afterwards does. He as worried, scared maybe he had actually done something that could blow back. This wasn't a defenseless guy he tried to kill. The last thing is Odin. Did it ever explain why? Like weren't they friends? So that is the one thing I wish we actually knew from this all. The evidence on this pretty much nails him, funny his wife got off.... Did she lose the gun for him? All in all this is a tragic story. I am not 100% behind the injuries to the head made him do it. Like they said there are MANY players in the league with that, that do not murder people. I have to say I did not know a ton about him before this and I still have many questions after BUT while we are all under house arrest I would say this is a good one to look into.
Weekend 3 of this isolation thing. Getting really bored. There is only so much time I can spend writing, gaming, watching TV, eating and drinking. It sounds like heaven but its not. I mean yes the dog probably likes extra walks. Our house has never been so clean BUT I can only handle it for so long. Being winter doesn't help either. I imagine people would have amazing lawns if it was summer. But maybe not, since people still can't shovel sidewalks. Will this all help? I mean it should but when will it end? Have they decided that yet? Like will it die out? How do they know when it is safe? That's my worry. NO I don't want it done too soon and actually have people sick.
I didn't vote UCP and more and more everyday I am glad of that. Kenney has always rubbed me the wrong way. I am going to say something, kind of cocky but also very honest. I am rarely wrong when it comes to people. I cant think of many people I can say after talking to or meeting I was way off. I don't just mean as my perception BUT overall. People have told me no your wrong BUT later said oops turns out you were right. First Kenney is transparent. From day one he has wanted to capture what King Ralph had, an every man spirit. He fails over and over and is clearly a fake. But that wasn't it. He just gives a bad vibe. They are the only con party I did not vote for EVER. I already said that but have to be very clear, had they had another leader maybe but JK scared me off. Turns out his lemmings are no better! For example look at Shandro..... He actually went to a private residence and yelled at a voter..... Lets put it in context, his wife is getting threats. That should not happen. You may not like him, his politics whatever. The fact is they may be very corrupt BUT! You should not be threatening his wife. I am not even going to touch on how they do seem very CORRUPT but either way threats are not okay. Lets be clear on that. However he goes to a neighbors and does just that? In fact tells the victims family to go inside they wont like whats coming? Dude you are not Lucky Luciano. WTF is wrong with you in fact?? Can you imagine if someone went to his house and did that? First it would be a massive crime as he is a minister. Second his nut job followers would be crying over the unhinged left. I called the NDP the accidental government BUT this is the clownshoes lemmings government! Also WTF is the war room? Oil is less than what $8 a barrel? You really think any so called war room will fix that? A giant waste of money from the government all about saving money. Rather than attack docs during the worst pandemic in decades MAYBE work with them, take that waste of money and put it to use. The sad fact is though the UCP aren't dumb when it comes to the people of Alberta. They are playing some like fiddles. Like this war room, I already ranted on it but IT IS A FUCKING WASTE. Next claiming docs make too much, more than other provinces. YES comparatively they do. WE ALL DO! That's our gift and our curse! Also the teacher EA lay offs, well that's a tough one. Do I think it was a good idea? No. IF school isn't in, sure I guess. They aren't working so why should there jobs be protected when mine or yours isn't? Now if school was still in I would oppose this. I am confused though the benefits. Like your not paying them, so now they go on EI or whatever we are doing.... So really you are paying them so in the end are we actually ahead at all? Just fuck the UCP seems like the dumbest government in a long time......
Everything above is old.... Like weeks old. I think around 4 weeks ago ago I started that but have been distracted by other writing. So this might be a long blog I have a few things to add now that I think we are on weekend 7 of this.....
Last weekend we had the biggest mass murder in Canada's history. Or I think it was? Either way it is fucking tragic and scary. Not just at one place but travelling all over a province killing people. So gun control nuts again jump all over the attack. FUCK OFF! That's right fuck off. First off it seems like he didn't have a license AND the guns were illegal. So how would more gun control stop him? Next look into the strict gun laws we already have!!! Getting a license is a task in itself. Then after that what you can actually buy is very limited. It is also very easy to loose the right to have a gun, any call into the police and it can be taken away. Also when you look at gun crimes, how often is it committed by a registered owner? No changes in gun laws would have stopped this. Oh but don't worry Justine Trudeau is all over that. We will make it even stricter, blah blah blah. Quit shilling for votes. The fact is you already have the anti gun nut votes. Why are they not more concerned about his fake police car and uniform? A lot of wheels fell of he and it wasn't gun laws.
So I was blocked by Ryan Jespersen. I am not surprised but a bit disappointed. It wasn't that long ago I was saying what a good program he has. Let me be clear, in regards to things going on in the province, the country and the city he is great! Truth is though he is crazy biased. I called him out on it and got blocked. Oh well, I can still listen even if I can't rant! All I ask from any media is be honest and fair. While I feel the show is honest I don't feel it is balanced at all. I find it very funny the sister show from Calgary is the exact opposite. Not balanced but hard core right. Where as Ryan is left or at least left of centre. Can we not have fair balanced media in this province?? Is it this bad in other provinces?
PEOPLE ARE DUMB. Let me lead with that. We have tards out protesting they can't get their haircut. I get it, I want a haircut, I want a hot shave. I would FUCKING love to sit on a patio and enjoy happy hour. I don't get and guess what I am not crying and protesting. I am not saying this is not starting to feel a bit overboard and ya know what I am waiting to see what happens in Saskatchewan. They are easing up and if things go well I think Alberta should follow suit. BUT currently what the fuck are you thinking? People literally are looking to spread it worse. I almost think it is Darwinism. Maybe it will wipe these people out. And then I guess Trump wont get voted in again.
Okay I was done, going to edit this but then I felt the urge to add these last 2 paragraphs. First a Covid wrap up.... I try my best not to let shit get to me. Its starting too. Every day I turn on the TV and all I see it DOOOOM! Nothing seems to be going on except Covid. Well that I guess it is the truth but man is it bringing me down and I know I am one of the lucky ones. My wife and I are still working, life isn't bad. Celebrities singing O Canada really isn't going to make things better. I get your trying to help but it isn't. People need to go out, we are social creatures. I love playing Red Dead. I love marathoning movies but it has to end..... I am literally torn. I have someone in my life who CANNOT get this. It could be very bad so I have to avoid them, BUT the rest of us? Ya I still think these protests and mass gatherings are DUMB but at some point we are going to have to get back to normal. I support reopening in phases. Certain things I guess. The mall and stores, within limits. I can't get behind gyms or movie theaters. Sure restaurants with cleaning and 50% capacity. The fact is we can order from them, what really is the difference? If you clean the tables after, its the same food made by the same people. Also it will get some people back to work..... Although I won't be going if my waitress has to wear a mask and gloves. Sorry I can't really support massage or haircuts or things that are direct touching...... I mean I can but maybe later on in the return. My thing is this, we need a return to the world. We need common sense. NO we don't need mass gathering but small groups getting together is a start. No Vegas shouldn't be open. On the best of days that city is dirty. But ya I guess you can reopen golf. The thing is yes we should protect the vulnerable. I am sorry if you are a front line worker, maybe you should self quarantine for awhile still. That might be a good idea for patients and for society in general. But slowly we need to come back and we need less DOOOOOM!!! Out there.
I ranted a bit on gun control. Now Justine is trying to ram through laws. This is for the people supporting him..... People with NO clue. I saw a former MLA Tommy Lukaszuk saying how much he supported these laws. I asked him if he understood the laws or even own a gun or had a license. His response was comical. He didn't need that cause he values life. WE ALL DO! People who own guns don't value lives? That is an absolutely clueless answer and of course people jumped to defend it. I want to recap that the mass murderer didn't get guns legally. So outlawing more guns would have done NOTHING to stop that. He had a fake cop car and outfit. This was a planned attack, no laws would have stopped it. Or at least not gun laws. I dunno make fake cop uniforms illegal? Or is that already illegal like automatic weapons but not a concern for some reason? Next automatic guns have been illegal here for YEARS! Just because a gun "looks" scary doesn't mean it is an AK-47. IN fact the first gun I ever owned was semi auto. It is far from a killing machine. I was for birds and maybe gophers. Well I mean yes of course it can kill but all guns can. Oh and the police can seize guns. If there is an incident cops can already remove firearms. There are already two firearms licenses. One for restricted weapons as YES we do already have restricted weapons. Justine really isn't making anyone safer. IF you want to do that go after illegal guns, don't make more illegal. Go after gang bangers that carry them. I won't go as far as to say this is an attack on people who don't vote for JT but it isn't his base this will affect, that's for sure. The fact is what he is doing is, "Don't waste a good tragedy" People are feeling reactionary and this is the time to pounce. Time to ram something through with a minority government. For those clueless about guns and gun laws these new ones aren't doing anything except playing on your fears. It just blows my mind that people jump on this when the reality is they have no clue why, just guns are scary. I don't know why I am having an issue with this, maybe it is because most of the support is from people absolutely clueless about guns. The same JT supporters who need facts and logic, who go off on right wing people as being to Christian. Putting to much of their beliefs in politics. The people who usually say not to let crazy fears run the country are now championing crazy fears. I guess maybe because this is a perfect example of how broken this country is. People simply say and do things to oppose other things, with or without any education on the subject.
That's it. That all because this has gotten very long winded and ranty. I mean to be fair I think it has gone on for 5 weeks at least now. Been interrupted by 2 other blogs. By family tree building and weather changing, by video games and movie marathons. MAY slow down for a big on the blogging and focus on finishing a real story and family tree maker. I always find focus is my biggest issue.....
Weekend 3 of this isolation thing. Getting really bored. There is only so much time I can spend writing, gaming, watching TV, eating and drinking. It sounds like heaven but its not. I mean yes the dog probably likes extra walks. Our house has never been so clean BUT I can only handle it for so long. Being winter doesn't help either. I imagine people would have amazing lawns if it was summer. But maybe not, since people still can't shovel sidewalks. Will this all help? I mean it should but when will it end? Have they decided that yet? Like will it die out? How do they know when it is safe? That's my worry. NO I don't want it done too soon and actually have people sick.
I didn't vote UCP and more and more everyday I am glad of that. Kenney has always rubbed me the wrong way. I am going to say something, kind of cocky but also very honest. I am rarely wrong when it comes to people. I cant think of many people I can say after talking to or meeting I was way off. I don't just mean as my perception BUT overall. People have told me no your wrong BUT later said oops turns out you were right. First Kenney is transparent. From day one he has wanted to capture what King Ralph had, an every man spirit. He fails over and over and is clearly a fake. But that wasn't it. He just gives a bad vibe. They are the only con party I did not vote for EVER. I already said that but have to be very clear, had they had another leader maybe but JK scared me off. Turns out his lemmings are no better! For example look at Shandro..... He actually went to a private residence and yelled at a voter..... Lets put it in context, his wife is getting threats. That should not happen. You may not like him, his politics whatever. The fact is they may be very corrupt BUT! You should not be threatening his wife. I am not even going to touch on how they do seem very CORRUPT but either way threats are not okay. Lets be clear on that. However he goes to a neighbors and does just that? In fact tells the victims family to go inside they wont like whats coming? Dude you are not Lucky Luciano. WTF is wrong with you in fact?? Can you imagine if someone went to his house and did that? First it would be a massive crime as he is a minister. Second his nut job followers would be crying over the unhinged left. I called the NDP the accidental government BUT this is the clownshoes lemmings government! Also WTF is the war room? Oil is less than what $8 a barrel? You really think any so called war room will fix that? A giant waste of money from the government all about saving money. Rather than attack docs during the worst pandemic in decades MAYBE work with them, take that waste of money and put it to use. The sad fact is though the UCP aren't dumb when it comes to the people of Alberta. They are playing some like fiddles. Like this war room, I already ranted on it but IT IS A FUCKING WASTE. Next claiming docs make too much, more than other provinces. YES comparatively they do. WE ALL DO! That's our gift and our curse! Also the teacher EA lay offs, well that's a tough one. Do I think it was a good idea? No. IF school isn't in, sure I guess. They aren't working so why should there jobs be protected when mine or yours isn't? Now if school was still in I would oppose this. I am confused though the benefits. Like your not paying them, so now they go on EI or whatever we are doing.... So really you are paying them so in the end are we actually ahead at all? Just fuck the UCP seems like the dumbest government in a long time......
Everything above is old.... Like weeks old. I think around 4 weeks ago ago I started that but have been distracted by other writing. So this might be a long blog I have a few things to add now that I think we are on weekend 7 of this.....
Last weekend we had the biggest mass murder in Canada's history. Or I think it was? Either way it is fucking tragic and scary. Not just at one place but travelling all over a province killing people. So gun control nuts again jump all over the attack. FUCK OFF! That's right fuck off. First off it seems like he didn't have a license AND the guns were illegal. So how would more gun control stop him? Next look into the strict gun laws we already have!!! Getting a license is a task in itself. Then after that what you can actually buy is very limited. It is also very easy to loose the right to have a gun, any call into the police and it can be taken away. Also when you look at gun crimes, how often is it committed by a registered owner? No changes in gun laws would have stopped this. Oh but don't worry Justine Trudeau is all over that. We will make it even stricter, blah blah blah. Quit shilling for votes. The fact is you already have the anti gun nut votes. Why are they not more concerned about his fake police car and uniform? A lot of wheels fell of he and it wasn't gun laws.
So I was blocked by Ryan Jespersen. I am not surprised but a bit disappointed. It wasn't that long ago I was saying what a good program he has. Let me be clear, in regards to things going on in the province, the country and the city he is great! Truth is though he is crazy biased. I called him out on it and got blocked. Oh well, I can still listen even if I can't rant! All I ask from any media is be honest and fair. While I feel the show is honest I don't feel it is balanced at all. I find it very funny the sister show from Calgary is the exact opposite. Not balanced but hard core right. Where as Ryan is left or at least left of centre. Can we not have fair balanced media in this province?? Is it this bad in other provinces?
PEOPLE ARE DUMB. Let me lead with that. We have tards out protesting they can't get their haircut. I get it, I want a haircut, I want a hot shave. I would FUCKING love to sit on a patio and enjoy happy hour. I don't get and guess what I am not crying and protesting. I am not saying this is not starting to feel a bit overboard and ya know what I am waiting to see what happens in Saskatchewan. They are easing up and if things go well I think Alberta should follow suit. BUT currently what the fuck are you thinking? People literally are looking to spread it worse. I almost think it is Darwinism. Maybe it will wipe these people out. And then I guess Trump wont get voted in again.
Okay I was done, going to edit this but then I felt the urge to add these last 2 paragraphs. First a Covid wrap up.... I try my best not to let shit get to me. Its starting too. Every day I turn on the TV and all I see it DOOOOM! Nothing seems to be going on except Covid. Well that I guess it is the truth but man is it bringing me down and I know I am one of the lucky ones. My wife and I are still working, life isn't bad. Celebrities singing O Canada really isn't going to make things better. I get your trying to help but it isn't. People need to go out, we are social creatures. I love playing Red Dead. I love marathoning movies but it has to end..... I am literally torn. I have someone in my life who CANNOT get this. It could be very bad so I have to avoid them, BUT the rest of us? Ya I still think these protests and mass gatherings are DUMB but at some point we are going to have to get back to normal. I support reopening in phases. Certain things I guess. The mall and stores, within limits. I can't get behind gyms or movie theaters. Sure restaurants with cleaning and 50% capacity. The fact is we can order from them, what really is the difference? If you clean the tables after, its the same food made by the same people. Also it will get some people back to work..... Although I won't be going if my waitress has to wear a mask and gloves. Sorry I can't really support massage or haircuts or things that are direct touching...... I mean I can but maybe later on in the return. My thing is this, we need a return to the world. We need common sense. NO we don't need mass gathering but small groups getting together is a start. No Vegas shouldn't be open. On the best of days that city is dirty. But ya I guess you can reopen golf. The thing is yes we should protect the vulnerable. I am sorry if you are a front line worker, maybe you should self quarantine for awhile still. That might be a good idea for patients and for society in general. But slowly we need to come back and we need less DOOOOOM!!! Out there.
I ranted a bit on gun control. Now Justine is trying to ram through laws. This is for the people supporting him..... People with NO clue. I saw a former MLA Tommy Lukaszuk saying how much he supported these laws. I asked him if he understood the laws or even own a gun or had a license. His response was comical. He didn't need that cause he values life. WE ALL DO! People who own guns don't value lives? That is an absolutely clueless answer and of course people jumped to defend it. I want to recap that the mass murderer didn't get guns legally. So outlawing more guns would have done NOTHING to stop that. He had a fake cop car and outfit. This was a planned attack, no laws would have stopped it. Or at least not gun laws. I dunno make fake cop uniforms illegal? Or is that already illegal like automatic weapons but not a concern for some reason? Next automatic guns have been illegal here for YEARS! Just because a gun "looks" scary doesn't mean it is an AK-47. IN fact the first gun I ever owned was semi auto. It is far from a killing machine. I was for birds and maybe gophers. Well I mean yes of course it can kill but all guns can. Oh and the police can seize guns. If there is an incident cops can already remove firearms. There are already two firearms licenses. One for restricted weapons as YES we do already have restricted weapons. Justine really isn't making anyone safer. IF you want to do that go after illegal guns, don't make more illegal. Go after gang bangers that carry them. I won't go as far as to say this is an attack on people who don't vote for JT but it isn't his base this will affect, that's for sure. The fact is what he is doing is, "Don't waste a good tragedy" People are feeling reactionary and this is the time to pounce. Time to ram something through with a minority government. For those clueless about guns and gun laws these new ones aren't doing anything except playing on your fears. It just blows my mind that people jump on this when the reality is they have no clue why, just guns are scary. I don't know why I am having an issue with this, maybe it is because most of the support is from people absolutely clueless about guns. The same JT supporters who need facts and logic, who go off on right wing people as being to Christian. Putting to much of their beliefs in politics. The people who usually say not to let crazy fears run the country are now championing crazy fears. I guess maybe because this is a perfect example of how broken this country is. People simply say and do things to oppose other things, with or without any education on the subject.
That's it. That all because this has gotten very long winded and ranty. I mean to be fair I think it has gone on for 5 weeks at least now. Been interrupted by 2 other blogs. By family tree building and weather changing, by video games and movie marathons. MAY slow down for a big on the blogging and focus on finishing a real story and family tree maker. I always find focus is my biggest issue.....
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