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Showing posts from May, 2020

Life in May

Fun adventures in genealogy. I have been working on the family tree since this pandemic started. It is pretty interesting. I mean the first parts are easy. I can think back to my great grandparents but a few generations before that things get harder. What is real & what isn't, like I can follow one line that supposedly goes back to England where I come from Knights and Lords. The names and dates and such seem to line up BUT always hard to tell. On the other side it doesn't run nearly as long as many are native Americans and the history was never recorded. More head to Ireland and seem lost and others to Denmark. Some hard to verify, some pretty easy. The funny one, well to me is the loyalists and these ones I can verify. They are all over the internet. So a guy Named Solomon Austin seemed to be doing okay for himself back when America was 13 colonies. Then America said fuck you and went to war for their independence. Solomon said he would prefer to stay loyal and fought the

Pandemic Lockdown

So just watched the Aaron Hernadez doc on Netflix. WOW was that kinda fucked. Lets start with imagine he wasn't crazy and played for the Pats for years. How many more championships would they have? But lets look at his life. Was he doomed from day 1? His dad did kept him on the straight and narrow BUT at what cost? Did abuse fuck him up? Then we have his closeted homosexuality. That cannot be easy, flip side there are many closeted people and they don't all go around murdering people. I gotta say his mom really fucked him up. She starts sleeping with a new man right after his dad dies and his aunties ex on top of that? That has to mess with the head. So he basically starts hanging around aunt and bad crowd? This just seems like a bad mix. The fact college covered up possible crimes is terrible as well. I get the money end but there has to be some responsibility. Finally the NFL. I think this part isn't the most shocking. By the time a person hits the bigs they have learned