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January Rants

So as of this moment Jan 9th 605 AM Trump hasn't started a war. But I gotta post my take from it anyways. Only Trump or his fucked up government would think they could assassinate a foreign government official. Especially one from Iran! Did they really think they would back down?? Some countries honestly might, our limp wristed leader maybe... Iran is not about to, they have to show strength to keep their dictatorship up. So they threaten to retaliate, go figure..... So what does the bone spur having draft dodger say, he will blow up cultural sites. THAT A FUCKING WAR CRIME! Everyone, even some of his supporters called him out and then he back pedaled. Like a champ. How is he always doing this and people still supporting him? Either way they attacked, like they promised they would. I guess two bases, though I heard three originally. No American casualties. Chump backed down, I guess it has blown over? Who knows by the time I post this what will have happened. Now I know Iran had to show strength but really, what were they thinking? I don't see them winning this war. It isn't Vietnam and they can't wage a war like that. The mighty USA would win this, hands down. BUT it will breed more ISIS type fighters over there. Maybe bring more terrorism here, so even a win is going to be a loss. This really is a no win war for the USA, and it was a dick wagging contest for both nations. I want to point out Donald is a fuckstick yet again.He was happy to egg on a war on twitter. He loves to boast of the American might, but dodged a draft. Flat out said he would commit war crimes and for some reason people still love him and call him a brave leader! So when or if young dead servicemen start coming home, remember who put them there. Also Obama, I am not a fan of BUT I will give him this. He got Iran to the table, to agree to not develop nukes. Something better for the world, Trump had Iran quit that agreement within a year of being in power. He literally made the world a more dangerous place. Look at North Korea, they are still laughing about Trump and he is still claiming he is bringing peace to the world.

So Jan 10th 6:05 and the story has gotten worse. It SEEMS that Iran shot down a passenger jet when they were attacking USA. Now it could have been an accident. It could have been on purpose, who knows. They are not letting others in to investigate. They deny it, but of course they would have to. Who is going to openly admit the killed innocent people from other countries? Iran can abuse its own people but I don't think it wants to admit to killing foreingers. 63 Canadians dead. Canada won't go to war. I don't think. I mean way back in the day after WWII, before PET gutted our army we might have been able to, now I don't see it happening. But it raises a good question, what do we do in this instance? I can tell you if I lost someone on that flight I would be pushing hard for revenge. Do we become vengeful and enter a war? One we likely won't win, one that will come back on us in terror attacks as we have seen around the world. Do we let it slide? Sending the message, feel free to fuck with Canada? I am glad I am not Justin T today. (The lame leader, not the pop star) I had to laugh an awful laugh about the CBC and "chicken lil" rebel media. CBC wanted to know if JT blamed trump for this. Chicken lil got mad an said this was a dumb question. YES you stupid fucking trumptards these dead Canadians lay at his draft dodging feet. NO fucking planes would have been shot down if Iran wasn't on high alert after a USA attack. Is it solely his fault, of course not. Iran launched the damn missile. Be it accident or on purpose it was still Iran that fired the ALLEGED missile. Here comes the part that makes me a dick BUT maybe you shouldn't be in Iran? Is there not posters in the Canadian government buildings that advises against travel to dangerous parts of the world? I will likely put some more on this tomorrow if more break BUT so far in a dispute between two clowns, our nation has taken an awful hit.

Alright, Saturday Jan 11th. Iran admits they took the plane down. It was an accident, supposedly. Is their military really that shitty though? Clearly they figured they couldn't cover it up and came to terms with it. Where do we sit now? When the States took down an Iranian passenger flight in 88 massive reparations were made. Will that be the route this time? They killed more of their own people than other but still many Canadians are dead. Economic sanctions? No more trade?? Did we even trade with them? Will the world support it?? Donald Chump has got awfully quiet, seems he realizes what a fuck stick he is, I stick by the blood is on his hands. Or some of it. I actually feel for that twit Justin Trudeau though. He has some hard choices to make. We know no matter what he does shit shows like Rebel media will say its not enough. I would not want to be him for the next little while. Also what blow back will this have in Canada. What this minority government does about this is going to have huge impact on the next election or what happens next.....

Monday January 13th. President Dough Boy hasn't started a war. Canada of course will not either but what bone spurs has done is further divided Canada. Which really he shouldn't be able to! WTF. The CBC asked do we blame him and for some reason that set trumptards off. I don't like the CBC or state run media machine but they aren't wrong. Had he not been fucking around there, 63 Canadians would be home today. Let me put it out there, Soleimani was a bad guy. Killing him, maybe was the right thing to do. BUT YOU CAN'T! He was a general in a foreign army. Can you imagine if someone killed an American general? The states would A) Play the victim then B) attack the other nation. They would be right to do that, just like Iran was right to fire back. We may have freedom and democracy. We may be the West (And yes in my opinion the far better place) but that does not give us the right to kill at will, even monsters. So they hit back, as any nation pretty much has to or be deemed weak and bullied. Do you think a nation in the middle East can afford to show weakness?? No chump didn't fire the missile that killed those people. That still falls totally on Iran HOWEVER had cheeto not been doing shit he shouldn't be, those people would be alive. What blows my mind is Canadians who can't see that. Why do we have trumptards in our nation? I vote Con. My neck is a bit red and ya I have some backwards racist thoughts. I am far from a social justice warrior but even I know he is a complete fucking moron. He has out and out said he is only out for Murica (Great if your Murican) He fucks with our trade and hurts our nation but still we have trumptards.... People are mad both ways blaming chump and defending him here. WHY?? Lets worry about our dead and how to deal with Iran, the fact is I doubt we will see any fallout on Iran.

Its cold, like freeze in a few minutes cold. Like open the door for the dog to go out and he sniffs the air and leaves the doorway not headed outside. After plugging my truck in my hand almost stuck to the knob. We are going skiing this weekend.... But I guess it is supposed to be much nicer by then in Jasper. Lord I hope so. I usually complain about the "Could enough for ya?" line but not this week, by now I hope you all know how stupid you sound saying that. This week it is those calling out Greta on the weather. Yes she is a puppet, clueless about a lot of things. And ya a little twat if you want the truth attacking Canadian oil. She's not wrong. Science does prove global warming. I don't think it is the doom and gloom she says. She shouldn't be after our actual ethical oil BUT she isn't wrong. Science is, well science. Facts, truth. The only thing that disproves it is better science. Global warming does not mean you won't see freezing or that Edmonton will soon be Mexico, fuck. When you say shit like that I think of flat earthers...... You have so called journalists making comments about it, are you not fucking educated? How is it I couldn't finish that school but some who did seems dumb as a post, which brings me to my next rant

Media, I am done with you. I wanted to win the lotto and use some of that to start an old school media outlet. I mean ya, it would have to be digital but I wish it was the old school paper. I kinda miss them. I know thats on me I could go buy one but I sit and read on line.... Anyways side track. Point was I want an outlet that just gives FACTS. Not spins or if there is a spin, an open debate with a person leaning one way and a person leaning the other. I actually hate trying to sift through all the media out there. One says Trump has hurt his economy the next says best ever. Same with Justin, one will say he has grown everything the next says he has failed. What ever happened to just factual no spin journalism. I would say the only way to do tat in the modern world is have independent money or your going to be pushed toward some agenda by the sponsors...

Just kill the phrase Okay Boomer. Its dumb and 88.87325% of the people saying it shouldn't. If you are saying it, you should be more clever than the person your trying to insult. Most I don't think are. Just hopped on an awful trend. I will give some of them are well timed, perfect insults. I dig that shit but when it gets too big and every half wit is using it, it loses its effectiveness.

So it has been rattling around in my head for months, will get it all out. I support Alberta bill 205. You need to opt out of organ donation rather than opt in. See first off not everyone can be an organ donor. I would be happy to be BUT diabetes fucks me, at least on some. So those who can, it is important you do. My support for the opt out though is common sense. IF you are so opposed to it, you will go down and say no. That's what people do, they react to things that bother them. HOWEVER people who would be fine with it don't always just go down and say yes. Not really a joke but the truth is how often do you hear "Hey after we get some bread and milk, let's swing by and make sure we are organ donors!" You don't, even if people are okay with it unless it actually affected them at some point it isn't a priority. So put the onus on the people it would be a priority for. I was reading a study in Britain almost 90% supported organ donation. 90%! but less than a third (33%) were organ donors. Most of those questioned on it simply hadn't signed up. I am not saying that is air tight but damn it seems to prove my idea. I won't rant too much here but why the fuck wouldn't you donate?? I get it some people have religion or something. Good for you, I guess. You know that you will either rot or burn and things that could have made someone else life better are wasted with you.

 I ran a poll, or am currently running a poll about what should I blog. I have so many ideas for writing, for blogging, would like a podcast, plus playing hockey, plus travelling for work, plus seeing friends and trying to have a married life. I seem to run out of time... So my point was do I blog soley on Pop culture or News and politics? I mean no I don't have to just do one BUT be more focused, this blog won't be but after this one they might be, I am about to hop in to pop culture now.

I picked up the first issue of the new run of Morbius. I liked it, so ya I grab the second and will likely grab the third. I want a feel for the stories, then a day or two ago I saw a trailer for a Morbius movie. I am assuming that is one of the reasons for the relaunch? Now can someone please explain to me the MCU, well no not the MCU but how Sony can still make Marvel movies? I read Spidey will have a cameo but it won't be Tom Holland and it has nothing to do with the ongoing MCU. Let's just get this shit altogether. If your going to keep making Marvel movies, make them all as one. That's why it was great they got the X family and spidey and FF. Make an actual great universe. I think it is clear I am a big supporter of that.... Anyways back to Morbius, I think they can do it right. Leto actually looks much better as the living Vampire than he did as the Joker. I won't be seeing it in theater, I doubt I will pay for it on demand. Maybe I will, I mean I will be seeing it for sure I guess it just depends if for some reason it gets amazing reviews I might see it sooner....

Finished season 1 of the Peaky Blinder last night. I really don't know why I didn't get into this one sooner. I am gonna call it Sons of Anarchy meets Ripper Street. Two shows I loved. The sets are great, they picked great actors and I love the mix of certain modern music into a period piece. I wondered how well that would work, this proves it works good! Six episodes a season, doesn't seem like enough but  seasons to catch up on, as long as it remains good I will likely binge it.

The royals are coming! The royals are coming! SO? Let me say I had 0 respect for the royals. AT least the older generation. Honestly WTF do they do? No person IMO should hold an office over me unless they were elected to, by the people. Then Diana changed things some what. Her death made them have to look half human because the public backlash finally made it happen. Her sons grew into men who served and work. Support great causes and are decent people. So I guess I cut them some slack since they are celebrities (They are, don't say they aren't) but that they try to do good in this world. They aren't the Kardashians, but good humans. It is good to have the crown I guess, a rallying point once and awhile. Take WWII for instance, it gives people something to believe in. Our country is fighting over Libs or Cons. At least Britain can look past those squabbles and unite. What can we do it for, a coffee company? A beaver? That was side track, I am fine with them coming after seeing the way the tabloids treat Meghan. I was watching a news clip of almost identical scenes of Meghan and Kate. The tabloids gushed over Kate as the best mom ever. Meghan doing the same thing, they criticized everything she did. As for the cost, fuck it I would rather pay a buck and have them here than pay for a "carbon" tax that is killing me to heat my house in minus 40. I mean if every Canadian paid a single buck more on this years taxes I am sure we would have that cost more than covered. So whatever, let em come. hope they like it here. I won't lose sleep over them coming or not.... Oh and fuck the carbon tax. Someone explain to me how me paying more to keep my house warm in -40 is saving the fucking world. But I am not about to rant on that....

I have to flat out say Variant editions in Edmonton is a kick ass comic shop. Love them and they are really helping me get back into books. The rest of this is simply about titles and not those guys but if you are looking in Edmonton hit them up! Just a short blurb about the whole new X titles. 6 titles, a bit much Marvel you are getting greedy. While I like them all I am dropping a couple. Gonna stick with X men, X force, Marauders drop New Mutants and Fallen Angels and Excalibur. See how that goes for now. I am just mad I am going to lose some cool characters like Cable and X 23. My other beef is no more dying?? They killed Charles, that could have been huge. Could have run with that story for a long time BUT nope he is back already. Ya no one stays dead in comics but this is pushing it. I am sure some major betrayals are coming, which will make things interesting. Hard to swallow they all just said, hey lets bury the hatchet and live in peace.... But I am liking the relaunch and hope they can keep going strong.

Spotify scares me, not just because of the abundance of awful music out there but because it truly does know me better than me. Sure it is an algorithm or whatever and yes it is based off songs I have already liked but wow it hits, old hits I forgot I liked. The "new" songs it shows me aren't as accurate but I kinda hate new music mostly anyways. It just makes me wonder what else they can analyze about me and know me. Also just a side note with my tin foil hat on my phone scares me too. Has it happened to you yet that your talking with someone about pretty much anything then within a day Facebook or twitter or Instagram shows you related articles? Part of me think it is just my mind, noticing more like when you get a new car then it seems like you see a million of them on the road and part of me is paranoid. Like I mentioned I was looking for new customers, next day four companies I had never heard of popped up on my Instagram feed. This one I know hadn't happened before, how often do plumbers show up on your feed?

I am gonna cut it short, next blog will be pointed not just rambles but I have to talk about the book I just finished. Monster by Kody Scott. Sanyika Shakur. Let me talk about criminals first, or author criminals for a minute.USUALLY they are a rat. They have the freedom to write because they betrayed the "life" Now I have never been a criminal, the couple times I even tried something like that they ended in a comedy, so I can't speak 100% BUT here is my take. You got into the life for some reason, easy money, easy women, power whatever but then the life gets hard and you look for an out. I feel that's a cop out, you chose this life loved the perks now deal with it. So I guess without trying to sound like a gangster I hate rats. Also typical in their books they are the most clever, most badass in their group but are also like robin hood. They never cross the line, in fact some don't even want to be doing these things, they are a victim. That's what I don't like about most criminal authors. Monster does not start out like that. He flat out says he wanted it, though he does downplay his crimes. It is a crazy look into the LA street gangs before the crack epidemic. Hearing how hitmen came for him in the hospital was insane. It is a great look into prison life, I enjoyed it until the end. Until he starts to blame the whites for all his problems. After a brutal look at gang life it becomes the whites that are the issue. He becomes a Muslim and blames everyone else. I lose interest. When you admit it was a thrill to be a gangster, when you enjoyed the violence, it wasn't other people. BUT he claims reformed and ready to be a good Muslim. Sure, fine, maybe.... Oh he has been re-convicted for assault and carjacking since joining the republic of New Afrika. It isn't society then IMO it is the person. So I guess in this case I am just a bit let down. The book starts out insane, the author does down play his crimes but gives a great look into that world. However at the end like most criminal authors he cops out.


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