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Showing posts from December, 2019

Eggnog and Oranges

Rap is a funny kinda music. Or genre I guess I should say. You literally can make a name for yourself by shitting on, "dissing" someone else. Like you might hear of a disagreement between say Garth Brooks and Alan Jackson BUT  not writing songs that are attack songs. PS that was fictional idea I don't think there is a "beef" there. Anyways I just have to laugh about people trying to do that to make a name. Face it Eminem is the biggest star in rap, like him or not. SO you see people taking shots at him. Look at MGK earlier this year and now Nick Cannon. Seriously, weren't you on Nickelodeon and in that drum line movie. NO one respects you in rap, just quit while your ahead. That is just me being a Stan, but its true.... The point I wanted to make though is, it is dangerous. In the 90s Biggie and Pac died over shit like this. You don't see this in other genres. And I guess people don't learn, because it keeps happening. To me I don't think I am wi

Almost Xmas

I Yoga'd! I want a bumper sticker that says that. Okay it wasn't the first time. I had done "relaxation" yoga before. I enjoyed it, There wasn't much to it, ground poses and a lot of time to think This new one was kind of the same. Slightly more intense. Plus much warmer and not even so called hot yoga. Like the Butterfly pose. Wow it pointed out I have old man hips. It still had a lot of laying on the ground. Internalizing. But with other lower body poses. Ones that told me yes you need to stretch more. I am at a loss though, when they tell you to relax your mind what the goal is. Maybe my mind is too relaxed, with TV, books, video games, writing. I don't sit and worry too much until I need to. Laying there trying to think of nothing, literally crowded my mind with everything. So for the general relaxing part of it not so sure... BUT the actual workout of it ya, I give to yoga people kudos. There is work there, the few poses we did I could feel in my so calle

Edmonton Racism

"All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others." George Orwell Animal Farm It is funny, no more do people want to be equals. They want to be more equal. So it has been in my peripherals for awhile but lets talk about Emmell Summerville and his mother Una and the durag incident. You haven't heard about it? Google it quick. Get the jist? Depends on where you watched / read it. The school comes off as racist or just following protocol. A kid was asked to take off a black durag by the principal and the school constable because it has "gang" affiliations. I am going to flat out say it, it might. I am not in cities gang  unit, I don't know. I do know 81 is associated with the Hells Angels but a kid wearing a hockey jersey 81 likely isn't an Angel and poses no threat and wouldn't be called aside on something so crazy. I guess red durags are considered gang symbols, but his was black. I am going to say it, I don't think he is