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Don Cherry

I got a lot of butthurt here to deal with, so let's get this quick rant started.

I don't particularly like Don Cherry, when coaches corner comes on I tend to go do anything from take a dump to make a snack. To me he is over rated, he isn't someone like Scotty Bowman. He isn't a Stanley Cup winning icon, but a guy who used goon hockey to win. BUT never won the big show! (Saying that I do know he has some record for most guys in a single season to break 20 goals) I just have never really seen him as more than a loud mouth. He called Crosby (Hard to admit this but probably the best player in the game) A hot dog. Well Duh old man, at that point he was a young superstar! Ovi almost made his head explode. He criticized Yakupov for something Theo Fleury did and he though was just fine (Cause Theo is Canadian). The fact is he is a dinosaur of a long gone era of hockey. Nothing wrong with that tough gritty style, but it is leaving. Sorry Don. So we just never saw eye to eye. Except he has good taste liking Stevie Y.....

The thing that ANYONE who has watched any Hockey Night In Canada should know though, Don loves and supports the troops and the vets. 100% without a doubt he stands with them. Not just that though, the man loves Canada. His hockey talk shows it, his actions show it. Just sit and watch a couple hours of coaches corner. All you haters (I hate that term haters btw) who haven't spent anytime actually listening to him, just heard he may have hurt someones feelings. Actually fucking listen! This guy is Canadian as well, hockey and Timmies. Flat out, Canada needs more people like him. He has nothing but pride for his nation. Plus he doesn't mince words or fumble without a script, he simply tells the way he feels. His truth. Yes I am going to take a pot shot here, you have Ed the fleshlight errr Sock that was in Canadian media and became irrelevant. He recently came flying back to push the Liberal party agenda on a new generation. Donnie, well he never went away. He is a Canadian Media icon that has stood the test of time. He must be doing something right, eh? As off putting as he is to myself even, if you listen to him at all you would know this guy is all about Canada. Does that excuse racism, not at all.

So at first I read about his comments, then yes I had to youtube it. It didn't bother me at all. Why? Cause it is the truth. People do want to come to our country, enjoy our freedoms and rights but don't wear the poppy. I kinda get it, if you haven't lived your whole life here you may have no idea what the reasoning is, or how important some traditions are. What Don did wrong was not include everyone. I was in West Ed the day before Remembrance Day and was looking around. There was a large number of people not wearing poppies. Not just new Canadians but what I assume were people who lived their entire lives here. That's the real tragedy. Like I said I guess I can give some people a pass who don't understand BUT if you have always lived here you should be wearing that poppy and sure as shit you should be standing when Oh Canada plays. (Even if it is the stupid SJW changed new anthem) I am so tired of that being the card played if anyone gets their "feelings" hurt. Oh that's racist! No that's simply an old man, with his old man way of just saying what he feels and stating a fact. Sorry if years of participation trophies have made a world where everyone has to be nice to everyone. He didn't say they were bad, all he did was state a fact. Go read Mein Kampf. Hitler right from the beginning attacked Jews. He was racist. Don, well he is simply an old man who could be yelling at clouds or kids on his lawn. If you took his rant as a racist attack, the real world is going to be scary for you.

Sorry my thought train got derailed there. But basically the point is, yes Don got a bit jerky. News flash, thats him, has been for years. Honest, blunt.... Was what he said racist, no. I am not a fan and never thought I would blog saying Don wasn't wrong but here we are.....

People have been jumping on Ron Mclean, saying he tossed ole Donnie under the bus. I guess he did, I can't deny that. SO yes that is kind of weak sauce, I will be honest just like Don was though, I can live with it. Ron jumped from a ship that was on fire and sinking in the ocean, ain't no one saving it. He could have chose to go down with it but would it have helped him? Maybe he still needs / wants to work. Honestly this is between him and Don. If they are still friends, it shouldn't matter to anyone else.

Then you have sportsnet, you classless fucks. I cannot believe how low people can sink, firing Cherry on Remembrance day. The day before, the day after, sure but really that day? When the symbol of that day started this whole shit show? Put on your poppies and STFU for the day douche bags. I am not about to boycott sportsnet. Just like I didn't with Timmies a few years back or Earls or whatever the next big boycott is. Why? Cause it falls apart, people dont stick to it and in the end it ends up being a waste of time. Why deny myself something I like?

Now we have people lashing out at hockey over the last couple days. Let's take a second to talk about Jessica Allen and her rant that hockey players are white, rich, male bullies. Who hurt you? Was it having no talent in sports? Did a jock turn you down? I am not blind or naïve. She isn't always wrong. It has been decades since I was in school. However yes a few "hockey" jocks were wealthy, white, male, jerks. Some... A lot were just decent people. I guess it is okay for her to paint it broad strokes but heavens no if Donnie does. My biggest issue with her statement is that basically nothing good is coming from hockey. That's a total lie. MANY kids learn values like teamwork, dedication and social skills in minor sport - hockey.... But whatever lady. I can't support the hastag fire Jessallen or whatever it was trending on twitter simply because it was bullshit. Don was fired but why should she be? Can't we be better? Also I have no idea the show she is on or who she is. Without Don no one would know her so why bother firing her.

The next bit of rant is the hockey / poli mix. is a giant joke. They published a joke of an article by The Dutchess of Roti (Erica Ifill) or something. First off it goes into Colin Kaepernick and his quiet, heroic protest. Okay I totally agree with what he did. Quiet protest it was not, it was aimed for national media attention. Shit was getting bad in the States. Has 0 to do with Don Cherry.... I miss when media didn't have an agenda. Does mention he was voted 7th greatest Canadian of all time. (Oh how times have changed since then) Then it rambles about how hockey is too white. Brings up Rebel Media and #protectourpoppies (Again kudos she does mention it was days before Dons rant) So again really pointless info but throw in Rebel Media because everyone knows they are hateful. Again off point, but try and paint everyone hateful. So down to the hockey part, wanna know what makes good Canadian hockey? Tough playing. I agree with Donnie on that. He has mocked other "styles" for not being Canadian and its true. Canada has dominated the Olympics now for how long? Not because of flashy goal scorers with names like the Finnish Flash or the Russian Rocket but because our big strong D. Because of the way we play. Good Canadian hockey. Somehow she thinks saying this scares people of colour away from hockey. Let me really get me Don On and get fired from blogger... (Kidding I can't) Its true I think more, young, white males do better in ICE hockey. This is stated from years of playing men's league ball hockey, Co-ed ball hockey, watching minor hockey and playing shinny. I don't know why that is the case but yes on ICE it is more a white sport. On the "floor" in men's league or co-ed there is a TON of people of colour. In fact often POC have younger, faster teams. I cannot explain why this is. But over and over for 15 years I have noticed this. So don't tell me Don is pushing a generation away from hockey. It might be pushy parents, that didn't live a hockey dream forcing young white kids on the ice and maybe that's why there are more white kids on the ice IDK. But this whole article is maddening. A bunch of random jumble from someone who clearly isn't around hockey much.

Last is the people crying out about it. I can't fully say they are all Liberal voters, from my social media I know a good chunk are. Some NDP, maybe some Cons though I doubt that. But the Liberal voters voted in a man who wore blackface at least 3 times he can "remember". As an educated man you would think he would understand how racist that is. A man who actually insulted natives that came to his event with a "Thanks for the donation" comment. People supporting this are the ones mad at Don. These are the people angry that an old man said wear a poppy? I keep seeing its okay because Justin looked like a sad puppy batted those eyes and said sorry. Sorry we found out, not sorry he did it. To me it is just the hypocrisy that makes me mental. That's the only reason I bring it up. If you don't like what Don said then showing someone else doing something stupid doesn't mean what he did was okay. But if you supported the first actual racist acts, then how does an opinion hurt you so much?

That was supposed to be the last paragraph. Then over the last two days as I tried to write this it has blown up!! It started with a Poppy, then some comments that hurt some feelings, then lashing out and the firing of a man defending vets on Nov 11th. Then people defending him, then people attacking not him but the sport of hockey itself. Then people jumping to defend a sport. Jebus Fracking Christ! Don was a blunt old man. He is 85, he loves Canada more than most. Maybe, if you stretch it and you want to have your feelings hurt he was attacking you. MAYBE what he said wasn't 100% right, he even admitted he could have said everybody (and maybe should have). But he was fired on Remembrance day for defending vets, so unclassy. Then people on both sides go nuts... (Me included) How about this..... We don't have a ton in Canada that unites us. Hockey and the Poppy are two things that should. So how about everyone butthurt on both side STFU and carries on!


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