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Cdn Poli & Christchurch

Friday was a bad day for humanity. I had to stay off twitter, (NO that's not why it was a bad day! I don't have that big an ego) I felt anything I posted would be read wrong or my point wouldn't come across as I wanted it to. Also I didn't have the time to argue with both Social Justice Warriors and Right Wing Nuts. I do have a real job! So here is a loose blog, it isn't straight forward and planned just my thoughts on the Christ Church Massacre

First the shooter is a sick person. To live stream something like this is hopefully something none of us understand. There are some deep issues and this person is the villain. Second the people there are the victims, no one else. Lets stop trying to bring this into our Canadian politics.

I still don't support M103 and never, ever will. I am not about to get into a long winded blog about that. I did when it came out. Everything in that waste of time is covered under our Canadian Criminal Code or our Charter of Rights. Singling out one group like that is going to cause friction. It's a fact and it is common sense. Isn't it Animal Farm that we here everyone is equal but some are more equal? That's what this is doing. If you want my complete thoughts on that scroll back a few blogs, its there somewhere.

I believe in freedom of speech, even when the speech is trash. Provided the speech is true. TO A POINT and we will get to that. If Faith Goldy wants to stand and recite the 14 words to a crowd of hate filled people that's her right, I don't agree with it. I don't have to though, free speech doesn't mean the speaker is right just that they have the freedom to give their view. I don't have to like Islam, I can say it out loud! I can do the same thing about the Catholics. That is my right! PS both are true, I am not a huge fan of any organized religion, but that is another long blog for another time. It ends when it comes to harming people. See below but what Rebel Media is doing, to me is crossing a line. (Also I wish they would stop using the name Rebel. A rebel makes you think of someone fighting a good fight for what is right, not these clowns.) You can say no to immigration. Legal or other wise if that's how you feel. You can't advocate for harm on immigrants though. You can have an issue you pride parades. You can't attack the lgbtq community though. What people all over are forgetting is we don't have to agree with everything, in fact we can be opposed to it. That's our fucking right. But it has gotten to the point if you don't accept everything, you're bad. The fact is you're not. Your bad when you cross the line from disliking to hurting. Keep in mind all you angry SJW the laws that protect asshats like Faith Goldy are the same ones that let people say shit like "Canada is trash" (See below again..) They are the same laws that let you protest and be SJW. It is just an opposite view protect by the same laws. I heard hate speech is illegal, yes of course it is. BUT not liking immigration or whatever the issue is isn't hate speech. It might make the person a racist, bigot, homophobe, zealot whatever but they have the same rights as you. Sadly some of these people have learned the system well. They know where the line is and they don't cross. I stand by these freedoms, sadly for everyone. Because that is what happens in a free democracy.

If anyone was confused Rebel Media is trash. While the rest of the world is horrified about what happened and news outlets are looking into it, they are concerned about JT and a Florida trip. Or giving away Omar Khadrs address. I think the pay out is a joke. I will never support any business in the strip mall or whatever it is he purchased. I don't like the man and I would never have let him free in Canada. Call  me whatever you want with those statements but they are how I feel. HOWEVER having said that our courts have given him freedom so I have to live with it. SO he can carry on his life, IMO. Rebel giving out his home is insane. That should be a criminal act. If something was to happen to the man and it was found the info rebel provided helped that, I would hope they could be charged. This kind of action is what leads to things like the massacre, its sick.

The flipside is people using it for the exact same idea but from opposite sides. I saw a tweet Friday night that Canada is rotten. Based on Canadian politicians having pictures with right wing nuts. YA fuckface Canada is rotten because some politicians have douchebag friends. This was written by the same stain who doesn't think kids should sing the anthem but knows Drake lyrics and is proud of it. Move then. The Great White North won't miss you. You're in a nation where you can make those comments and be fine, I would say your doing pretty well. But ya Canada is rotten, what a jackass.

Making this Canadian is crazy to me too. You don't like Andrew Scheer, I get it. I am so screwed come the election. I have always voted CPC, but I don't want to vote for this phony. I will not vote liberal, I can't stand them. SO I am fucked, but that's a side rant. Andy didn't have anything to do with the massacre. Willing to bet the shooter has no clue who Andy is. Saying he needs to call out people and he is the problem just isn't true. Why should a politician call out his base? You wanna show his true colors, then point out his support and base but why would he insult his support? Do you constantly agree with EVERYTHING everyone in your life does? I think him not doing that shows more about him than anything. Calling his sympathy hollow again an untruth. Like him or not I think all people can be affect by a mass murder. To me it is borderline disrespectful to the actual victims to try and make it about us. At this point in time doing that is partisan and crazy. Same as asking right wing advocates if they are happy? No, the answer is no. AT this point no one is happy. The few that are, are the worst of society.

Also ya I am tired of people saying that murder is a "white" crime. Killing because of race or religion or whatever is only something we do. In the "first" world, I can say that sadly might be true. Angry young white dudes seem to have that covered. Its a big world! All I need to write is ISIS, 9/11 need I carry on? These weren't angry white guys. And these murders top the body counts..... They don't justify white guys killing minorities. That's not what I am saying or the point I am trying to make. But yes to me painting all white guys who aren't happy with the liberal government as angry vile racists is the same as saying all Muslims are zealots and hate the west. Neither is true! 

I was about to post, then I got irritated again. So our local blogger / twitter whining champ (Not me I was third in that contest) has taken issue with a local MP. He is "disgusted" because the MP had his picture taken with FJG. Which ya is pretty awful, not something I would want to do, specially if I was an MP. He wants him removed or something, I am not really sure what he is asking for, but why? The man, like his person or politics is a democratically elected rep. So somehow he should be booted because some don't like his friends, his politics? Really? That is crazy, it goes against the whole fucking principal of democracy. This sums up my issue with the next "snowflake" (I still hate that word but it is become clear it does have meaning) generation perfectly. Someones feels are offend so we should just say fuck democracy, fuck the system validate me! That's wrong, that is not what generations have worked, fought and died for. BUT the MP in question is a rep for a very diverse area.  If he truly is as awful as the claim, then maybe he will be voted out come this fall. If not, well then the majority of the voters are not too mad.

This whole long winded diatribe is because this awful attack seemed to be a signal to attack anything or anyone right wing leaning. I am a conservative, for the most part. That by no means, means I support what happened. I have an awful dislike of rebel media, yellowvests all that kind of shit. You don't like someones politics, don't vote for them! Easy peasy! However they can actually feel awful about what happened. To me it is sad and kind of scary that a tragedy so far away can show how divided Canada has become. I guess the point is not every conservative voter is a racist, not every liberal voter is a crook, not every NDP supporter is a commie. Things are only going to get worse here and we will slip more towards our southern neighbour if we don't do something now. Those are just observations, I don't have the answers. I can say everyone needs to take a step in towards the middle rather than further "left" or "right".....

Peace Homies, that's it! That will be all I try and say on this for awhile.


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