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Showing posts from March, 2019

Cdn Poli & Christchurch

Friday was a bad day for humanity. I had to stay off twitter, (NO that's not why it was a bad day! I don't have that big an ego) I felt anything I posted would be read wrong or my point wouldn't come across as I wanted it to. Also I didn't have the time to argue with both Social Justice Warriors and Right Wing Nuts. I do have a real job! So here is a loose blog, it isn't straight forward and planned just my thoughts on the Christ Church Massacre First the shooter is a sick person. To live stream something like this is hopefully something none of us understand. There are some deep issues and this person is the villain. Second the people there are the victims, no one else. Lets stop trying to bring this into our Canadian politics. I still don't support M103 and never, ever will. I am not about to get into a long winded blog about that. I did when it came out. Everything in that waste of time is covered under our Canadian Criminal Code or our Charter of Rights.

MCU 2!

Time for the second half of the MCU review............ The hidden gem, or Age of Ultron. Hear me out here. My first watch through I thought what a load of crap this one is. THEN a couple years later as the MCU expanded I had a new found respect for it. Ultron isn’t really the big thing, it is all the other things going on. Lets start with the lame. Like how or why does Hydra have the staff / infinity stone? And when did everyone, the Avengers I mean just hook up and start looking for that? The whole thing just doesn’t seem to get any traction. I mean I can’t put my finger on it BUT it just seems boring. HOWEVER this is the good… First we get a peek that Wakanda is coming. Then we Get Vision, Scarlet Witch and Quicksilver. Did you know she is the Olsen twins little sister?? Crazy Eh? And sadly Quicksilver dies, super lame. But we also get another infinity stone, building the MCU even more. On top of all that the fallout from Tonys murderbot will carry the next how many movies wi

MCU Part 1

I am breaking my own rule and blogging when I said I wouldn’t. However I am doing it where I shouldn’t and keeping my mornings open for editing, so that’s not cheating myself right? Anyways with some blockbusters coming out and Punisher fresh out I think I need to break down the MCU. All 18 films and maybe the TV shows too. But before I do that I have to take a minute and talk about Stan the Man. The guy who started it all. The last decade of his life must have been amazing, to top of an already great life. The guy took a “childrens” medium and got to watch it blow up into pretty much the biggest movie franchise ever. Accomplishing a 1/10th of that would pretty much fulfill my life! Now lets be honest, Stan was the face. Over his career he did create a hella lotta cool shit and was lucky enough to work with many great modern storytellers who helped build marvel. He wasn't the only one, however he was the one we all knew. But I did have to just take a minute to recognize the m

Struggling DCU

Hey DC you need to give your head a shake. For real, about the big screen at least. I have heard that some of the television series are good. Like Arrow, Flash and Titans. I haven’t watched so I can’t comment but Gotham has gone to hell. That show had such potential, if they kept it gritty it might have lasted a few more seasons. Supergirl doesn’t catch my interest but at least they have a sampling on TV that is supposed to be decent. However DC is failing on the big screen, or so I think. The MCU launched in 2008, Iron Man started what is possibly the most successful studio in the last decade. Man of Steel in 2013 could have been the jump off point for the DCU but as of yet, it is not. It is failing. Now to be fair, the dark knight trilogy was still going on when the MCU launched and it was kick ass. Had it not been written to be a trilogy this could have been a great launch for DCU but it wasn’t so let’s not waste too much time on it but before I shit on DC I do have to say tha