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Federal Politics 2019

Let's go Federal. I am gonna start with memes that hurt people's feelings. Grow up. You see these signs, memes, shirts whatever calling for Trudeau to be hung or whatever and people getting all misty eyed about it. Ya I woudn't post them but I sure aint about to get all pissy about them. Where was the outrage for Harper when liberal supporters painted his as Hitler? I mean they were memes just the same and he was being portrayed as one of histories greatest monsters. Responsible for genocide. Social justice and all we shouldn't be attacking him like that. I have no problem posting shit about Trudeau even if it offends. I just gotta get that off my chest.

Let's start with the liberal party of Canada. I can't even.... No for real I can't. I personally have seen no value in their time in power. They are the social justice party. Don't get me wrong or misquote that social justice is a good thing. All MEN (ya I said it men, meaning people in general because that's the way I talk and it leads into the point I am making) should be treated fairly and equally. I my mind social justice has got too far though, gotten carried away and the liberal party is happy with that. They seem to think, it makes them better? More enlightened? I don't even know the word. But I have to side rant on this before I get into the libs.

I say Merry Christmas, not because I am Christian and not to offend others who aren't. Simply because it is what I celebrate. If the men in the world wars can set aside killing each other for one day and say it, then fuck you to those who say we can't or we need to be more PC and say happy holidays. Suck a dick. Second gay pride.... Yes I am going there. Gays have been treated AWFUL for centuries. We have become a better society and accepted that lifestyle or are becoming much more accepting. You want a day and a parade by all means have it. A week, a bit much but I can live with it. A month?? Fine whatever we have been shitbags to them for a long time. I think it is a bit much but I can deal. HOWEVER fetish balls? Guys and gals in leathers marching in these parades. People going out of their way to be "freaky" that's not gay pride. Straight people have kinks too. This is people simply wanting to show off freakiness. Keep it in the bedroom champ, straight people do it to and it has nothing to do with pride. But saying that I am sure makes me a bigot and homophobe even though my old roommate and a good friend is gay. Even though I just said I support it. Then gender ID! WTF. No, no dice. Your a guy, you pee in the men's room. I believe some people can be conflicted but that doesn't mean you actually are a lady. I have no daughters but I have friends with little girls and I would lose my shit seeing a dude go into their washrooms. Not having to put a gender on ID cards? WTF? again you have a gender and ID cards are to ID you.... In our of US command. I am still mad that the anthem was changed. Like fucking really? If these are the biggest issues in your life I will happily trade you. I am sure I can find all sorts of dumb shit to whine about it I had the time to DO NOTHING ELSE! Peoplekind.... I will not be writing anymore than that word. I think most of mankind sees how stupid that is. There is a local student who does nothing but whine about black oppression. Again, yes we have been awful to minorities. No arguments. Here is the thing, that doesn't justify everything now. Bashir recently was mad that a woman the Calgary police shot and killed after she ran down a cop was described in the paper as a "Disney princess" Guess what, it wasn't the paper that said it. It was her friend who said she battled with mental health issues. I can almost guarantee had the lady been a minority our friend would be demanding the police look into why an unarmed minority with mental health issues was killed by police. Or awhile back when another minority with a long criminal record was found dead he had an issue with the papers saying the man had a record. Why?? Was it not true? It isn't maybe the best to say but you live a rough life there is a chance a rough end is coming. When Big Paul Castellano was shot by Gotti hit men, did they avoid his ties to the mob? Or the mayoral picture of Dan Knotts. Why should this come down? Was he not the mayor?Removing shit doesn't change the past. And whether you like the person or not they were actually the mayor and served the city of Edmonton. What I mean, over and over social justice and more are trying to make being an average white male a bad thing. We need to change and accept everything and blah blah blah. I for one am sick of this, it has gone overboard. It may be a reaction to centuries of injustice, however that doesn't make it right. It literally is why we have an orange colored twat as the leader of our southern neighbors. People get tired of being the villain, when they aren't. Being told that what there ancestors did they still need to pay for. The truth is I didn't do any wrongs. I am not doc Brown and can't change the past. I can only work toward a better future, stop blaming me for your problems. The fact is the more people are pushed the more they are going to push back. Let's work towards equality and fairness together rather than trying to make me pay for the past.

So after my social justice rant, let’s look at the liberal errr social justice party. First M103, feel free to read my old blog on that. This was a joke, this entire thing is covered in both our charter of rights and in our criminal code. But in an attempt to be the bestest social justice government ever they tried to put one religion above others. Next we have “In all of us command”. REALLY?!?! This was a fucking priority? Again to what, seem righteous or something? They needed to change sons to us? How is this even a real concern? Let’s not even get started on Omar Khadr. We paid a terrorist $10 mill. 200 years the average Canadian roughly would have to work for that much money. Why did we just roll over and pay him? Oh and we bought a pipeline… The point wasn’t the west wanted it bought, just some sort of indication that it might go forward. Yet for some reason we bought a pipeline…. Oh and returning ISIS fighters can come home! That’s great! I know that this is entrenched into our rights and ole JT has no choice. (Pretty sure when that was written we didn’t have returning terror agents.) Why are we not working on undoing this? Why when they return home are they not detained. I am sure sending a stupid tweet out that the world is welcome does not help.

Besides all that I truly believe Justin hates the west. Let's not beat around the bush, his old man didn't like the west. You cannot tell me people aren't influenced by their parents. I would be willing to bet Pierre had nothing good to say about us and yes that is going to trickle down. Next we have all seen the interview of JT flat out saying the problem with Canada is the leaders are conservatives from the west and only the east has produced good leaders. When did he show up as fort mac burned? Canada day speech he somehow forgets Alberta??!! I have heard from some people who do speeches it is hard. I actually gave my first one this year and I agree. However this is what this guy does for a living and on top of that you don't "forget" things that stick out. JT knows he isn't overly liked here. He isn't about to forget us, unless he wants to. JT and the poor choice of friends, let's talk about that. I understand what Fidel and Che did. The honest truth it is no different than what George Washington did. They over threw a dictatorship. If you go to Cuba they love Fidel, the fact is they didn't make a bad society. The difference though is after they won the revolution, it just became another dictatorship. Where an iron fist ruled and killed those against him. You don't heap praise on men like that! Like use your head, in what world should a leader in the free world say a dictator is a good guy? Look at people jumping on Trump for comments about Kim Jong or Vlad Putin. And Joshua Boyle? Why, just why is he someone JT wants to visit? I restate my thought that the libs and JT are more worried about social justice and appearing to be righteous, than actually looking out for Canada. I will be honest I am not really aware of who George Soros is and I don't think JT wants some one world government. I do believe in his way he does want the best for our nation.... Or his side of it. Really I think he is a trust fund kid. He would rather be a psudeo celeb than our leader and that's fine. Just the liberal party scooped up him and his famous name to have  leader they could rally around. 

So I am sorry if it seems like I have been shitting all over the libs. It is not just them that deserves it, so lets get on to the PC’s. People wanted Harper our, not sure why but I guess change is good now and then. We got the social justice party in power and now the PCs seem to have gone regressive. I am not sure if it is response to the libs or what but I don’t like the direction. Andy Scheer is trying to play the every man and paint JT as a trust fund baby. Which is true, but ole Andy I don’t think has a leg to stand on. See he has just as much privilege, a home provided, servants and such same as the trust fund kid! Now I give Andy that his wasn’t just handed to him he actually had to win an election but please stop trying to tell us all your Joe lunchpail. My biggest issue with these guys is they have 0 to say except libs bad me good. Which is very similar to Kenney and the UCP here in Alberta. Just substitute NDP for Lib in Alberta. And repeal the carbon tax (Which I can live with). See the whole issue can be broke down into JT and libs were a reaction to Harper the new PC party is a reaction to JT. We need a party that is just a decent party! Not an answer to someone else. Just a group trying to run Canada not answer someone elses ideas! 

While I am on it let's talk talk about this joke of a carbon tax. Again it is something laid out to help someone sleep better at night, thinking they are making the world a better place. They're not, they simply have hands in my pockets. Canada is in the top 10 for world carbon use. True, that is acually kind of a scary number when you think of how big the world is. HOWEVER Canada use 2% of the carbon. That's it, 2%. If you had a child and it came home an exam in hand and they got 2% wrong, would you be upset? Our climate demands this usage. Last week when it was freezing, yes I ran my truck and let it warm up. Yes my furnace fired and kept my house warm. I am not about to change that. But I guess I should pay more. The bottom line is yes, we could do better. I think in general I live a fairly carbon friendly lifestyle and this tax will not improve me. All it is, is me paying out more for someone to think they are making the world a better place. Also 2% is such a tiny number, it is laughable.

Mad Maxime Bernier and the Peoples party. WOW this is the definition of a sore loser. I don’t know what to say. I wouldn’t vote for this clown or his party based simply on the fact the whole party came about after a temper tantrum not winning the PC leadership. Honestly that mentality really just “just not ready” He is pretty much the federal answer to Kenney. The party is too far right and clearly straight up power hungry. Is there any way to say DON"T VOTE FOR THESE GUYS???!! More clear than that.

The Bloc… Do they still exist? Does anyone even care… I don’t even know why I am mentioning them. Well actually I know why I should, because Alberta separation sounds just as dumb. Sure it sounds great, but like communism it sure don't work. We can't get a fucking pipeline now, just imagine when Canada is our neighbor and we have to try and build through it! Everything isn't alright, in my mind but separation is a freaking joke!

The NDP. Nope, just nope. I mean I shouldn’t right them off yet. 2012 if you told me Alberta would have a NDP majority I would have laughed and laughed. Stopped and laughed some more. But I don’t see that happening on a federal level.

Finally the green party. I still don’t understand how this is a political party and not a movement… Elizabeth May makes me mental. I am not going to go off on a rant about her but she doesn't belong in politics. Maybe as the leader of a movement. An advocacy or lobby group but not politics. You can't run a country based on making the environment better. It is a great movement, not a political party......

So that's my federal feelings. Same as provincial, I don't like what I see. I don't see a party I feel comfortable voting for. It seems to me politics has become more like a high school than an intelligent gathering trying to run Canada. It is sad and scary, I still can try and say we are more sane than the United States. But that is just barely and we are clearly headed down the same road. And social justice, it's just gone to far. All men were created equal and should be dealt with fairly, the fact is society is going way beyond that know. That to is scary, were is the limit? 


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