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Infinity War

I want to shout all over twitter how good Inifity War is. I want to tell everyone on Facebook the same! Everyone should know, but also I don't want to be that guy. The one who ruins it for everyone. So I am putting it right here, tons of spoilers ahead. If you don't want it ruined just stop reading right now......... Still here, okay here is my breakdown on the Avengers Infinty War. The good, the bad, the whole shabam!

Right from the get go this is a great movie. It basicly sets the tone, death, destruction and one hell of a ride. My first beef starts with Xandar. Thanos somehow just walked in there and grabbed the stone. Keeping in mind he didn't have any stones to help him do that? I wish we could have at least seen something of that. Next how strong is Thanos? He easily over powers the Hulk but later has a hard time with Cap? So which is it? Super strong or just ya know really tough? But killing Loki and Heimdall that was bad ass. I don't think they will be back if someone unsnaps Thanos' fingers but let's hope so cause Loki is awesome and played so well. Thor is also played so well, I believed he wanted to kill Thanos like he promised.

Then we get to New York. Dr. Strange and Iron Man do so well being douches to each other.  just have to say it, the casting, the actors just so good. Also I will probably gush about it again BUT Iron man / Spidey or Robert / Tom are amazing. This is a jump but that final scene between them to is heartbreaking. I am assuming we will later see the Hulk re-emerge but it is kinda annoying he doesn't show up. And yes the space spidey suit is a bit corny but still this whole scene is cool.

Then the Guardians come. I admit I was not a huge fan after the first movie. Sure it was good but it wasn't Avengers story or Deadpool comedy. It seemed stuck in the middle. Vol. 2 was awesome! Them rescuing Thor also awesome and gives them some good one liners. Drax is great for this. I want to know though did Thanos kill half of Asgard or can we assume Thor is the last and were is Valkyrie?

Vision and the Witch was another great scene. I may have got too exicted and said Cpt America too loud when he first showed up. This is a character that totally grew on me. First time I saw Cpt 1, not a huge fan. Rewatched and liked and as his story has went on he has maybe become my fav Marvel hero. PLease don't die Steve Rogers. I am glad they moved pasted that whole civil war and war machine was happy to see them. Kinda wanted Ross to get told off more, or him to actually ask for help. Assuming that is coming after half the world vanished....

Just a note the scenes may not be in exact order.....

Knowhere, I wish we saw more of this through all the Marvel movies. I love the collector. I also love the use of the reality stone. I thought Drax would have to stay in cubes and Mantis in ribbons but I guess not. Starlord shooting bubbles, also awesome. Lets just get the whole Gamora Thanos thing over right now. It is a touching an twisted story. He loved her, and be honest she loved him and was sad to kill him. This is something the do well those Marvel writers. Play with the heart strings. I am going to stay on tat note here with the Soul Stone. I was so mad I chose to go have a leak when they got to that planet. I missed Red Skull! Except for like a single line! ARGH! It actually very much hurts him to sacrifice her. Yes he is insane but it does show he has feelings.

In fact right now I have to say why Thanos is the best villain they have put out. He actually wants to save lives. That whole every bad guy thinks they are a good guy, he is the pinnacle of that. He saw a world destroyed and now he wants to stop that fate from ruining other worlds. It isn't oh I want to be king, or rich or revenge or whatever most baddies want, he actually thinks he is working for the greater good and is willing to lose his most loved thing for it. He doesn't favour, rich, poor, old, young, sick nope he just wants it too be fair.

Iron man and Spidey saving Doc Strange was a great scene. Love the "old" movie lines. I assume Strange was hugely foreshadowing when he said e would not save spidey or iron man over the stone but then later does exactly that.... I assume in the 14 million scenarios he saw only giving up the stone to save Iron man was the winning one. Then the guardians show up! I kinda thought maybe more for this fight but it was still good. And Drax is always good for a laugh.

Good to see Peter D show up! Building the axe for Thor so sweet! Now how tough actually is Thor? I mean in Ragnorok he remembers he isn't the god of hammers and becomes super badass but taking the force of a star??? And Groot giving the handle, also sweet.

Let's get to the final fights. On Titan nice, Starlords plan worked well, except when he fucked it up! The problem I had was Iron Mans suit. Is there anything it can't do now? I also liked Starlord fucking up the plan. How cheesy would it have been if he didn't rage out? Strange giving up the stone for Tony, I think foreshadowing. I did like the nod that Thanos gives him. Hoping he is remembered. Then we get back to Wakanda. Thanos' children where lame, glad to see them go. Thor showing up and smashing things, awesome. Hulk still not smashing, LAME! I mean I am sure he will pop up when most needed but damn it!! Also how did that one sneak into the room with Vision? Rocket and Bucky about the arm, love the back and forth. The Witch destroying the stone, ya totally saw the time stone fixing that. Gotta admit I thought that Thor might kill Thanos. That something crazy no one saw coming would happen, then the finger snap.

Let's be honest, that won't be it. I can't see Marvel killing off half their universe and not bringing them back. Also I would LOVE to see it affect the Netflix MCU! Peter and Tony was the hardest to watch. They nailed it!! So where are we left? I really thought we might see some Adam Warlock.... There is no movies except Ant Man and Ms Marvel between now and 4??? I dunno if I can wait that long for more Marvel!!!! The after credit scene bugs me, from what I read at least. Ms Marvel is going to be a prequel? So Fury is just calling her now? Where was she during the battle of New York? Like if she is so bad ass where the fack has she been???

Anyways I know that was rambling and disjointed. I was writing that over a weekend, so my thoughts have been scattered over 3 days. MOstly I just had to say something cause I didn't wanna be the guy putting spoilers all over social media. BUT I give it a 9/10, I cannot wait for more! I hope that 4 isn't the end for some characters. I do here some contracts are out and it very well might be BUT if it is as good I am sure they will do it right! Plus with Disney now owning the mutant universe what might b next........

Sorry DC but right now Marvel is killing it on the movie side.....


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