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Summer :( Over

Summer is over, like WTF I swear just yesterday I was saying YA! Summer is here. I am going to get sooo much golf in this year! Two games is all by the way. All in all, it hast been anything that exciting. I didn't go out anywhere. I didn't get a fishing license. I didn't even grow a garden. I didn't win the lotto and we didn't even go on a holiday anywhere. I mean usually we have left somewhere!! I know I can only blame myself so I am not going to cry about it... Too Much.

I did a few things though. I started yoga. I guess it isn't "real" yoga. Like it ain't hard in fact it is relaxation yoga. It really works too. In strange ways. I do feel relaxed after, and have great sleeps. Its the inward meditation that is funky. The most random shit pops into my head. Old memories, sometimes fears or worries. Like in the movies people meditate and all of a sudden bam! They are like a super human. Me I am more relaxed, yes but my mind goes all over the place not a concentrated warrior type.....

We built a bench around the deck and stained the deck. Other than that we didn't do a ton of projects around the house. I mean we got AC, well worth it his summer! And a new roof. That we paid someone to do though. From three years ago this place is almost unrecognizable. Maybe over the winter I should finish the basement..... Or take the winter and live in L.A. See which one happens. But honestly I do have to admit our inlaws have helped us out a lot with stuff. To me it isn't right, nowadays that young people can't buy homes. Either you have to make very decent coin or have help. I spent years trying to save like that but on an average job. Paying the rent of minimum $1000 and with a car payment, insurance, food and bills how are people to save that down payment? IF you don't have a good one you are going to be locked in a crazy expensive mortgage. And if you have one of them little bundles of joy, your hooped.Some how some where along the line it went from having lotsa kids and being able to buy a home to having one maybe two now and struggling to get a foot in the door. Something ain't right.

The Oilers sign McJeBus! All is right in Oil town for the next 9 years. Plus Dr. Dri is signed too. I would assume they are now ready to make a deep playoff push. That's a lie. I don't expect them to push deep this year either. I mean I expected them to make the playoffs and I would be happy with another second round, if a good team defeats them. (The refs fucked them last year. I won't bitch no more but they won the series for the Ducks) If by some miracle they get easy teams maybe the could make West Conference Finals. My Wings I admit will struggle for the next few years. It would be awesome if they could get a young star. And I swear the Capitals need to win it this year or there time in the sun is almost over.....

My goal was to not be too political this blog and I won't be BUT the "Left Wing" needs to give its collective head a shake. More than half have lost "moral" high ground on Jason Kenney. The little stunts being pulled like at the Calgary Pride March, if done to a gay male would have these same people screaming bigot (Like they like to do to me on twitter) We get it, he is a fool. So don't vote for him, like Sheila Reid Gunn let him holler away in his corner. Your true colors are bleeding through..... You wanna beat him in a debate, that's one thing anything else your losing your "high ground" In my mind you might want to keep that high ground cause it is what the left does properly. The Right Wing might not have the social values but they win the economics, so you might wanna keep that high ground. Also just a quick thought on police not being able to wear uniforms when walking in Pride march. This is GARBAGE. When these men and women put on that outfit they go out, to protect and serve the community. Who is it investigates hate crimes? Who is it that people call for that? The uniform means something. It shows these people are willing to do what most won't. What I know I won't. Put themselves out to protect and serve society, other people. To say no, you can't wear that in our little walk is a slap in the face to that. And they are held hostage by it. The police can't turn around and say then we aren't walking without our uniforms because again someone is going to start oh bigots, homophobes. And on and on and blah blah. It is complete and utter horse shit.

Super heroes have gone stale? I state that as a question. I mean every blockbuster this summer was supposed to be super hero movies so Marvel cough "Disney" cough could print more money but I have yet to hear that any were really amazing. I watched Guardians 2. It was IMO better than the first. To me 1, was too hokey but this was good. However Wonder Woman is out, so is Spidey, the hundredth reboot. I mean I wanna see them but they didn't get the same reviews as say Avengers 1. When superheroes were cutting edge. All Eyez on Me was a huge let down. Tupac had an insane life. In the few years he was given on this earth he did so much, both good and bad. The movie tried to show it all. Understandable, but it makes for a hurried movie that no one who doesn't know his story would understand. Straight Outta Compton gave me hope, as it was awesome last year, but this let me down. Also on my watch list is Pirates 5 and that King Arthur movie. Again I have high hopes but have a funny feeling I might be let down. Hollywood has run out of new ideas....

McGregor fought Mayweather. I didn't watch, I wanted to but I didn't care enough to be out all night for a delayed fight or pay $100 to watch it at home. I wanted McGregor to win, I can't stand Mayweather. I knew he wouldn't though. Think of what that would do to boxing if one of its all time greats was beaten by a person from another sport. I thought actually McGregor would get frustrated and go UFC but he fought and lost well. Then they both went home and rolled around on the millions and millions they made that night.

We played in Play On again. We did awful, 0 - 3 and not even playing in the second day. Which sucks to think we were 11 out of 60-ish last year and almost last this year. Again it was a fun day and I would tell everyone to get out and try it. I learned that running a couple times prior will not get you in shape for that! Also guy and gals playing there, no NHL scouts are there. Most of us have real jobs to get to after that weekend so calm down and just play for fun. See a post from June for more on that!

Went and saw Metallica, was another awesome show. Last time they were in Edmonton they were good too. Admit I was a bit worried. In Calgary, I think on the death magnetic tour they were not good. My first time seeing them and they might have been the worst show I have seen. But the last two made up for it. Missed GnR but heard they were also awesome. These bands make me feel super old when I wanna yell don't play anything newer than 1995! I would really, realy like to see Yelawolf or Hollywood Undead. Plus I went and bought a CCR CD. CCR in my mind is timeless though. And bought the James Barker Band. Catchy little group, remind me of being mid twenties. Also found out Dan Davidson is a country musician now. Did not see that coming. I like him, also did not see that coming....

Another throw back is my post from earlier about dental surgery. It was both good and bad! I mean my mouth is so much better. And for the 2 months I was on a strict diet my blood sugar was awesome. To the point if I wasn't already diagnosed with diabetes my doc said he likely wouldn't have given that diagnoses. Which tells me this is on me to eat right and be but.... The bad though was that diet. No cookies, no popcorn nothing I love!

What I figured would happen months ago happened. The "alt-right" had a little get together. Trump has given all hateful little people a feeling of power. On one hand I get it. They shouldn't be pulling down confederate statues. You can't change history, you can only learn from it. I don't think any person alive was a slave and I am betting from the videos half the people pulling down the statues aren't even smart enough to actually know who they are pulling down. This will sound bad, but it is true and fair, if we can have BLM marches, womens marches, pride marches then angry white men can march to. But that offends "snowflakes" and these midclass never having struggled but read books and think they know the world (You don't know the world, I was just like you 20 years ago) come and protest the march. Fights break out and an innocent person dies. You're all fucked, both sides. Saying that, made some people angry on twitter. If people aren't smart enough to see that we have to be somewhere in the middle we are all doomed. So ya that's Charlottesville in a nut shell.

It was this year we got Netflix. AT first it is amazing. The selection, the price and all. But with time the novelty wears. I mean don't get me wrong Marvel is awesome on it. Here is my order Daredevil 1, 2, Defenders, Iron Fist, Jessica Jones and then Luke Cage. I am sure when Punisher comes out it will be right near the top. But what happens when Disney pulls out? Every second documentary is awesome. Some are just plain bad. But all in all for $10 a month I like it. Still have a list to try watching..... Game Of Thrones came back. WOW. The whole series has been amazing but this season feels like what they have been building too. If you haven't seen it just binge it now and watch the final season unfold. Preacher has done the same thing as last year. Every time I think it is shit, it puts out a great episode. Then I think it is shit again and so on. Fear the Walking Dead had a great start. The first half of this season almost made up for seasons 1 and 2. The mid season premier however wasn't very good and I would assume if they can't hook more people soon they might not have many seasons. Last is Gotham, not back yet but the preview looks bad. It is like a show that lost its way. One episode is dark and interesting. Then Mr. Freezes shows up, looking like Arnies freeze an making no one want to watch.....

This is the summer of Storms in the states to. It is terrible to see our Southern neighbors being smashed like this. Th nice thing though is other than a few looters (Who aren't stealing work boots) they seem to be coming together to help each other which is something they need right now.

So that's it, kind of a wrap of the summer of 2017.....


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