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I think that I am pretty open minded for a Good Old Northern Alberta Boy( Or have gotten much better in the last decade). 90 percent of the time I am willing to at least try another to see anothers prospective. I did try and give the NDP a chance, I dislike them now based on the last two years. I didn't go all Trump tarded, for me most things need dealt with in the middle ground. Too far either way never seems to work.....

But here we are, some dim witted work out video making mother fucker goes and gets my hillbilly side up. Here is a person born into money, who never had to work a day in her life. Unlike the 1000's of people who go to camps to work long days to support a family. Maybe if she hadn't been born with a silver spoon, she might not be so damn mouthy. Next she is made of PLASTIC! Is she aware of what is used to make plastic and in essence to make her??!! Like this makes me insane, these Hollywood "stars" (Lets be honest this old bitch ain't be relevant in decades) Telling us, average people they don't understand how to live. On top of that is she protesting her own home? The shitty oil Cali produces or the tons of smog from L.A? Now don't get it twisted I understand why there is smog and you cant really avoid it but WTF? Taking a chopper to fly around and judge Alberta, just shut up!!

Next we get to another person who has lost all touch with reality. Leo DiCaprio. I hate to admit it I love his movies. Most of them.... But he is a total douchepool. A Chinook wind scared him? It confirmed his global warming fears??? Lets put it out there, I know global warming is real and we need to deal with it. Now lets remember Chinooks are a native word. If the natives invented the fucking word way back when, then I would say these warm NATURAL winds have been happening for centuries! They are not a phenom brought about recently. So shut your stupid mouth! Traveling the world on jets, hanging out on yachts. This jackhole is leaving a massive carbon footprint....

Next thing I wanna say I believe people should stand for something. I don't have to agree with you. If you can legit argue your point, I will respect you. If you are a celebrity and you can use that to actually make the world a better place, then that is your responsibility. The common man is spending what they can to go see your movies, buy your music, watch your TV shows. We are giving you what we can and it is giving you a life we can only dream of. So ya, if you can make the world a better place you should! BUT using your "fame" to hurt hard working people is horseshit....

Also I hate the Carbon Tax. I get it, Alberta maybe needed a tax. SO call it a fucking tax. Don't pin some social issue on it. Alberta is oil country, putting a tax on that is basically slapping the people in the face. I am sure smug self righteous hipsters who ride bikes everywhere feel this is good. The guys living in downtown condos NOT paying for the natural gas to heat homes like so many families. To those NDP voters I would like you to take a few minutes and think about it. Oil money is actually a trickle down. Those people who work long hard hours also spend the hard earned money. They buy the toys, homes and pay a ton toward the service industry. I don't like trickle down economics cause in the grand scheme I don't think it works. However in this Alberta microcosm it does. Look around what companies are donating millions..? So please hipsters and anti oil / Alberta activists suck a fat cock. Anyways if you wanna tax, just put out a tax, don't lie that it is to make us a better place. It is because the government needs money. Alberta, hell all of Canada puts out a tiny carbon footprint (Also I hate the word carbon footprint, makes me think of littlefoot and the land before time) Lets not turn into a bunch of whiny Politically correct asshats. Lets remember what made Alberta and Canada great!

Last is Captain Fuckstick. Some Canadians call him Prime Minister Justin Trudeau. First off I wanna say how disappointed I am in our Eastern cousins. The ones who swung the vote and made him the majority leader. I mean all the Atlantic provinces. The ones who are happy to come work here, make fat Alberta cash but voted in a leader against Alberta??? What the hell were you thinking? You voted in someone who actually has said he wants to phase out our livelihood. Lets be real, ole Capt Fuckstick did just say he wants to phase out Alberta but even he isn't dumb enough to try and do it tomorrow. Lets not get all Rebel Media gloom and doom, no one in Ottawa is dumb enough to think they can shut down Oil, snap fingers and  done...... But keep in mind this twat even said it! And why? To impress foreign governments? Or environmentalists? This man is clueless, like Fonda he was born with a silver spoon he has nothing in common with most of Canada! Also this is total speculation but I am willing to bet his old man filled his head with anti Western Canada ideology. So to end this blog Fuck Trudeau!


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