I think that I am pretty open minded for a Good Old Northern Alberta Boy( Or have gotten much better in the last decade). 90 percent of the time I am willing to at least try another to see anothers prospective. I did try and give the NDP a chance, I dislike them now based on the last two years. I didn't go all Trump tarded, for me most things need dealt with in the middle ground. Too far either way never seems to work..... But here we are, some dim witted work out video making mother fucker goes and gets my hillbilly side up. Here is a person born into money, who never had to work a day in her life. Unlike the 1000's of people who go to camps to work long days to support a family. Maybe if she hadn't been born with a silver spoon, she might not be so damn mouthy. Next she is made of PLASTIC! Is she aware of what is used to make plastic and in essence to make her??!! Like this makes me insane, these Hollywood "stars" (Lets be honest this old bitch ain't be re...
So I wanna be a writer. I think it was Stephen King who said to be good you had to spend hours a day at it. So this is my answer to that, warm up for real writing. Small town Alberta boy living now in E-town. Follow on twitter @Tavis_P also for reviews of things Tavis P on yelp.