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I got an unexpected yet awesome text from a friend last night watching the first Daredevil of the new season. He gave rave reviews to the show and to Frank Castle (Jon Bernthal) Sorry all you other punishers you were kinda lame. 20 years ago when I got into comics it was a "nerd" thing. I kept it quiet so people didn't think I was gonna grow up and be a serial killer. Only the friend who texted me last night actually got how go they could be AND introduced me to more adult comics. Preacher blew my frickin mind. Now it is a golden age! Some how the nerds and geeks have take over mainstream! I will not lie Robert Downey  mighta had a huge deal to do with that. Marvel rules the big screen DC is about to battle for it it is nerd heaven right now. So for fun I am going to yap / review about the few things (only) on TV or Big screen that nerds have brought to us! (To you normal people)

As a small disclaimer Robert Downey did play a huge part as Tony Stark bringing people in but I also wanna credit Hollywood with failing to have any new ideas for the last 10 years...

Lets start at the start. Superman Chris Reeves. Kinda before my time and what I have watched was campy. But they did make what 4 movies so it had to be decent. Staying with sups we come out with Return of Superman. I give it 17 thumbs down. What a stinker! I love you Kevin Spacey. Terrible role though bud. Then came the Man of Steel. BOOM! I hate Superman, these goody two shoes are kinda lame BUT this was the Superman movie we needed. Great story, great cast great set up for another blockbuster.

Then Batman. Well lets shout out to Adam West Batman first. It was so awful it was good. Who doesn't know that show?? Hell my 20 / 19 year old brothers know it. So sadly it has stood the test of time. But lets get to the first run. Mike was a great Batman, Jack was a great Joker. While kinda cartoony for is time is was good. The second one another decent movie. DeVito was a great penguin, then WTF happened??? If we could wash our memories of the next two shit piles that would be a great thing!! Jim Carey could have been a great riddler if he played a dark character. This cartoon shit killed the franchise. Two face is lame Tommy Lee showed how lame. Arnie was the worst freeze ever. The neon shit. Seriously wtf.

The Came the Dark Knight Trilogy. 9/10 for the whole series. 10/10 for The Dark Knight. First awesome writing. True to Dark Knight it is a darker version and not full of super powered people. It is gritty like a good Batman comic. The casting was amazing. Liam was a perfect Raz. Bale was a great Batman even if his bat voice is a bit hokey. Bane was very well done. Instead of a muscle bound freak they made him a good villain. Of course though is the man it will be remembered for. Heath. Wow Jack was great but Heath was the Joker I have always seen. I remember the joke brokeback Joker before the movie came out. I think the haters were silenced. Even Two face was well played. I cannot say enough about this series. While it was well written something about the ending just seemed to let me down but other than that wow!

Gotham, a show that is hit and miss. Don't get me wrong I love it. Mondays is DC night. Gotham then Lucifer. But we will get to that, back to Gotham. Gordon was perfectly cast. The "Joker" also amazing. Galavan too, so easy to hate. And Penguin and Riddler kudos to those guys. Some of it gets pretty meh at best. BUT the main story line is great. Oh and Zaza and Falcone I sorta like. I mean Zaza isnt supposed to be a mafia hitman savant but I do like it. Falcone was boring and I hated Fish but love this show.

Green Lantern, I didn't mind at all. I mean I am not a lantern fan but I didn't hate the movie.yes deadpool made up for whatever was wrong with it but I didn't hate it. There I said it!

I am a bad DC fan, I haven't watched a single Arrow, Flash or Legends of Tomorrow. I have heard they are all great but I just ain't into them. The fact they have 3 shows on mainstream TV though show it is a golden age for nerdy nerds. Lucifer wow, I like this show! Casting was great and I don't know the story so wow really digging it!

I am going to get into the two DC movies that are up coming. Dawn of Justice looks mind blowingly good. I wont lie, I am worried about Batfleck. But everyone said Heath would suck and look at that... And him getting control of Batman as actor writer and director I dunno. It might be great, time will tell. They are building toward a Justice league movie. I think this is gonna be a great launch pad. Also Luthor ya he is gonna be awesome.

Suicide squad.... First off who doesn't love Harley??? I think that is gonna be the big sell for this. Deadshot, Will Smith doing it, sure he ain't bad. The problem again is the Joker. People worried about Heath, Leto no dice. I have not seen one preview that makes me think he wont suck. Another one time will tell. But I am not seeing it.

I think I got DC covered lets move to Marvel for a bit. Go back a few years, to Spiderman. Tobey you were so cute. The first movie was great. Then like so many series it slowly went downhill. If you couldn't tell the entire story of number 3 within the first ten minutes you weren't watching it. Then came the reboot. I admit I like it better for sure with Gwen but now that one is dead and we are gonna do another reboot??? Come on WTF!

Lets get the X outta they way right now. First off X titles have always been my fav. I dunno but that cue ball bastard has always had awesome teams. But lets look at the movies. 1 good, 2 decent-ish, 3 steaming pile of crap! Also Sabretooth was the ultimate fail in this series. 3 almost killed the entire thing. Well I guess it did but it was reborn. Like the Phoenix in 3, get it?? Oh piss off. Anyway the casting was great. The whole story and how it went was what was bad. Dark Phoenix is one of my favorite arcs and you made it awful!!! Thank god for reboots. The ages for some characters dint match up but First Class was awesome! Secondary characters moved to the spotlight was great and the new cast as good as the old. Then Days Of Future to make it all make sense and erase that stinky first trilogy NICE! Plus the time hop with both casts is a great idea. The series is saved NOW if they can keep it going......

Lets look at the couple off shoots. Start with Deadpool. Great movie, almost an anti superhero movie. Loved it Ryan Reynolds nailed it. So much better than what the fuck ever that thing called Deadpool in the wolverine movie was. My fear is it will be like Ted less and less good the more you watch it. And to the stupid people who brought their kids. Just give your head a shake. Other than the awful thing called Deadpool in the first Wolverine Movie and the mutant factory this was a good movie. Sabretooth was awesome, Gambit was great. Here is a warning Channing Tatum don't fuck Gambit up! Anyways it tied somethings together and was good. Ya I said it I liked it. The second one though lets pretend it never happened.

I heard a rumor once that they were going to make a few origin X movies. I think for some that would be great. A Micheal fassbender movie from the camps until first class would be awesome. The Summers family could have a hella story. Dunno if that will ever come true but for now Apocalypse looks epic. There are so many stories to be told this could go for a long time. But keep in mind we are watching you Tatum.

Until the movie I really had no interest in the Guardians of the Galaxy. It was a good movie. Chris Pratt ya your awesome. Will I watch the sequel yes. If it does tie into the Avengers all the better. But to me it wasn't a super hero movie. Not like Deadpool which really wasn't supposed to be but like it didn't get its groove.

Fantastic 4. I liked the first one, not a huge fan of the second and haven't even seen the reboot. Maybe someday some one will do a classic series justice but lets wait a few years before another reboot.

T.V by Marvel. I hear good things about Daredevil. That's a lie I hear it is amazeballs (that's a direct quote) I need netfilx, so I will just go with it is awesome. Agents of Shield, I couldn't get into. Coulson died. It pulled at your heart he shoulda stayed dead. Agent Carter, Jessica Jones,,,, I think maybe Marvel should leave TV to DC.

I hope they do the Hulk right, maybe Ruffalo can do it! Cause boo-urns on the last two. That's my segue way into the Big One! The series that really built this golden age of nerdy movies.

The Avengers. Iron Man was awesome, acting, story everything was good about it. It pulled people into the comic world. 2 was still good, 3 is getting pretty bad. The last fight was cool but I think they would be smart to slow that series down. Flipside of that coin is Captain America. 1 was good, a great back story not my favorite marvel movie.Then came the Winter Solider I love that movie. Lets not lie Civil War cpt #3 looks like maybe the best movie coming out this summer. It could be as good as the first Avengers. Lets be honest Age of Ultron was nowhere near as good as the first one. Infinity war hopefully lives up to the first Avengers. The rest of the cast of Avengers spin offs are decent. Ant Man was good. Not amazing. Thor was decent, the second one was good again not amazing. Big shout out to Loki though he sometimes carries that whole series. It may not be correct but in my mind Iron Man and the Avengers broke into the main stream and made comics a staple of the mainstream.

Last couple things to say. Preacher man I cannot wait for Preacher. I love Garth Ennis. Now I sadly think it will be toned down BUT! this show is gonna be good. I can feel it in me bones. I would have to say The Walking Dead might be one of the most popular shows on TV. Ya its a comic!

Also I gotta finish with toys. Well actually the Ninja Turtles were also comics before anything else. The first run was good for its day. I don't really know about those middle attempts but the new one was great and  cant wait for the next one this summer! Also Transformers was a decent series. Just went down hill fast. And that last one with Marky Mark ya I couldn't finish that. GI Joe, what was that. The first one was good-ish. I have heard nothing good about #2. I have it on PVR but I am scared to watch it......

So there you have it my nerd rants. It went way longer than I thought it would and I coulda said a ton more but the truth is it is a golden age for nerds now! Just hoping that it doesn't get over run and ruined like the Batman series.


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