I recently read that the average blog should be 300 - 3000 words. In fact 3000 is almost too long. On average that is a 12 minute read and people move on. Adding these words to an already too long blog. I am changing my strategy, my travel entries are going to be shorter than I wrote. Maybe more entries and a bit more frequently. I am babbling and already making it longer.... When I left off we were just in line at the Calgary airport to board our flight to Paris. Months before we flew, I was offered to upgrade our seats. We could put a bid on premium seats. I have never flown anything but economy; that is what we booked in. My wife convinced me to place a bid. I said OK but the very minimum, which was $750. Months passed, and honestly, I forgot all about it until one morning, I opened my credit card app to pay, and there was $1500 on it. We got our seats, but it was $750 / ea seat. I wasn't 100% prepared for that; this is a prime example of having extra cash when you travel! We bo...
So I wanna be a writer. I think it was Stephen King who said to be good you had to spend hours a day at it. So this is my answer to that, warm up for real writing. Small town Alberta boy living now in E-town. Follow on twitter @Tavis_P also for reviews of things Tavis P on yelp.