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Showing posts from April, 2020


I wasn't going to do this. I was going to finish the blog that has been on my desktop for a few days, that was interrupted by Tiger King and being lazy BUT I feel I want to get it off my chest. So here will be a short rant on wrassling! it was going to be a couple lines in a random thoughts blog but nah after seeing what a single comment did to that "fandom" I feel the need to well, respond. Bit O background. Some wrestler, no idea who said maybe they shouldn't be performing right now. Tagged Vince Mcmahon in the tweet. Clown A goes off saying no Vince is the man who brought so many great events blah blah blah. I simply responded with "Wrestling isn't real." WOW I don't think I have ever stirred up so much shit online in my life. Let me be clear. Vince is a joke. Don King with better hair? Or worse? WWE is a joke as well. Having any event like that right now is dumb. When REAL that's right folks, REAL sports are cancelled why is some scripted

Joe Exotic Tiger King!

So I give my wife a hard time for watching trash TV on the TLC Trash Learning Channel or whatever it is all the time. But this time was me, Covid and Tiger King weekend. I had another blog started but I gotta do this one first. While Joe Exotic is still all over peoples timelines on social media! I am not going to talk about the ENTIRE show, just the people......... And this is a quick one, sorry if the editing is rough. Also a ton of disjointed thoughts.... Joe Exotic, wow. I was going to save him for last but maybe he is crazy enough to get 2 paragraphs. Nice hair, he did steal the mullet Hulk Hogan should have to have a complete head of hair? But lets not be mean. I think some of the final clips, the archival footage show WAY back in the day he did want to do this for the right reason. Hell he even said they belong in the wild on other continents. Then the $$$ starts rolling in. IMO two things happened there, first he realized he could be a showman. One look at him and you know th

Patient Zero

SO, I had a story brewing for years. A mix of horror, which I would like to write more of and comics. Superhero comics. I wanted to do it in comic form but it seems anytime I start anything in that form it never gets finished. (Not that this actually will, hopefully it does but just saying) I wanted it in comic form so that it could be on going for one reason. If I am honest I have no real end, yet. More twists and turns as the story goes. So an ongoing series right? Like I have developed characters, but not exactly where they are headed. SO maybe that is ill prepared. BUT I also feel written books can be more descriptive and go deeper into story. I am at a loss for which is a better medium. Either way though I would have this random spiel opening it. This is a VERY ROUGH draft. I mean I will likely edit it a tiny bit, a couple times before it goes live but NO it isn't a finished draft. Cut me some slack. The second part is yes Covid is what is making me do it. Not inspiring the st