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Random September Thoughts

 The Olympics started. I remember when it was a big deal, grandpa recording it, like all of it on a massive VHS set. I still pay a bit of attention to the winter games but summer. Not so much. I am just going to go into the opening ceremonies for a second. I am not even religious, but man mocking Christians is the thing to do these days?? Look back over the last 20 years of opening ceremonies and you have some awesome shows. This was a shit show. Drag queens enacting The Last Supper. Then online I see clowns saying "Oh its not the last supper, its the feast of Dionysus and it is about the Greeks starting the games" No its not. Put those two paintings side by side with the ceremony and it is clearly the Last Supper. I can guarantee you wouldn't see them mocking Islam in an Islamic nation putting on the games. It has become a fucking joke. I did read someone try and say it was representing French art and culture. I could almost believe that, except it was painted by and Ita
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Deadpool & MCU stuff

  The MCU hasn't been the same since Endgame. It has had a few decent TV shows, and let's be honest, Guardians 3 was terrific. Spidey and Doc Strange were alright, and also, a ton of crap has come out. Moving forward is looking iffy, even with a fantastic movie out and hopefully one on the way. Here are my mini highlights, and of course, there are spoilers, so be warned. So, let's talk about RDJ coming back to the MCU. It reeks of desperation. The most popular actor of the first 10 years has to come back to revamp the entire franchise. Have things really gotten that bad?? Is Cap coming back if Brave New World bombs? I will give it a shot; RDJ is a great actor. I know he can pull the roll-off, but there had better be one hell of a well-written plot to get there. I am making an assumption he is a clone? A variant? If they say he looks strikingly close to Tony and wears a suit of armor, I might lose it. Let's assume Dr. Doom will be a big bad and not wasted as a one-shot.

Video Game Life

I am putting the Last of Us part 1&2 as a single paragraph. Not because they aren't great but because, in reality, they are short! The fact is 2 is the reason this blog came into existence. There was a debate I saw online. Was Ellie right, or is Abby right? I am gonna weigh in on that. Neither is right! Both of them get all murdery and both of them suffer for it. That's the whole point of game 2. Personally, I am an Ellie supporter. Of course, that is because of game 1. You play as Joel, and it is so well written that you start to grow attached to Ellie. So, of course, when someone brutally murders Joel, you gonna want revenge. Game 2 gives a different view; if you had been Abby or her father in game 1, we would have wanted revenge against them! Some strangers come and kill all your friends and murder your father; we would be rooting for Abby. It is legitimately the exact same thing that happened to Ellie. Strangers come and murder her father. The game does a fantastic job

Random July Pop Culture and Thoughts

SO school has been insane. I dont really have time to blog but I do need a break now and then, so this is a quick one on lunches and coffees when I am not doing school shit. It is a mix of a few things that have been on my mind and a bit of pop culture. Sorry if it is edited for shit and hard to read.... Who are you? Who do you wanna be? Do you ever think about that shit? Events in my life made me think about it. Strangely enough I am taking marketing right now and since a lot of psychology (kind of scary that marketers want in your head) is in it, my school brought up the same question. For example it can broken down into 3 parts. What do you want in life, what are your goals and dreams. Second what are you values and morals and last what is your lifestyle? I NEVER really thought about that kind of stuff and I wonder how many people actually do. I have always just lived and done things somewhat impulsive. Bit of back story, roughly 18 years ago my dad was a sales rep for an oil compan

Part 2 Greece and a little more Paris

We learned about the good kind of nothing. See when you are on holidays, you need to plan even if it is plan to do nothing. You can see the culture, hit museums and sites like that. You can shop! You can just wander, take in a new city, take pics and enjoy yourself OR you can do the good kind of nothing. Go to a coffee shop and watch the world go by, then maybe head to another stop for a glass of wine and people watch some more. That's the good kind of nothing. Doing nothing but relaxing. However if you don't plan for one of these things you will end up doing the bad kind of nothing. Where you can't make up your mind what you are doing and end up doing nothing but wasting a day. I will be honest, we didn't do the good kind of nothing. We didn't really have time to, if I get back...when I get back I want to spend a day or two doing that. The lesson though is don't do the bad kind of nothing or you will hate it! You will be filled with regret or annoyance that you