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Pink Shirt Day and why I won't wear one OR Dealin with Bullies

For Feb 14 V day as I would call it there should be March 14. Steak and a BJ day. SO for pink shirt day Feb 25th. Does it always fall on that day lets have Black shirt day! Now before ya'll get your knickers in a twist here is my reasoning. PS I wasn't serious I mean black shirt day could be any day, I just wanna state my objections to Pink Shirt Day.

Before that though I do wanna say bullying is a problem. Kids killing themselves. People getting low self esteem for life. And in the more extreme cases the violence and shit is totally unacceptable and wrong! Don't read into this as go out and bully or that I at all support it but I think a lot more needs done than wearing a pink shirt.

First off look at the kids doing it. Why are they doing it? First look at the home they come from. I believe all people are born a blank slate, so if they are an asshole it is coming from somewhere. If at home they are taught kindness, you will see it. Most behaviour is learned first at home. Ever watch little kids? Not like creepy in a van style but you know what I mean. They want to be together. Most want to play and meet new people. So what changes? What makes them bullies? Each person has a different story a reason for bullying and wearing a pink shirt will not stop that. Little Timmy gets abused at home, so he lashes out at school. Little Jimmy has more money so he makes fun of the kids with less. Terri (girl pretty vague name right) is naturally what society sees as beautiful so she mocks the less pretty girls. Maybe we need to take a long hard look at what we say and do, what we teach kids and what they learn at home. Hell if a kid is a bully, make the parents wear the pink shirt. Specially if the dad is a macho assface. I admit some people are just assholes but they aren't going away and a pink shirt wont change them.

Second what is it teaching kids? That wearing a shirt will make everything better? It won't, how many people deal with assholes everyday in their adult life? Do you feel like you have an office bully? These people aren't going away. What we need to be teaching is to stand up for ones self. How to deal with conflict. We are creating victims, saying mean people will stop if we dress up together. If that was true lets dress in white the color of peace and head to the middle east. Maybe we can stop the wars there. On top of that and i do guess it is kinda the message of the pink shirt that people should stand up to bullies but shouldn't we be teaching that to kids YEAR ROUND. Not just 1 day when it is trendy?

Another huge problem is the modern era. I don't want to sound like a Luddite but the new world really isn't helping this problem. Do your kids really need I phones? Does a 14 year old need Internet access and email on the go? Not really, counter point I get it parents want to get in touch with their kids. I still have half a dozen flip phones.So they are still out there if your really needing to get in touch with your kids. Facebook, cyber bullying it didnt exist when I was young. If i wanted to see what was up I walked to my friends. Look at the role models now. Trevor from GTA V, Eminem, Jax Teller. Mass and social media is a new problem and kids are learning bad things from these things. This all falls back on the parents though, instead of letting the Kardashians raise your kids into assholes... Who are gonna likely be bullies do some damn parenting! Pretty sure kids don't need facebook. I get it, you hit Jr high and high school and ya, you want it but do kids younger really need it? Also selfies?? and dudes taking naked pics of their girlfriends. I get it, its a thrill but maybe PARENTS should be teaching kids self worth and common sense not to put themselves out there for that. It is a good thing I don't have a teenage daughter cause if I knew someone took nudies of her no place on earth would be safe. Memo to all boys that applies to my friends new girls too. BUT again parenting I hope my kids are smart enough that I can teach the the self worth not to be in that position. Again a ton of this falls back on the parents and us as a society.

Also this hyper sensitive world needs to stop. I have a good friend, he likes men. I say some pretty jerky things to him, but I know the line. He told me what is really offensive to him and i make an effort to not say the things that are hurtful. On the flip side we have another gay dude that would wear a pink shirt around me everyday. Anything that comes out of my mouth is apparently bullying, discriminating blah blah blah. First world problems, sorry somethings aren't meant at all to be hurtful and if your gonna censor everything it goes back to my whole what will you raise people who cant stand up for themselves?

Last point cause even I feel a bit like I am rambling now but were does the shirt money go? Honestly I don't know, not being a smart ass. Is it going to some fund or is someone just making mucho pesos off a trend? I do hope it goes to something good.

I don't support bullying, all people were created equal. NO one should be made to feel less or be made fun of for any reason. I personally just think instead of using a band aid cure on the problem of bullying we need to deal with the root causes. AND not that anyone reads this but if I at some point bullied you I am sorry.


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