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Showing posts from September, 2021

Mental Health

 I have been ranting a lot about politics and pandemics recently and I was going to move on from that BUT I do want to get another serious topics off my chest first. MENTAL HEALTH So before I get into it, I have to give you my history with it. In general I think I am fairly healthy, I have spoken to a psychologist more than once. They have told me more than once I need to express more emotion. One did think I had sociopathic tendencies with my "lack" of empathy. He did decide I wasn't but that had a lot of room to improve. So that's me now. 20ish years ago when I felt like I was losing control of my life things were different. I had dropped out of college and was working minimum wage jobs, getting deeper and deeper in debt borrowing money from my grandmother I was in bad shape. A few times in a few weeks I went to the Royal Alex with chest pains. Bad. I don't go to hospitals, in general I don't call in sick to work. That's just not me. However I legit thou

The Fall of Alberta

 This is a pure anger blog, so i pre apologize for errors as I am not editing.  Alberta is falling further and further into shit. Old Mr Kenney said we would never see Vaccine passports. Fuck was he careful to not use that term last night as he introduced vaccine passports. Before I even get in to how angry that make sme let me chat about the 2 clowns at the for front of this all Jason Kenney OR less sexy Randy from Trailer Park Boys as you may know him. I will say in all my life I have voted Conservative at every level of government. UCP was the first time EVER I didn't. Not because I wasn't still a con but because I didn't like or trust him. To this day he really hasn't done anything to change my mind. Let me be blunt. His handling of the pandemic IMO wasn't bad. Up until open for business July 1st. Even that I am not critiquing. It was / is time to get back to work! (As a side note CERB proves a UBI would be a terrible idea. People are refusing to go back to work

Canadian Democracy

 Its that time again. We need to pick our fearless leader for the next few years. Let me be 100% honest, I love democracy. There literally isn't a better system, what I don't like is our broken democracy. Not that I don't like it actually, I think it needs tweeked. Before I start let me give you a bit of a back story on this. I saw a post on social media the other day. It was a map of the Canadian provinces. There was a line drawn between Ontario and the East with the West and the North on the other side. With the comment, until this changes nothing changes. It showed the East having 231 seats and the West and North only having 107. The implication is the East really has the power and out here we really don't matter. This is true, both the fact and the implication. Really by the time the results are in from Ontario we can usually tell our government. Ya Democracy! What got me going was someone chiming in this is fine, it is based on the population and that's how it