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Showing posts from February, 2015

Pink Shirt Day and why I won't wear one OR Dealin with Bullies

For Feb 14 V day as I would call it there should be March 14. Steak and a BJ day. SO for pink shirt day Feb 25th. Does it always fall on that day lets have Black shirt day! Now before ya'll get your knickers in a twist here is my reasoning. PS I wasn't serious I mean black shirt day could be any day, I just wanna state my objections to Pink Shirt Day. Before that though I do wanna say bullying is a problem. Kids killing themselves. People getting low self esteem for life. And in the more extreme cases the violence and shit is totally unacceptable and wrong! Don't read into this as go out and bully or that I at all support it but I think a lot more needs done than wearing a pink shirt. First off look at the kids doing it. Why are they doing it? First look at the home they come from. I believe all people are born a blank slate, so if they are an asshole it is coming from somewhere. If at home they are taught kindness, you will see it. Most behaviour is learned first at ho

Chris Kyle The American Sniper / Mike Moore Bowling For Columbine

So I am a few weeks behind on this, I mean most of the hype has blown over but I want to put my 2 cents in too! I mean this whole thing started over a movie. And a loudmouth running at the mouth. But really this is how he made his name so what do we expect? First off, I haven't even seen American Sniper. I really want to, it looks good. Mr. Eastwood, you're the man. Always have been always will be. I admit I was late jumping on the bandwagon. Until Unforgiven I thought meh, some old cowboy. But since you started directing wow. Based on those facts and Brad Cooper being in it, I would have to say it is gonna be awesome! I have heard it called a recruitment film. Maybe it is, or maybe Mr. Eastwood is just a proud American and there really isn't anything wrong with that. So how can 1 movie get a shit storm flying on all forms of media. Stupid people.... That's the cause of this shit storm and most shit storms. First off it is BASED on a book. And the main character is th

All growed up.... Or growing up

This morning I was sitting having my coffee when I realized it was 7 AM on a Saturday and I was awake. Yes it was my dog that woke me but still I was up for no real good reason and I wasn't mad about it. Am I growing up? I popped in GTA V and thought about it while I played a video game about murder and mayhem. Also can't remember my last breakfast ceaser, oh I kinda miss those. First off I now have a savings account. Like a big person! It is funny people usually have a savings account when they are little and $5 going into it is a big deal. It goes away during teens and early twenties often for booze and pizza and bars.... and so on then, it comes back when you grow up a bit. I have a saving account again. I will admit probably some of this is due to diabetes but I actually eat mostly balanced meals. Yes often drenched in ranch.... And sometimes Franks. But I get a breakfast in now. Most important meal an all. Some sort of mid day snack. Usually fruit. A decent lunch and s

Hate "Reality" TV

I blame survivor. Remember the first one, when people actually watched it? When it was a sensation and people had Finale parties? Good times, but then it carried on and on and on. Then came the clones. Damn you big brother.... Whats worse is these show were made to bring out the worst in people. The best way to win is to lie and betray. Even this is livable until every damn thing in the world became a reality show. When did a good story line vanish so we could watch other people whine about their lives?? And when did the learning channel become a line up of "reality" soap operas....... Fuck the Kardashians. Straight up WTF? Why do people watch and why do people care? Bruce Jenner looks like he really wants to be a woman. Maybe the tabloids are right about him. Rob is pathetic. "I go to bed early, rise early and worry about my socks." That is exactly what my puppy does to. The three sister have 0 talent. 0, except maybe sucking dick dunno... Without the make up and


Hi, Welcome to my blog. I am an earlyish 30s male, almost mid 30s were is the line on that when does early become mid, oh and I am in Edmonton. That's Alberta, Canada. I grew up in northern Alberta. Even though I often hear redneck or hillbilly said about that. I really don't mind. I like were I grew up. I think it stops me from jumping on stupid trends like metrosexuality or aging hipsterness. On the flip side of that I am not some gun toting, bible thumping dude with testicles hanging from my truck hitch. Yes I do drive a truck and vote PC. PS its a ford so suck it chevs! I always wanted to be a writer, at least since grade 6. Yes I am pretty sure I wanted to be a cop and or ninja (turtle) like everyone my age did. Anyways I remember my grade 6 teacher reading the Hobbit to the class and e being like BOOM. That's what I wanna do, write. I can honestly say there was always book around me growing up. Grandma always had true crime books that I read so maybe that is were

The Fives! or my top 5 lists.

Today we do some foam... or froth as they called it in the new TMNT movie. By the way if Micheal shoemaker hates Megan fox how did she land the April role? AND Joseph Gordon Levitt I see what you did there good job on making your first movie and making it about having sex with Scarlett! Anyways just some random top fives from my life! Hockey teams 1 - Detroit Red wings. Love or hate them they are winners 2 - Washington Caps. Ya it started as an Ovi fixation 3 - L.A Kings. I as there when you won your first cup, 4 - San Jose. Your like the Dany Heatly of teams, vanish in the playoffs. 5 - Edmonton Oilers. Ya Ya gotta root for the home team Movies / Series 1 - The Dark Knight. Damn Nolan makes good shit and brokeback Joker wow! 2 - The Departed / The Town / Gangs of NY. Are they at all connected dunno but love em. 3 - LOTR and the Hobbit. Sorry Star Wars fans this is just way more epic and better acting 4 - Forrest Gump - The is a reason it won so much and is still on TV reg