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Showing posts from September, 2023

September randos

So I started this one a month or more ago. Couldn't seem to fill it and then one day it all came tumbling out. There ended up being more Abpoli and Cdnpoli than I had planned. So I mean skip it if you don't want. Sure there is the normal comics, movies, games and such as well. I guess just a heads up, it is a real mixed bag and you may want to skip parts.... Or I guess if you are reading for the poli skip the gaming and TV lol. So I gotta hand it to Justin Trudeau, he actually trolled the right wing rather well. He wore a pink hoodie and took his son to Barbie. Also tagging it team Barbie. Of course some rightwing heads exploded, he's gay! No taking your son to see a movie and and wearing pink doesn't make you gay. Although it really comes off as trying to be a "cool single dad" since him and Sophies split. Anyways most Conservatives just hoped it was a spoof, it isn't of course and again the leader of Canada becomes an international laughing stock. My tho