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Showing posts from December, 2020


Music is something I love. I have it on for most things I do. Work, travel, sports, just chilling at home. I make little playlists for everything. Pre sports lists, country lists, rap lists, chill lists, if I am in a mood I think of a list for it. I also love MOST music. Honestly pop is the only music I don't download. Simple fact is pop, or good pop is hard to avoid so I don't really need to download it. It will be forced on me. I fear though I am becoming the guys I hated a few years back.... I am becoming that guy who is saying fuck new music sucks. I like, in no order.... Guns N Roses, Metallica, Motley Crue, Korn, System, Nirvana, Hed P.E, Dr. Dre, NWA, Eminem, Pac, Johnny Cash, Alan Jackson. That's my meat and potatoes. There are tons more but those can always pick me up. HOWEVER even the stuff they have done in the last decade is not AMAZING. So really nothing has blown my mind in years...... I guess I am going to rant maybe on somethings I have enjoyed. Maybe someth

The March of the Lemmings

 We are lemmings, it finally happened. I know its Covid but it happened. We officially live in some sort of dystopian sci-fi horror movie.  Let me tell you about my companies inventory. MANY years ago, it was a shitshow. We counted everything twice we had to hand write everything and it took all weekend Friday, Saturday and Sunday and each day was at LEAST 12 - 16 hour days. Now time went by a bit better because well sometimes people snuck booze in later on. The thing was shitty times were made better by being with people. Times changed, safety became important so somethings weren't done anymore but we still plowed through the weekends with coworkers. In fact it actually made people talk to people they usually wouldn't, it helped build us as a team even. When things were bottle necked, like waiting for your next assignment people played cards, sat and visited. The fact was a boring time was made better by human interaction. Then the next weekend was usually the Xmas party. Peop

Food YEG

I am not a foodie, I just like to go out a lot. There is not a lot I won't try. I realized that from my yelp (Tavis P. St Albert), which you can follow me on for way more detailed look at places to eat. I figured it might not be "pop culture" in the most accurate way BUT it is something to blog about that doesn't need to be negative. In fact I wouldn't be crapping on any place. Not saying I love every place but just leaving the negative out. So below are my most positive places to eat review! A Covid note.... I get cooks wearing face masks. The fact is as a cook for many, many years maybe they should have been doing that for years before this. I would not have wanted to BUT it might not be a bad idea. HOWEVER I think having the waitresses wear them is stupid. A percentage of their income is based on their personality. If they are happy, joking, smiling they are getting a better tip than scowling. Your covering the face, which tells a lot about the server and if th