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Showing posts from September, 2017

2004 - 2006 The "House"

I am gonna start off with work and hope to avoid it most of this entry. A position had opened up on our sales desk again. All us warehouse guys applied on it. We didn't even get an interview. Army (remember him the guy who hired me) simply brought us all together and then said one of the office ladies, lets call her Mother Hen got it. There were quite a few let down guys. Then a bit after that Army moved into the office to. We didn't have a warehouse supervisor. We should have seen it coming though. They transferred  a guy, he won't show up much lets just call him Dude  from our shop into the warehouse. Personally I thought he was a great guy. Pop Culture didn't like him. Pop didn't think Dude  was very bright (He actually was just an FYI) and in typical Pop fashion he let it show. After about a month the Manager of the whole place brings us all in again and says Dude  is the new warehouse supervisor. It might have been a week or two when Army  introduced us all to

Summer :( Over

Summer is over, like WTF I swear just yesterday I was saying YA! Summer is here. I am going to get sooo much golf in this year! Two games is all by the way. All in all, it hast been anything that exciting. I didn't go out anywhere. I didn't get a fishing license. I didn't even grow a garden. I didn't win the lotto and we didn't even go on a holiday anywhere. I mean usually we have left somewhere!! I know I can only blame myself so I am not going to cry about it... Too Much. I did a few things though. I started yoga. I guess it isn't "real" yoga. Like it ain't hard in fact it is relaxation yoga. It really works too. In strange ways. I do feel relaxed after, and have great sleeps. Its the inward meditation that is funky. The most random shit pops into my head. Old memories, sometimes fears or worries. Like in the movies people meditate and all of a sudden bam! They are like a super human. Me I am more relaxed, yes but my mind goes all over the plac

2002-2003 Gettin better!

Life was as follows, get up at 630 which was a time I had forgot existed. Black, Cowboy and me piled into Blacks truck and went to work. This was when my coffee addiction started. Until then I never had tasted coffee! Now warehouse work was nothing like Black made it sound. I was more than capable of doing anything that needed done. Ya there was some heavy lifting but nothing bad. Pretty soon I was one of the top pickers. (Spell check wanted to change pickers to dickers for some reason. Whats a dicker?) I admit I sucked at building skids but oh well mostly I helped customers at the door. Plus I was getting in better shape, putting on a few healthy pounds. There as 1 guy, Pop Culture who stuck out right away. Like first day I start he says, that's all? I said what? Well the way Black talks about you, you're 6'5 and shot thunder bolts out yer ass. Actually you're kind of a let down. Wtf, I think the guy is a douche. But then at breaks or whenever I wanna talk about anythi