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Showing posts from March, 2021

Random rants

So this one took a bit longer than I thought started a few weeks back. Between pup, school and such haven't had a chance to write as much sorry if some is dated....  So I made some people angry this week, online. Again. Edmonton had a COLD snap! I think it was record breaking. Our city put out emergency extreme weather plans for the homeless, which is a good idea. I am sure people could die pretty quick in this shit. Our furnace broke down and that was bad enough, I could not imagine being out in it. That's the background, now some more background. Edmonton's woke and hip progressive mayor Don wants us all to use the LRT to bike, to lower our TINY carbon footprint. I guess that's a noble goal. I mean it will mean nothing if the major nations don't but hey might as well try. I hate the LRT. In general its dirty and doesn't feel safe at night. Anyways if your from Edmonton you know where this is going. In the bitter cold the police kicked some homeless people out

Tragic story

 You ever watch Walk the Line? I feel like Johnny Cash in Folsom when he stares at the water then talks to the prisoners. See like Johnny I felt I had "seen some things" I have done some stupid shit. Trying to fight bouncers, hanging with shady would be drug dealers, having guys try to sell me illegal guns, my walk home from work down a hooker stroll. That made for some crazy conversations or when they found a body on fire in my dumpster, those are a few choice things that made me feel like I had "Seen Things". Then yesterday I found out my cousin died and it was a kick from reality. I am a pretty average guy, not someone who had seen some things. See I wrote about him in earlier blogs. I called him Bad News cousin if you read them. When I heard he passed though I looked into him a bit more. A simple google search told me what I already knew, he did 10 years for a murder here in Edmonton, after that he was charged in an operation to curb violence and drugs in Calgar