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Showing posts from September, 2020

Working for a living

 This one is a short unedited rant. Covid and all the other crazy shit going on in the world these people are showing their truest most annoying selves. Basically this is a rant about everyone lower, (younger, younger may be a better word) than Gen X. But let me start with Gen X and the boomers. You did this to yourselves. I am not sure why you decided that everyone was a special snowflake and that everything will be fair and the world will bend to make people happy. It won't. SO WHY DID YOU DO IT???  This all stems from a "feminist" financial advisors tweet. Claiming the current economic system isn't held up by hard work but by... Unpaid women of labour at home, White supremacy, Patriarchy, generational wealth, environmental destruction and on and on.... Whining, the same person constantly complaining the "Boomers" had it so easy, it sets my teeth on edge. Unpaid labour of women at home actually hurts the economy. If these women were out making  money they


 Too much on the go! I dunno why, well I do I just started doing too much and not doing what I should. I have said to myself for like 3 months now FOCUS! My list has been Blog, Write, Read, Hockey, Comics, Family Tree, Work trips, Try and do yard stuff and garden. Oh plus keep up on TV and such! I know it is a first world problem but man I barely seem to have time to try and finish the things I want to do. So I set my mind on a plan. A real plan. I am going to come up with 5 or 6 blogs over the next week. The release them a week or two apart and that SHOULD fill my need to blog. Plus that should cover like 2 / 3 months of blogging. I have a submission guide for a comic company and I want to get a couple submissions off in that time! Once those are done I am going to work solely on editing a a story and finishing another. All my writing in a row.... Then Family tree I think is simply a lunch time project. I can do it at work and right now it seems almost as done as I can get it. I mean

Social Media & Apps

 Social media is the worst..... There I said it. Ya that sounds hypocritical I know it but it is true. I decided that while I want to mostly do Pop Culture blogs this one is gonna mix politics and pop. I am gonna break down Social Media for ya. Or at least the platforms I am on. I don't even mean the danger in social media, like why 12 year olds don't really need to be on it! I literally just mean the platforms and my thoughts.  This whole thing is inspired by me having another Twitter ban. Charlie Kirk is literally a king of Trumptards. I can admit when a trumptard has a point I don't think I have ever had to do that for this clown. He called Michelle Obama a national disgrace. I simply asked how he could say that but support someone who wants to bang his own daughter and whose wife was a gold digger. Wake up the next morning and I am in twitter jail. This is I dunno, time 8 and 6 are likely for comments on good ole Charlie. Now I think it was trumptards that invented the