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Social Media & Apps

 Social media is the worst..... There I said it. Ya that sounds hypocritical I know it but it is true. I decided that while I want to mostly do Pop Culture blogs this one is gonna mix politics and pop. I am gonna break down Social Media for ya. Or at least the platforms I am on. I don't even mean the danger in social media, like why 12 year olds don't really need to be on it! I literally just mean the platforms and my thoughts. 

This whole thing is inspired by me having another Twitter ban. Charlie Kirk is literally a king of Trumptards. I can admit when a trumptard has a point I don't think I have ever had to do that for this clown. He called Michelle Obama a national disgrace. I simply asked how he could say that but support someone who wants to bang his own daughter and whose wife was a gold digger. Wake up the next morning and I am in twitter jail. This is I dunno, time 8 and 6 are likely for comments on good ole Charlie. Now I think it was trumptards that invented the term snowflake but it seems they are the worst snowflakes! Not even right leaning people who can actually have a semi decent convo but the hardcore trumptards, Worst snowflakes ever. That there is a breakdown of Twitter. One sided angry politics. YES there is a lot more to it but I swear that is the main use for it. I follow a lot of pop culture stuff but it seems like I see way more politics. It is like a site for the loudest people to continue to say what they have already been saying loudly. Straight up half truths or fallacies. Oh and girls promoting onlyfans accounts. I have to side bar this for a second, wtf is up with that? Anyone can create an onlyfans account now and charge anyone whatever to sell nudes? WTF, I don't even know how porn makes money with the internet existing but people are willing to pay randoms now to see what they can google for free???!!? Anyways Twitter is a hot mess of fights. Like the high school of social media,where people travel in packs and attack those that they don't agree with. I honestly don't know how something better hasn't come around, like Facebook did to Myspace. You can't edit tweets. You have limited space to write. You can only post 4 pics at a time. It is nice a lot of apps will hook up to twitter I will admit that. The other thing I will admit is good about twitter is legit news. I swear I can log on and read something, like Kobe passing an hour before I hear about it on any media. I mean legit stories, yes some are fake but Kobe sticks out as it was recent and heard about it an hour at least before other media. Also the fact is if you are reading this, you might already have a twitter account and clicked on the link to get here. I does help my blog get a lot more views or I might honestly walk away. But I am telling you if you can program and create "Better Twitter" you might be on to something..... Oh PS @Tavis_P that's me.

The "Gram" is next, Instagram. I never had one and bugged a coworker that the only people who had one wanted to post nudes. She is a grandma and told me no that wasn't it. I got one to promote my blog and I guess she was half assed right. There is a lot more than that there. I mean my friends actually post some nice pics. Plus there is a lot of beauty pics locally and well worldwide. Seems like a lot of celebs and such are on there posting pics, so there is more to it than tits. I will flat out say though there is a lot of that and memes as well. I honestly am not 100% sure I get it. Like all that stuff can be on your Facebook feed. I mean that's where I post my stuff so actual friends and family can see it but I guess this is so everyone can see you? On the flip side I guess I post some things there that don't make it to Facebook and I have seen lots of others who are the same.... I dunno to me this seems like someone took a small part of Facebook and somehow made a massive app out of it. I guess it was smart, people love showing themselves and what they have been up to. I am not about to lie and that wasn't a shot a people, I do it to. So I guess in reality it was smart!

I guess since I mentioned it might as well get to the King of Social Media. Facebook. MY (brief) history with it is, I got invited to Facebook by a friend from out East in Ontario. They always seem to get shit before us. I joined on my work computer where I only had some work xmas party pics. I used an old yahoo email I don't even know anymore because I didn't really think it would be big. MAN was I WRONG! I didn't think much of it for the first few days maybe even weeks, then it seemed to catch on like wildfire!! All of a sudden getting friend requests from people I hadn't even thought of in 20 years. So that part was kind of neat, then that dropped off. If I haven't seen you talked to you in 20 years there is likely a reason why.... Then Facebook killed photos. Like does anyone except my wife actually develop pictures anymore? I honestly don't think so. We still have albums which is nice but it seems like FB and now Instagram killed that industry. We as a people just post them hoping for likes. Don't get me wrong I do the exact same but kinda miss pictures.... Then was the game stages. I remember wasting my lunch hours checking on my farm, my gangsters and whatever else. Or the "quizzes" how much personal info did I put out over those years??? Now there is groups, public and private. Marketplaces, check ins so people can stalk you even better. I have really cut down on FB. I post statuses and some pics. The fact is it is the media that is the most true. I post the most open things about me because it is mostly friends and family that I wouldn't mind knowing shit about me that are on there. (Unlike twitter where I don't post too much personal stuff) HOWEVER it is also dishonest, by that I mean I keep 95% of my thoughts off there. It doesn't happen to often but you post something and end up arguing with friends or family over something stupid. I would rather argue with strangers. I guess if we are friends on facebook I am saying we are actually friends. It is crazy to keep in mind you can now see memories on FB. Things you did a decade ago. For a decade we have been documenting our lives, I am not worried about microchips implanted when I am sure I have given away all the info I ever could to FB. What blows my mind is the staying power this beast has. A lot of things come and go but FB has constantly grown and changed and that is why it is still around when so many other things have vanished. The scary thing is how ingrained it has become in so many different facets of our day to day lives.

I don't have snapchat. Still think that's just for sending dick pics.....

I use Vivino, do you drink wine? Then you should too. Well honestly it isn't amazing by any means BUT it does log all the wines I have tried and when you hit the liquor store it is nice to have a log of what you liked so you can keep some on hand. To me it is nice have a good bottle, even if you want to try new ones, think of it as having old faithful in the cabinet. In general also it is pretty accurate. If a wine is getting 1 star typically it ain't good and the ones getting 5 usually are worth trying. It does break down your taste which is nice. Averages out your ratings of certain types of wine, like according to what I have input I like Australian reds, so maybe next time I am shopping I will grab one.... Also I really like reviewing things for some reason. So ya it helps with my need to rate stuff. However it might be better for real wine lovers. I mean people on there start talking about hints of this or flavours of that. I am more like.... wine good, tastes like wine, buy again..... I guess just search Tavis on there and you will find me!

Ever heard of Letterboxd? I hadn't either until recently. It is like IMDB but much more precise, it is just movies. And of course rating, cause I like that. BUT it has some neat features. You can actually track how many movies you have seen by an actor. Say you really wanted to see everything by them or whatever. You have way better search fields, by decade down to by year and can connect easier with other movie buffs. You can share your thoughts on it with other social media. Which is nice, I don't think IMDB has that option. Like I said it is more precise and honestly a better movie review app. Oh and again look up Tavis and you will find me.

Since I think everyone and their dog uses IMDB I will not be putting it up here. I will say it may be the overall best. You want to find info on movies, tv, video games whatever this is the place for it.

I am a yelper, yes I am. Don't hate me, truth is I am an elite yelper. Ya I am. Again I guess it is my need to rate things. However I try to be as fair as possible. I hate people that give reviews that are always shitting on things. If everything is bad, just stay home. The fact is people do use it, I cannot believe how many views my reviews have gotten. I actually had someone thank me for a decent review. In this age of mass media and social media this shit is huge!! If you are looking to try something new or want to look into some place before you go this is a great app. Of course discard the best review and the worst and whatever the average is, that's probably the truth! Again Tavis P if you want to find me. 

So if we are going on that, I have linkedIn. I set it up years ago for work and put no time or effort into it. Then last year at a sales training conference, they said it was the wave of the future. Two things, I don't believe that. I do think it CAN be a helpful tool. I will admit ONCE it has come through for me. In general it seems like a help wanted site.... Or a place for companies to place ads. So I guess ya in that sense it works but I do not see it ever being a huge thing. Hell what is that spoof horror movie that even mocks that no one uses it??? Second I see people using it like FB. It is totally not for that. I can almost guarantee if you are looking for a job you don't want a boss seeing you fucked up and falling down.....

I have to mention Podbean. I have been using it for podcasts, I think they support small local ones?? Not sure if that is 100% correct but it pisses me off. It drops sometimes during podcasts, it doesn't connect sometimes when I am walking the dog. However I do try and support it as a platform. I think anyone can throw a podcast up there. Not 100% sure but I see it has a spot for me to post one if I wanted. I know a couples friends have podcasts up there. It has a great selection from local to major casts so even though it does frustrate me I will continue to try and support it. I don't have a Podcast but I guess Br'er Rabbit would be how to find me.

If I am going to do podbean I will mention Spotify as well. I hate it! I used to LOVE going to HMV when a new album dropped and picking it up. For any old timers I used to love that at Sound Waves in Grande Prairie back in the 90s. At HMV you would see other cool stuff and maybe pick something up. Then music streaming killed that, like Netflix did to Blockbuster trips which used to also be awesome! Anyways I vowed to not pay for streaming and stuck to it. Then artists started doing digital releases before CDs. So artists drove me to do it and I actually blame artists for killing the record store. Total side note but how do they make money now? Metallica, GNR, Rage, Eminem and HED p.e. have all made money off me on the same album multiple times. Now I just go download it once and never again? That seems to me to cut them out of money? Same goes with TV and streaming and porn even! How do they make $$$? Anyways once I used it I started to like it. The library is huge. The algorithm for random music for the most part is amazing. (I can see why small artists would really support it!) It has introduced me to a lot of new artists. Maybe not all great but at least one hit wonders. Playlists are great, like you can make unlimited lists for any mood or situation. I guess you can have followers?? Not sure how or why, I mean it isn't actually your music...... But I have to admit it is very convenient. The one thing I have found is it is harder to find rare tracks. The old download sites like Limewire were great for tracks you never heard of, streaming not so much. So I have a very large love hate relationship with Spotify.

I downloaded ComiXology. It is a cool app but not what I wanted. I mean for comics it is great, the search tools. The collections are huge and I like they actually offer great jumping off points and such however I didn't want an app to purchase comics. I will always want to drive do town my store, walk in and look around. I used to love doing that with music, hitting HMV and seeing what is out and that is gone for me. I don't want to lose that in my comics as well! As a research / reference tool in that industry I think it is great BUT I am sticking to my guns and buying hard copies as long as they are around. Also IF someone was collecting comics solely as an investment, what does digital copies do to that? Will they simply devalue actual copies? This is what keeps me up at night.....

FITBIT, this might not be flat out social media but I have slipped in an app or two so I am throwing this in here as I use it a ton. I only have the Alta, which is very basic and it is a great app. Track your exercise or can manually put it in. Your nightly sleep. It will remind you to get some movement in every hour. Log your eating and you water intake. I am not overly concerned with the calorie intake but I will admit it is cool. The library of foods it already knows is amazing. Like a shit ton of chain restaurant meals are in it. The water intake though is great for someone like me, it actually reminds me, hey grab that water bottle during the day! There is a social media aspect to this app, I just personally have never turned it on. There are groups and challenges and things but for now I will keep my semi healthy lifestyle to myself. I will say if a person had a goal though these options might be good to use. Getting support and such. 

So that's the break down of my social media, if you opened my phone and had a look. If you know some good apps similar to these, let me know and I might check them out!


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