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Working for a living

 This one is a short unedited rant. Covid and all the other crazy shit going on in the world these people are showing their truest most annoying selves. Basically this is a rant about everyone lower, (younger, younger may be a better word) than Gen X. But let me start with Gen X and the boomers. You did this to yourselves. I am not sure why you decided that everyone was a special snowflake and that everything will be fair and the world will bend to make people happy. It won't. SO WHY DID YOU DO IT??? 

This all stems from a "feminist" financial advisors tweet. Claiming the current economic system isn't held up by hard work but by... Unpaid women of labour at home, White supremacy, Patriarchy, generational wealth, environmental destruction and on and on.... Whining, the same person constantly complaining the "Boomers" had it so easy, it sets my teeth on edge. Unpaid labour of women at home actually hurts the economy. If these women were out making  money they would be out spending money as well. Something we currently really could use. White Supremacy??? I don't even know where to begin on the stupidity there. Generational wealth??? I guess..... and the truth is so what? I am not a parent, but I thought the whole thing of being a parent was giving your child a good life? I am not saying spoil them but helping them out. So what if some parents are better at making money and helping their children out?? Environmental destruction. I can't argue, there is some of that out there. HOWEVER it is also the companies that are doing the damage that are helping fix it. My guess is that these face masks being dropped all over are by the paranoid people demanding we all mask up and they are the same people screaming about the environment. People working is actually what makes the world go round, look at the shit going on now with people not working.....

I sit back and get over my original outrage of the stupidity of the tweet and think a bit. Maybe there is some merit. MAYBE all those things contribute to keep society the way it is. So really why am I mad? (By the way I don't agree at all with the tweet still but I guess I can say it has SOME merit) Oh because it is saying hard work doesn't count for anything. That the cruel world is against everyone and work won't ever fix things. WRONG. The fact is you can bitch and moan about the world. Hell you might even be right the world is rough and some people have a leg up on you BUT actually working and owning your life you can get ahead.... I will be honest I am lucky, I have fucked up a time or two and had friends and family that have helped me out. Besides that, I have actually worked for things.  Before blaming the world for everything you have to own your own shit. I am doing okay in my life, finally. For a very long time I blamed my shit on others, on situations I made myself. The whole poor me shit didn't do anything good for me. The fact was it actually made things worse. I sat sulking and not changing anything, really just making things worse. The longer you delay shit, the harder it will be to fix. I see it more and more everyday online that an entire generation or generations has developed that attitude. As proven by said tweet. 

So here is the rant. STFU and work. I am living proof that actually doing things does pay off. I got into stupid debt, made poor choices and yet have a great job now. No debt to speak of. Got married, travel, actually enjoy my life. It didn't start until after I realized hey I have to own my shit and not do the same dumb shit. Hard work does pay off, but no it isn't easy. You have to change your mentality. Save money, not feel the world should just be given to you. This new generation loves to say oh the boomers had it easy and we have it so hard! Not really, you seem to want to simply have what people worked years for handed to you overnight. What people are seeming to forget is these people that have things had to work years to get them. We are entitled, we want to travel, we want to get thousands upon thousands in school debt but not have to pay it back. The thing I am saying here is ya education is great BUT it is expensive. You should think about tat. When your done school you are going to have to pay that back. Don't thnk just cause now you can get a great job the world is your oyster. You borrowed a LOT of $$$$. I could write another whole blog on how education should be cheaper but not today.... We want children, new homes and new cars. The big thing is we don't want to wait. Everyone seems to forget boomers didn't get all that shit over night. most of them did not travel for years. Most didn't get a college education. But our sense of entitlement makes us forget that. 

I get it, blame boomers for a lot of the stupid shit in this world. They kinda made some stupid choices. They also made a lot of good ones. Look around, if you are reading this I am guessing you are in Canada or maybe States and as much as you want to bitch about how bad your life is, your a million times better off than 80% of this world. What makes me the most  mental is White Middle class or higher people complain about how tough life is. Because you don't own a mansion at 20? I am rambling but thats my whole thing. Sure boomers got shit. They worked for it. You look at tons of boomers, specially the older boomers MANY did not travel more than a camping trip with the kids. IF they did it was later on in life when they were secure. So sure, I guess look back and say they had it easy but keep in mind they lived a VERY different life. Swear to god (And I fall into this group) but everyone from the 80s on became the me generation and we all think we are owed. No, no one is owed anything in this world. Ya of course human rights and shit but I am saying most things in this world you have to earn. Learn to accept that and maybe you will be better off.

Also I will not shit on education. I am not a bitter drop out BUT there is more to life than that. Having many degrees does not guarantee you will even find a job. I hate getting on social media and seeing people shit on laborers, trades people, oil workers. Flat out I know guys who can make shit and fix things most people would be boogled at but they aren't good with books. Some of them carved out nice lives for themselves. Schools IMO grad way too many people and we get a glut on the market. There is only so much space for any given job and if they are filled and you grad another thousand every year what do you think happens to those people??? These are good, educated people who are now screwed as well. Point I guess I am making here is it really isn't for anyone to look down on anyone. Trades and shit are for some, books are for others. I am tired of hearing both ways people crap on each other. 

Anyways the whole point of this is pull your fucking socks up and buckle down. The world don't owe you shit. Crying about what older generations had ain't gonna get you anything either. Complaining but not changing anything to get ahead is about as useful as thoughts and prayers. It does nothing. I say all this as a dude who has been a kluster fuck more than once in my life.....


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