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Showing posts from September, 2022

The mob and me PT2

 SO we get to the last 2. I will start with the Genovese family. The "Cadillac" of crime families. This was the Luciano family until he was deported and Vito Genovese took over. I won't get too much into the history but Lucky didn't really want Vito to run his family. He along with Carlo Gambino and others set up Vito on drugs charges and had his sent away. However the family kept the Genovese name. You may have heard of Joe Valachi. He was one of the first rats. He was televised blowing the Mafia wide open, admitting it existed when law enforcement denied that fact. However since then there have only been 10 rats. By far the smallest number of any crime family in the states. They are currently believed to be the most powerful mafia family left in NYC or the states in general. They are considered the Cadillac because of the fewest rats ever plus it is believed they are and pretty much always have been the wealthiest and most powerful family BUT a lack of rats makes it

The Queen

I was just going to do a couple blogs on the mob, a rando thoughts blog and then maybe try and work on my own writing. A comic book or a novel, something. Then the queen had to go and die. I wasn't gonna write about it but being on social media and reading the stupidity of people made me have to rant. So ladies and gents my short, unedited so please ignore speeling and grammar mistakes thoughts on the Queen. The queen passed and honestly I felt nothing. Not sad, not happy just another day for me. I don't get the upset when a celebrity or someone passes and people who have never met them get all upset. The fact is the person didn't know you, didn't care about you so why are you so upset they passed?? Saying that I get the queen is different. Not to be upset about but that the monarchy is a huge deal in Britain and honestly world wide. I mean technically she is still our queen even. The monarchy dates back how long in Britain? We can read about kings hundreds even over a

The Mafia & me

 Since 14 I have been obsessed with the American Mafia. I remember going into my junior high library and taking out a book and I honestly don't remember why but it was a history of the American mob. Now that would have been mid 90s so the book would have been published early 90s and a lot has changed but it dipped my toe in. From then on I couldn't get enough books, movies whatever mob related I wanted it. At first I just thought a secret "honor" society was so cool & of course I was originally only getting the Hollywood version where I thought I could be Michael Corleone. I even told my mom I wanted to be a mafia hitman. That set her off, I was in shit for a few days for not valuing life and she was ashamed of me. Her shame was worse than her anger, funny how that works with parents.... Either way there is no mafia in Grande Prairie and I sure ain't Italian. So that dream never came true BUT with the rise of podcasts and my time to listening to them I listene