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The Queen

I was just going to do a couple blogs on the mob, a rando thoughts blog and then maybe try and work on my own writing. A comic book or a novel, something. Then the queen had to go and die. I wasn't gonna write about it but being on social media and reading the stupidity of people made me have to rant. So ladies and gents my short, unedited so please ignore speeling and grammar mistakes thoughts on the Queen.

The queen passed and honestly I felt nothing. Not sad, not happy just another day for me. I don't get the upset when a celebrity or someone passes and people who have never met them get all upset. The fact is the person didn't know you, didn't care about you so why are you so upset they passed?? Saying that I get the queen is different. Not to be upset about but that the monarchy is a huge deal in Britain and honestly world wide. I mean technically she is still our queen even. The monarchy dates back how long in Britain? We can read about kings hundreds even over a thousand years ago, so ya I guess it is a bigger deal than someone passing who wrote a catchy tune. I don't overly support the monarchy but I almost see them as faith in Britain. People believe in them and they have become a symbol almost more than they are actual people. Again not a religious man but I know a lot of people need faith, something to believe when it is taken they don't know what to do and good or bad the monarchy has become the same. People believe in them. So I figured there would be some sad tweets and the world would carry on, nope.... The queen dies a millions of people are happy? Same as being sad, why would someone you never met dying make you sad? I guess we have to look at the last few hundred years...

The British Empire wasn't super nice if you are honest with yourself. The invaded a lot. They did some terrible shit and the truth is yes they were kind of racist rich old white men.... All they way to Prince Phillip. However a lot of that is ancient history. It has been awhile since I turned on the news and noticed Britain invading anywhere. IN fact I think its the commonwealth now, not the empire. My point is while they empire wasn't super nice, its dead and has been for a while. Catch up to the modern world. Also if your a 19 year old white whatever (Trans), pretty sure the empire didn't do anything to you. The random hate this group was throwing blew my mind. Again not everyone from this group but a good chunk. So I am gonna say some truths that are probably not nice but still true.

I am sorry her ancestors were better at life than yours. Britain took a lot of nations, invaded and yes they were nice but clearly they had the power to do it. They were leaps and bounds ahead and had a better system that let them take these nations (Don't get it twisted, not saying its right or what they did was right) So I guess sorry.... I mean some nations like 13 plucky colonies said hey fuck you! & booted the red coats right out of their lands. Just cause your ancestors couldn't or didn't isn't really the queens fault. Also they created some of the greatest nations on earth. Canada being a example..... We have democracy and live in a great system, a history lesson for some its based on Britain.... Oh and to all the people who were treated so badly by Britain in the past I wanna talk about the years 1939-1945. There were these guys in Germany and they kinda thought that unless you were white and in perfect health maybe you shouldn't be around. They kinda conquered most of the European mainland and were aiming at taking the whole world. Crazy they couldn't take on little island. That island would become the staging point for driving back the Germans and ending the war. The monarchy & a prime minister that gets a lot of shit rallied the people. They could have let the Germans take what they wanted but said nah, we should fight these guys. I want you to take a step back and just think how would my life be if Germany had won and controlled my nation now? I hate to say it but I am pretty sure you are happy your nation fell under British control rather than Nazi. The Nazis did at one time think they could be allied with Britain, had that happened the world would be a different place and I am pretty sure your life would be much worse but sure damn that queen and oppressing you! I mean the whole industrial revolution and democracy spreading was a terrible thing, damn those Brits!! The modern world is awful!

Anyways this is already longer than I meant it to be but here it is..... The Monarchy and the Queen were not saints. Historically they have done bad shit, however in the last century things have changed a lot. The monarchy does more for charity and world wide good work that these fucking billionaires building rockets so many seem to be obsessed with. Honestly most the people happy she passed have not even been affected by her actions, they just need something to be mad at. Get over it. If you are happy someone died you have deep issues. Thats someones mother, wife, sister...... Like I said I dont feel any way about it. I can see the being sad at death but being happy, you got issues.


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