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 Too much on the go! I dunno why, well I do I just started doing too much and not doing what I should. I have said to myself for like 3 months now FOCUS! My list has been Blog, Write, Read, Hockey, Comics, Family Tree, Work trips, Try and do yard stuff and garden. Oh plus keep up on TV and such! I know it is a first world problem but man I barely seem to have time to try and finish the things I want to do. So I set my mind on a plan. A real plan. I am going to come up with 5 or 6 blogs over the next week. The release them a week or two apart and that SHOULD fill my need to blog. Plus that should cover like 2 / 3 months of blogging. I have a submission guide for a comic company and I want to get a couple submissions off in that time! Once those are done I am going to work solely on editing a a story and finishing another. All my writing in a row.... Then Family tree I think is simply a lunch time project. I can do it at work and right now it seems almost as done as I can get it. I mean I can work downwards now and find out how many LONG distance cousins I have but I have almost went as far back as I can. The fact is I have found I am mostly British, some Dane and Native. I still want activity, in fact hockey is done so I think it will be a month of hitting the gym. Maybe make sure I am in better shape for next season. I already have a new way of working out in mind for that.... Work travel is again suspended so I should have free time and the yard work is pretty well done since fall is here.... SO I think if I actually buckle down maybe I can end out this year with actually striving for a goal...... So here it is my September blog and after that I will be putting out pre written pop culture ones. Along with a couple others I am half done! 

Hockey wrapped up. We had our literal best season ever. 7/0. We have never done so good. Then we shit the bed. 5-4 loss in the championship game. It wouldn't bother me so much if I didn't feel like I failed. Every game this season I contributed some points. In the final game, I think everyone upped the game except me. I didn't get a point. So losing by one really sucks! Also losing to that team in particular sucks. Some teams don't deserve it. Not based on skill or play, cause ya they won ergo they deserve it BUT on the spirit of the league. See its a Co-ed fun league and you actually give a rating for fun and fair play at the end. A team that enjoys playing the body shouldn't win. I like it, if I am honest. I like standing in front of the net in mens league and I know I am going to get shoved out. I try and shove back. Sometimes works sometimes is a joke.... I am not a big dude. So again in mens league I accept that. Not in co-ed. But this team loves to do it and hack away. The mind blowing thing is when you do it back, its like a champion diving team. Even worse when its the women. I mean a guy I will push back but a girl? Then I literally feel bad, so I won't do it..... Anyways point is losing sucked and to them was just the salt in the wounds. Aiming for a better next season. 

I watched a truly terrifying movie last night. The Social Dilemma. A look at the dark side of social media. How it has and is changing society and often not for the better. Suicides sky rocketing since social media was put onto mobile devices. The truth about algorithms. I am right leaning, though try for center. HOWEVER clicking one right wing link pretty much guarantees I won't be shown any not Right wing links after that on whatever platform I was on. Explains why I will never see the same "facts" as say an NDP voter. A look into "facts" as well and how something trending like "Pizzagate" can explode. The fact is it isn't a documentary with a bunch of tin foil hats wearing nuts BUT people who have been involved and high up at these companies. The fact is it is mind blowing, but I think deep down we all already realize it just don't say it. I have a half done blog I will post that ties in nicely to that. Really the message is that it wont be T1000 tech that dooms mankind but the effects of our current tech on society.

Its been so long since I just ranted I don't know what I may have already ranted but here we go.....

Edmonton Eskimos caved liked bitches. I don't know why people were so butt hurt on this issue. They didn't have the name Eskimos to mock the Natives. The fact is like Braves and Warriors and Blackhawks they are supposed to be aggressive names. BUT this ultra sensitive world made them bow out. So a team name that has been around for decades had to be changed for someones feels.... I really can't get over that. This world has gone to utter shit. People are saying its only a name not a big deal we can change it. Ya its only a name why does it need changed? I can think of a million racial slurs that maybe if a team was named they could change, Eskimos is not one of them. Saying that I will give you the Redskins name I can understand changing.

So I heard a shocking stats, in Edmonton alone 11 people a day commit or try to commit suicide. 11 a day. As of right now that is 2816, in Edmonton alone this year. That is a 1/3 of all the "alleged" Corona deaths in Canada just in one city. That is a real pandemic, a real crisis. Are we making bylaws like mask up to fight it? No we just sweep it under the rug. The truth is I didn't really believe mental health was an issue. Years ago I had panic attacks and anxiety. I went to the hospital and got pills that I flushed cause, well that's weak! Then over the years I met people and was in situations where I came to know it is real. A real issue. BUT we don't notice it as a society. I mean you look around today and EVERYONE is going crazy about masks but are we putting more $$ into helping others who need it? We are all about putting $221 million into black businesses, which is pure racism and I will get to that but what are we doing for others in need? Mental health crosses all lines, skin colours, race, religion, gender. But we ignore it, I am guilty of it too I admit it. I was just shocked though the staggering numbers and that is just the reported ones. Not the self harm, not the eating disorders, not the severely ill people hearing voices or unable to live in normal society. So think about that when you are putting on your mask, thinking it is making the world a better place. When the reality is less than 1% of our entire province is infected but the same % in a single city alone are dying. 

I won't do big long thoughts on pop stuff as they will be separate blogs BUT comics have been decent recently. Joker war is / was kind of slow but it is wrapping up nicely. When Bats finally says I AM BATMAN, knocks out Punchline and say get the whole family together. You know shit is going down. That single page got me right back in. Marvel wrapped up Empyre. It was okay. Universe threatening crossovers seem cool but only some really are. What I am saying is this is no infinity war.... Also how many X titles can they write? You have a bunch but really only a couple are great. Don't get me wrong most are good... But in my opinion at least only Marauders has been great, though I am digging Hellions so far as well. Also is Magik in very title just to promote the New Mutants movie?? Last is AWA studios. I REALLY dig these guys. REALLY REALLY. If I had a comic studio, it would be very similar to this one. Dark, gritty and mostly no supes. Yes in the end I think you need supes around, but this is just how I have dreamed of a comic studio!

On the topic of racism Disneyland is renovating and changing Splash Mountain. I love that ride! WTF. Oh that's right it is racist.... No, no its not. First I am betting a HUGE amount of people have no idea the Song of the South movie. In fact I have a Br'er rabbit in my office and the 20 somethings in my work have actually said that's a strange looking bugs bunny. That's how long that movie has been locked away. Guessing a lot of people that ride it have no idea. But that doesn't prove its not racist, that's just a side bar most people have no idea about the movie. So I went on Amazon and bought a book on the making of the movie. I will be 100% honest and fair. Right off the bat a few people saw some issues. Even back then a few people knew it wasn't going to go over well. Walt Disney in his optimistic views THOUGHT people would take what he did out of it. A classic children's story. That of course was not to be, nothing is taken at face value. It isn't a family story, its RACIST! People cried. Fuck me people that's not the meaning of it and really its on you if that is what you take away from it. I also purchased the original Uncle Remus Tales. NOW that you can called racist. It wasn't written to be that way, in fact the tales were written by blacks but when a white man uses some of those words and such ya it racist. Disney tried to take that out of it but people never want to see that. They simply want to cry hate!

I have been working on a music blog for a couple weeks now. I am unimpressed with the whole scene for awhile now. There hasn't been an album or an artist in a LONG time that has blown my mind. James Barker Band debut album was really good, I can listen to it all the way through over and over but it is literally just over half an hour? There is no "deep" songs just some good ole country. I have heard a few others like Luke Combs, Morgan Whallen and they are good but still even their albums don't fall into the "classic" category for me. I am really liking Daniel Lee these days...... He has a good mix of country and southern rock. Maybe I am a hillbilly 

I could rant for days on Covid, but I will keep it short. First masks, wow what a joke. So Edmonton passes a mask bylaw and St Albert follows suit. Then cases spike. That worked well. Oh and media. Last week one day 4 more dead! The fact not mentioned 1 was over 90 and the the other 100. So really was it Covid? As far as I know that's pretty old.... I have to say on this I have to agree with Kenney. The NDP or whoever can spin whatever they want but over 80, that has been a long life and yes you are immuno compromised. There are risks all the time at that age. I don't want anyone to lose anyone but if you are honest that is a real risk. As soon as you leave the "city" people are way less insane. I got to travel most of my sales territory and you wanna know how many masks I saw? 0, zip, nada. Thats a lie, I did see a few older people and a few others BUT in general people just rely on common sense! Gawd wouldn't that be great in the city, common sense and not fear mongering! My brother god a kidney transplant from my other brother, awesome best news in a long time. What a fucked up time for it. So my parents come down as 2 of there sons are having major surgery. The hospital says only 1 can visit each son. So if mom sees son A she can't see son B. For covid reason, minimal contact. So I get not letting many people in to hospitals to reduce contact. HOWEVER if A) it is parents with 2 children in major surgery, you don't think they should be able to see them both??? Have a fucking heart. B) These parents are going to eat together, hop in a truck to travel back and forth from the hotel together. Sleep in the same fucking bed. You don't think if one has it the other won't??? Has any thought gone into dealing with Covid or is it just meh.......

I hit a dry spell in video games. On the Witcher 3 for 3 or 4 th time now. Also doing the original Red Dead Redemption which is a fun game BUT it is always so hard to do backwards after having played the newer one. Like I bought Witcher 2 which supposedly is also amazing but I can't get into it. Not because the story or anything but because its just hard to watch.... Same as buying GTA San Andres, maybe one of my favs but I can't go back...... Anyways I was surprised wife said try Resident Evil 7 Biohazard. It is really good. First person so a few times, you'll jump. Also back to the original puzzle solving game over a shoot em up. I much prefer the puzzle solving. I hate to admit it. Makes me feel greasy but 23 hours over the long weekend and I finished it and a DLC for it. Now the wait for Cyberpunk continues. Marvels Avengers looks good but I am not paying $100 for it. Also totally not fair cyberpunk released a comic series. I had to pick the first issue up to check it out.

Schools are opening. The world is going mad over it. LET IT HAPPEN. The fact is every god damn year September / October kids get back together and the lil germ factories spread germs. So the simple fact is its coming, be prepared. On top of that children are overly affect by covid..... I am almost willing to bet within weeks that changes.... New theories that stop school. I am starting to not believe in covid.... But beside that, kids need school. YES books are very important BUT it is a social learning environment as well. Almost as important. Can you imagine how scarring this is to kids entering grade 1? They think this is normal? We are going to create an entire generation scared of everything, but I mean if it is a plandemic they will be easier to control. How many of these kids have already seen each other over the summer anyways, like just let them get back together. Sorry teachers I don't have your back on this one, the rest of us have been working since March, time to get back at it.

I hate to say it but does anyone even know who is still in he NHL playoffs this year? I couldn't get back into it when they started so late and any team I even halfassed cared about is gone now. So I guess just send me a text to let me know who won, when it all wraps up.

I am working on a TV blog so I won't be going to deep into this one but I am glad the Boys is back on. A fresh and funny take on supes! Just started Ozark and I have to say I should have listened and done this earlier. I think I will like it. I will just flat out include movies here and say there is none. I miss the overpriced theaters. I miss previews and popcorn. Well actually it was usually nacho chips and that liquid cheese and jalepenos. I have a goal of watching Scoob now that it is down in price for home rental. Tenet looks good, might try the theater in this brave new world for that one. Or New Mutants. Magik looks kick ass and I think it is funny she is all over the X titles right now, coincidence????

My last Covid rant is masks. Edmonton passed a mask bylaw and I laughed haha stupid. Then my city did as well, karma I guess. My favorite thing is how little its working. Cases still spiked. Did it really do anything? Except cause division? Oh Ill get to that... See I was sitting in a public bathroom the other day. My morning coffee worked through me and someone comes in. Does what they need to and leaves. They don't wash just carry on. So this germy bastard might have a mask but I am guessing his hands are the issue. Are we going to require gloves? What about drugs? I read in BC they are killing way more than Covid ever did. Or a super size tax? Obesity and diabetes are terrible and a strain on our healthcare. What about pumping money into mental health? This is really fucking with a lot of peoples state of mind. IMO there is a lot more we could do to make society healthier that needs done more than masks. I get it, some people want to wear masks and that is fine. Maybe they are older, immuno compromised, just feel better wearing one. That's all fine. I am not and tell you what I promise to distance, to sanitize and sneeze into my arm. You promise to let me live my life??? My thing is if you really are that worried, then maybe you should stay home. I don't mean to be rude but its the truth. If I genuinely was that afraid for my health I wouldn't risk it. I can be honest I kinda like being alive but I wouldn't expect 95% of society to change for me.

So I have to do a bit MORE whining. It has not been a great summer. Yes a big chunk of that is Covid. I lost my Europe trip, I was really looking forward to that. I had dreamed of it on and off since highschool. Shit was closed for the early part of spring, nothing to do about that. But as things slowly opened my own stubbornness has killed some of my joy. I didn't go to Jasper or Banff cause I refuse to wear a mask when I want to go out and enjoy shit. Didn't get in rounds of golf and fishing like I said I was going to when the year started. That's kinda on me, I admit it. So if I am honest I will have to say, this was a shit summer and ya some of it is on me. On top of that I am on a shitty string of luck. I bought a truck, 6 KMS that's all. Right off a showroom floor and damn was I happy! I drove it for a year and someone hit and run it. Now the nice thing is it is tiny BUT it is deep. It has to be fixed if I wanna keep a nice truck. I love BBQing, I think it was my 29th bday I bought myself a beaut of a Napoleon BBQ. I guess it had a great decade but the lid just fucking fell off the other night. I am going to see if I can fix it cause it is still a good BBQ but that sucks. That's a LOT of money to replace. I don't want a $100 special from Canadian Tire I want another good one. If it is time to retire it I guess I did get my worth from it. It watched a LOT of good times. My work, while I am grateful I have remained working has cut back on my sales calls. I am kind of a glorified telemarketer these days, that really sucks! 

The great Plandemic. Ok this is really my last, last covid rant. I put in my tinfoil hat for this one. March I didn't believe any of this. I was on board that this was a bad thing (I get it still is a bad thing) but slowly more and more questions are popping up for me. HOW does this keep getting worse and worse? As soon as it seems like there is reasonable ways to deal with it, it gets a new way to transmit. Justin Trudeau seems to want to bankrupt Canada. I don't blame people who are accepting CERB. If you are making more money on it why would you go back? I mean I think your dumbasses, you know it isn't free money right?? It will come back at tax time, or will it? Justin is just handing out that money. Who is paying for it? As a guy who worked the entire time are my taxes going up next spring?? OR are we actually shooting to bankrupt our nation? Look at the riots and unrest, mainly in the States but here as well. It could be cause they really feel this way, it also could be people have nothing to do! I could be wrong but I am thinking most "antifa" members are low earners. Well they have tons of free time now and free money. Why not go do dumbshit? Masks.... Absolutely divisive. I honestly don't think I have seen anything this divisive in history. Breaking our nation and well most nations in half. As this drags on, it seems more and more to me like a giant experiment on how people will react. 

I hate Justin Trudeau. It just goes on and on the reasons why. There has never been a more entitled, arrogant shitbag to be our PM in Canada. For some reason people keep voting for him??? Thank god less and a minority this time. It blows my mind his "wokeness" and being portrayed as some hero to the people is more important to him than actually doing anything useful. His latest fuck show move is $221 million for black enterpenuers. This money is great actually. Hell we could use that use that here in Alberta to try and jump start some other industries. NOT JUST FOR BLACKS. That's flat out racism. Any enterpanuer could use a boost. The bottom line is when a bank is looking into someone THEY DONT look at skin color. They look at credit and history and risk. Trust me, I am white AF and have been shut down a few times because I had made stupid choices in my past. So ear marking money based simply on skin color is racism. I keep seeing people say "oh banks have helped whites for years." No, I can flat out say no. Ole JT is trying to lock the woke vote because he knows non confidence is coming soon enough

I could go on and on. But this is already longer than I had planned. I have to work on actual writing now. Like the plan I laid out earlier on this blog. Wish me luck at actually doing what I set out to do. 


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