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March for our lives, is wrong!

The world keeps giving me shit to blog about when I wanna keep working on fiction! Yes I realize that is a first world problem. And I am glad to have it rather than nothing to write about but I wish it wasn't always so stupid.

See there was yet again a school shooting. It is a horrible hallmark but I remember the big one, Columbine. I was in grade 12 at the time. It shocked the world, we had an assembly the next day basically to say if you ever feel like this get help! We as a society hoped that it was a one off, we were proved very, very wrong. Mike Moore made a half assed movie about it. When it came out I was mind blown by it. When I realized many things can be given a slant (Thank you journalism school & making of a murderer) I took it with a grain of salt. But he did raise a very good point, WTF?! why were these shootings happening??? I am not gonna blog that, that would take a lot longer than I have but I am starting to get perturbed with this new anti gun BS going on. There is a LOT more than guns involved in this new epidemic.

Before I start though I do wanna say a couple gun nut things. Lets be honest a hand gun is for one thing. Killing people. You aren't about to go hunt with a 9mm. That one I don't have a problem with, if you want to keep one in your home for security by all means, have at 'er! But be honest it isn't a gun for anything more than killing people. Assault weapons do I wanna shoot one? Hellz ya!! However do I think an average guy needs or should even have access to them, hell no. Yes I am glad to know our armed forces have them, does Joe blow need them? Hard no. I won't defend the right to own them.

See first off, as dumb as it comes off to say, I believe guns do not kill people. I have both my long gun and hand gun permits. I can put either type of gun on the table and it wont kill people. I can ask it nicely, I can yell at it, I can even try and bribe it but it just won't happen. Someone has to make a choice to use that tool to kill. That's the truth about it. But now we have marches wanting to ban guns. There was a March for our lives about guns. Way to band aid that shit, the problem runs a lot deeper than saying no guns.... Remember say no to drugs or whatever old lady Reagan said, look how well that worked.

Ya in the wrong hands guns are bad.... I am not 100% sure but I don't think a lot of these shooting school & even accidental ones at home are done by illegal weapons. Anti gun activists will always use those stats to try and pad shootings. First off I think we need to separate them. These kids doing the shootings aren't going to the hood and buying them. They are getting them locally. This here is a gun owner problem, letting people have access to these weapons. Are they not properly stored? How are they making their way into the kids hands?

I would like to point out hundreds of people die in the city, in the "hood" yearly from gun crime. Was there ever a march for them?? To me it is almost sad, some kids live with this problem everyday, they live with illegal weapons problems everyday. No one does a damn thing. It isn't until a white person picks up a gun and goes and shoots up a white school that people march and scream. Seriously I see things saying white people problems about school shooting and I believe it. You want to make a real difference how about you help the people who have this shadow looming over their lives everyday! I am trying to say let's keep the two kinds of gun violence separate and lets look at how they actually end up in these peoples hands.

I am going to say right now I don't have the answer. That's not what this is, just my criticism on the stupidity surrounding gun control. As Mr. Moore pointed out people are quick to blame video games, music or anything else. Well I liked violent video games, listen to that devil music, was short and picked on and yes had access to guns but never once did shooting up a school come into my mind. Like I said I don't know why someone would do that, I don't have the answers but looking for scapegoats doesn't work.

So ya I don't have the answers but I can say guns don't kill people any more than music makes them angry and pushes them to do it. But the whole thing is this March for Our Lives.

WTF!! Kids, seriously kids have become a tool for anti gun nuts. You put crying children out to push a message? Wanna know the truth, kids are dumb! I was and right now antigunners are stuffing these young mind's full of anti gun ideas. Using their dead friends and peers to do it. There is something in that, that doesn't sit right with me. We could be teaching children safe gun practises OR better yet we could be teaching them not to be assholes that push kids into lashing out like this. We could be spending time as families raising decent humans who don't kill other kids but instead we are protesting guns.... A normal happy healthy child well they don't think "Hey let's go shoot up a school!"Something has gone terribly wrong for this idea to happen. The fact is there has always been troubled youth, they just didn't always go shoot the school. SO what changed? What makes people think this is okay? I put all my money on the decline of the family dinner around the kitchen table. I could be wrong but I am looking at parents. I am looking at a world where both parents have to work so the kids don't get the family time they once did. I am looking at that same family not having the discipline they once did. Kids are often little shits now, look at all the "bullying" (Don't get me started cause I fucking hate pink shirt day) does it stop? DO they kick punished or do you now read of some parents even helping? Like WTF? The world on a whole is breaking down and do you know where it starts? At home, with the family.

So don't parade kids in front of me crying out for gun control. Not when some parts of society live with it everyday and no one gave a fuck until white america killed white america. Not when Mr. Moore could have had me doing the same thing 20 years ago. Don't use tragedies to push agendas. The problem is much deeper than that, I never said I had the answers but you don't put a band aid on a fucking broken arm.


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